<<@Muffin192213 says : Neil you nothing more than a pencil neck geek!>> <<@bradrook3919 says : The Liberals are not voting Biden or whoever into office because they think he will do a good job...they don't care...they are simply voting Against Trump...even at the cost of the continued destruction of America...>> <<@joepoole4922 says : poor people donot create jobs>> <<@jamesfeeley4810 says : One of the first things Trump will do is unleash the oil industry which wont cure but should put a major dent in inflation.>> <<@1967davethewave says : We need to stop talking about who isn't paying "Their fair share" of taxes and start talking about where all the taxes are being spent.>> <<@StephenBanas-pj2is says : The democrats and Biden will try and suspend the November elections.>> <<@theresasmee456 says : Not a fan of Cavuto!>> <<@timtorkelson7201 says : Host was having hard time listening to Mr. Wonderful's commen sence!! He's always leaned left!!šŸ˜>> <<@leschortos9196 says : How come Kevin did not run for President, because hes a Canuck...>> <<@harrybosch8972 says : The people that still support are the real lefties Trump Haters, and well to do. This makes up approx. 30% of the population.>> <<@titanbubble98w13 says : I wholeheartedly agree with Kevin on the issue of not punishing our entrepreneurs in America and that America was built on the backs of entrepreneurs.>> <<@Paul-ns8fr says : @justshambling,thank you for voteing for Trumph 2024..your not a loser..>> <<@benpatterson4429 says : Kevin O'Leary is 100% right>> <<@toddjorgensen729 says : Cavuto sucks. No clue how the real world functions>> <<@mikehannan8932 says : Pretty sure Bribe'em has run out of lies and gaslighting techniques. America is fed up>> <<@FueledbyBlockchain says : Faceless conglomerates buy entrepreneurs they donā€™t reward them. They let them do all the work and then swoop in buy it for a songā€¦>> <<@FueledbyBlockchain says : Shocker the Billionaire is scared of capital gains increasesā€¦>> <<@CryptoBellwether says : Kevin creates Billions in taxes from all the people he hires and it's ECONOMIC IGNORANCE OF THE AOC'S of the World that doesn't get that. Less tax = more tax.>> <<@CryptoBellwether says : I wish FOOD prices were only up 30%, that's not remotely the number. They've shrunk the packages 30% then pumped price 75% +>> <<@tekguru6213 says : Exactly.. Thank you for stepping up against the swamp Kevin.>> <<@cctlg says : Let's make it TOOOOO BIG TO RIG>> <<@michellec1866 says : According to IRS, the top 10% paid 70% taxes.>> <<@wadewishloff870 says : Go Trump!>> <<@wolfalaska7638 says : No mention of the billions of government dollars put into the hands of 20 million illegal immigrants who moved to U.S. since 2020. That is huge spending power they have received. They also require enough food for 20 billion additional meals per year Powerful forces which affect higher inflation. Let's Roll ! Wolf šŸŗ>> <<@nfamusRyno says : A good majority of voters don't mess with the topic of capital gains. They just know about straight up taxes. So that talking point is lost on most people. I understand it, but I'm not in that group. We care more about regular tax rates and how that system is broken. No one ever "fixes" it. Income tax, corporate tax fall under language people at least have some grasp on. But what irks people the most is the fact most politicians are or become millionaires..and then talk about "richer" people versus the lower and middle class.>> <<@user-xm4db3mt9q says : At least people worked for the money. Where did Biden get his money? not from gov't salary. How much does he pay?>> <<@tommarymarking1579 says : When 5% pay over 50% of the taxes and half don't pay any income tax, IMO they are paying their fair share.>> <<@SammyB-Habebe says : Imagine Kevin is the Prime Minister of Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ„ā€ā™€ļø>> <<@JohnDoe-ui5gm says : First off you have a businessman talking about saving middle class tax dollars?? Hahahaha This is funny just on the surface. They need us poor folks to vote for Trump so they can keep their tax breaks. Its plain as day, but we are the people that stand in line for $1500 cellphones that have the same features as the previous soooo....I guess that explains how dumb we are.>> <<@JohnDoe-ui5gm says : Believe the mumbling truth teller and not the yelling liar.>> <<@ThomasButryn says : Kevin speaks the truth.>> <<@stevehernandez1357 says : I don't trust Cavuto and for that reason, I'm out.>> <<@warddc says : I dunno. Maybe instead of punishing the rich we could maybe STOP SPENDING!!>> <<@bettycurry6752 says : Neil please leave Foxā€¦..you are part of the problemā€¦.fold your tent and find another line of workā€¦anything but journalismā€¦.>> <<@iflarnted says : CNN and MSNBC crucify Biden on debate night, then try to walk it back the next day. The leftist media is beyond pathetic.>> <<@darbyheavey406 says : Biden blew up M2ā€¦..>> <<@easyeddystrees says : O'Leary is top shelf next presidential choice after the end of Donald Trump's second term. Who else has noticed?>> <<@carlatamanczyk3891 says : Is Cavuto a Brandon supporter..??>> <<@robertmartin995 says : I would have more sympathy for a Bill Gates or A Jeff Bezos or Facebook dude except for they're the ones that put Joe Biden in office!>> <<@3Beehivesto300 says : Interest paid on national debt? Anyone? Anyone???>> <<@joecarosella7418 says : Hereā€™s the part thatā€™s been irking meā€¦the Dems keep claiming Trump lied the whole time. I donā€™t claim he didnā€™t ā€œlieā€ or misstate anything, but anytime i ask a Dem what exactly he lied aboutā€¦.i canā€™t get an answer. They just heard the news say he lied and donā€™t have any answers. Iā€™m not even trying to challenge them when i ask, i donā€™t doubt he said some incorrect things up there (which to me isnā€™t lying, especially since a lot of what he said was more of an opinion thing rather than a fully quantifiable statement)>> <<@sampickel1030 says : Cavuto is absolute garbage. Biggest Trump hater there is.>> <<@christopherwilson7434 says : Kev conflation corporate tax rates with capital gains tax rates due to Trudeau's capital gains increase in Canada. LOL>> <<@andydeniseposey426 says : Cavity used to be pretty good and tried to stay down the middle until Trump came along. Since then he has changed so much and seems to have soured. Now I can't stand him.>> <<@williambrown4058 says : Neil is actually sick that Trump is winning. He's a weasel.>> <<@rustythecat2163 says : Like listening to Kevin, ā€œMr. Wonderfulā€, Oā€™Leary! He is a very bright bulb on the tree!>> <<@MarcusVinicius-we2pg says : Taxing more the rich isn't wrong!!!! Never was never will be!!>> <<@AnamarieJensen-rt5fi says : You need to banned federal corporates to united states of america>> <<@dougiep2769 says : What works is the trickle up economy.. made in america and made in canada>> <<@dougiep2769 says : Sorry but if your currency is losing 15 % are you really making anything on the stock market?>>