<<@frqntplatypus7968 says : Who tf are these undecided voters? How do you go through the last few yrs with these polarized parties and are still on the fence over what side to choose, wtf?>> <<@jameshendley1975 says : Full blown dementia or not democrats need to vote blue no matter what.>> <<@capoman1 says : Winning.>> <<@shastamccoy7777 says : I wouldn't trust Frank Luntz to predict the sunrise.>> <<@capoman1 says : Just wait til they publish Ashley Biden's diary with dad's shower exploits.>> <<@richcoe9273 says : The kid that delivers my newspaper made the same prediction. Polster, or Captain Obvious?>> <<@capoman1 says : Not only did Biden and the Dems lose all credibility with this bed wetting performance, so did cnn and msnbc.>> <<@capoman1 says : CNN MSNBC have been gaslighting in mass, telling us Biden sounds great, economy and inflation is great, immigratiin and crime are great.... How did it feel to have entire networks 24 7 lie and tell you not to trust your own eyes?>> <<@capoman1 says : Joe was supposed to be the uniter in chief. Looks like he can't even successfully unite Democrats.>> <<@capoman1 says : Then apparently Joe took his cold to a Waffle House to shake hands and infect everyone.>> <<@capoman1 says : 6:03 Democracy is at stake? Democrats didn't allow a primary. Democrats didn't allow voters to choose Bernie.... twice. Democrats just want power and control. They don't value democracy. Democracy is a tagline they use to fear monger.>> <<@capoman1 says : Now you see why Joe doesn't do interviews or take questions.>> <<@capoman1 says : Remember. 81mil people apparently voted for THIS GUY.>> <<@markwarren7959 says : Fast forward 4 days and Biden is being shown the door by all his allies except his elder abusing wife/Dr. Jill.>> <<@Baldwin321 says : I wish to diversify my assets by investing in ETFs/index funds and stocks of corporations with stable cash flows. I received $400k from the selling of my condo in Mansfield. Do I need some sort of asset manager to achieve this?>> <<@estyb8837 says : Those who voted for Biden in 2020 were fooled by the democrats. Look what Biden has done to our country… he was just a puppet, these socialist liberals was manipulating him destroying USA. Wake up undecided voters and democrats! Trump has already proven his fruitful presidency… great economy, peace in the country and foreign relation, energy independent, vaccine for Covid, with his personality he is in command for the good of our country.>> <<@animallover7850 says : Lefty media branch of the DNC has never stood with facts and truths for years and years>> <<@Think-dont-believe says : RFK ALL THE WAY!!!!.>> <<@stkane102 says : These same people then stood in line at Starbucks for 15 hours and congratulated each other for being Leftie gas bags>> <<@lanikutcher4045 says : Oh yay Luntz independent voters love what's happening at the border and all the crime and inflation drugs pouring into the country>> <<@JMBAmericanIronShallNotBeInfri says : Just more gaslighting as they begrudgingly are forced to admit Biden's performance was devastating to his run for a 2nd term!>> <<@danrode104 says : Frank Putz... The poster pig for playing both sides of the fence... The Putz was the bum who came up with the right wing slogan "global warming"..... He's a bag of shit dust.... Joe won that debate hands down if you pay attention to facts and truth. Putz doesn't say one word about that here... Vote Blue 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙>> <<@Sunny_Now_and_Then says : CNN set Biden up and I no longer believe anything they tell me. CNN now has zero credibility.>> <<@cuzz63 says : Trump came across like a bully picking on the special ed kid. The problem is we dont need a special ed kid running the country. Vote 3rd party.>> <<@KpxUrz5745 says : Over many years, and even decades, I have never seen a single good or redeeming quality from Joe Biden. The man has been a power-hungry but hapless Beltway hack, B-S-er, and fraud over his entire life. And this "shock" that Democrats express since the debate that they had no idea he is so weak, halting, confused, and senile is just pathetic. It only shows us that all those millions of Democrats have never paid attention to current events, but have always just voted out of old habit, and never out of actually seeing the man and how egregiously he fails at every task. And that, my friends, is even a huge understatement. America is weakened on every front under this not-too-smart excuse for a President. This did not start recently! Shame on this nation for ever putting Joe Biden into office!>> <<@gemguy6812 says : The MSM will start showing the footage of Biden’s gaffs and missteps. When he was their guy they didn’t show ‘em. They will start now so we can get our first DEI president and it ain’t Kamala, IMHO of course.>> <<@nineiron1481 says : "Historian Allan Lichtman is credited to have predicted 9 out of 10 election results correctly. Amid clamors for replacing Joe Biden as the Democrat's presidential candidate, he said it could cost the Democrat the 2024 election.">> <<@ronsmith1429 says : Donald Trump said he wants to ba a. Dictator on day one. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in order to sustain their public support.>> <<@bajaskier says : What about Bidens lying?>> <<@HurshRoad says : Lutz is a dope>> <<@prime-rib says : Luntz looks more and more depressed and desperate the closer we get to election day.....love it>> <<@josephshields2922 says : "Another bad debate performance will hurt Biden"- Wow. what insight! You need an expert to tell you that?>> <<@tommyhenderson4523 says : I'm tired of struggling eating potted meat sandwiches..never ever vote for a democrat...TRUMP 2024>> <<@tommyhenderson4523 says : Forget about the debate we starving out here because of Joe biden ...bidenomics my butt look what this corrupt lier has done he's ruined our lives and our country....TRUMP 2024>> <<@johnbumgardner7977 says : President Trump won the debate Biden is a POS and a liar>> <<@AA-nb2gy says : Luntz=2 strokes EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. WHY does this vegetable have a job?>> <<@saluki7651 says : PROJECT OR OPERATION? DEFINITELY MOCKINGBIRD.>> <<@THEAdmiralXizor says : This is all about turnout. Trump will win a clean election.>> <<@briananderson8797 says : Biden needs to resign right away. This is a disaster for the Democrat party and they are afraid to remove him. I blame Obama and his associates for not trying to get Biden to step aside. He will be 82 in November and is aging quickly.>> <<@carljensen5730 says : The better question is what is REALLY going on that the media LIED about Biden's mental health for months, allowed millions to vote in the primary, and only now have made a 180 degree turn? Even if they replace him, THAT would be an affront to democracy and the millions who voted in the primary, not to mention won't change the outcome as it is too little too late. There is no strong enough contender standing in the wings. Most people have never heard of the guy from California or the lady from Michigan, and nobody wants word salad Harris. Why weren't the primary voters told the TRUTH before they cast their votes? Something doesn't smell right.>> <<@chamikakpe1987 says : CNN your the problem. CNN you are such liars.>> <<@carljensen5730 says : Biden did a LOT of lying himself. He lied about border patrol endorsement, he lied about inflation, he lied about immigration, etc.>> <<@carljensen5730 says : Trump actually had a masterclass debate. He was much more subdued because if he was his normal super high energy person, it would have come across as elder abuse. He brought enough energy to seem like the same Trump mentally, but he held back to not appear abusive to an OLD man.>> <<@carljensen5730 says : CNN gave the election to Trump 30 seconds after the debate.>> <<@Johnny5 says : Who cares about persona? Persona doesn't make policy or get laws passed that help Americans. I care about our super high Inflation, thanks to Biden!!>> <<@amaree9732 says : Ha, Ha, Ha, and another Ha! We told you Dems Biden was way too old>> <<@matta5498 says : The only worse debate will be when Kamala debates Trump's vice president pick.>> <<@stephenholcomb9278 says : Frank is in the TANK for Dems>> <<@creynolds588 says : I would love for Kamala to take his spot and get DESTROYED by Trump. MEN will NOT vote for her just like they didn't vote for Hillary.>> <<@user-uj8zg8fg4t says : He hates Trump can’t believe anything he says about Trump that’s why fake news whose ratings are in the toilet exactly where they belong. MAGA TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸>>