<<@lezbody3558 says : Vote one nation and Australian citizens party get rid of the duopoly party labor liberal greens they've held Australia back for years now>> <<@IronMikeNoMore says : I was abused by Laurie Watkins in 2020 and no one cares because I have a disability. QLD hates people with disabilities.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Australians should read Josephine Cashman's substacks, one titled "The Empire 2.0: UN-veiling the Global Plot of Recolonisation" should point people in the right direction yet the uni-party pretend they don't know what's going on, it's been going on for decades but both undermine us with confusion, distractions and deceit. In 1973, Gough Whitlam also signed Australia over to the foreign UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of Australia to “foreign powers”, head office Rome The Queensland LNP voted with Labor on Treaty and still sided with Labor after "The Voice Referendum" but received a huge back lash, will they abolish the Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts department if they win?>> <<@user-pn9lb8sr2p says : It's time for giggles and his useless government to be voted out,,,,we voted NO to this sort of division due to your race its easy get a job and work like the rest of us do??😂>> <<@MarkHardstaff-p8m says : These people voting one nation will guarantee Labor wins the next election.>> <<@paddlesmcbean2366 says : The reason they are keeping it hidden is they know there would be a massive backlash from the public.>> <<@alexdrake5048 says : ALP SCUM LIE>> <<@foff3379 says : Terrorist posing as politicians>> <<@Malenasib says : They are never going to work, my neighbours are aboriginals smocking pot all day while their kids play around, mother and daughter 4 kids each, with useless partners, do you think their kids ever will work, is better being unemployed!!>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : Let's see how longer Australia will keep refusing to sign Aboriginal international, universal, absolute, and legally binding human rights into constitutional law.>> <<@tonyd3027 says : We voted NO for a reason, Labor are hopeless and clearly dont listen to the majority which will be their downfall. No suprise with a leader like Anthony "handsome boy" Albanese, Linda " i cant string a sentence together" Burney, Katie "bully boy" Gallagher, Andrew " i only let out rapists" Giles, Penny " but i am a woman" Wong , Chris "we can all afford a $200k EV ute" Bowen, Jim " i cant count" Chalmers and Clare " i only wear red lipstick" Oneil....what a list of losers.>> <<@user-qo5kt2ux5o says : There needs to be laws put in place to stop politicians from being able to sell or give away public commodities or public lands within our borders with criminal charges and lengthy minimum sentence jail periods>> <<@madddevil1 says : Australia voted NO>> <<@weekendwithbevoblog2171 says : Don't we live in a democracy?>> <<@kurjan1 says : I have some questions... How much was that wind farm? How much oil is required to service that wind farm every year? How long do the windmills last? What happens to them at the the end of their serviceable life? What impact do they have on the local ecosystems? Just a couple of basic questions...>> <<@kennethrichardson8311 says : And what does the Aboriginal Institute for Geological and Scientific Studies have to say about these issues, they have been far too quiet for too long?>> <<@robertbrady2003 says : Why should they have access, if you want your parcel of land WHICH YOU DON'T OWN stay out of White Society you can't have it both ways, no white man shops,clothes ,cars etc etc ,be true to yourselves don't be RACIST and think whites owe you ,THEY DON'T you were killing each other before white man landed and you are like spoiled little children throwing a tantrum because you got beat in battle !>> <<@KerryRandall-ov6mm says : The land belongs to all Australians, funny how they claim places that have made money...give em all the N.T.n make em all live their not to venture across borders they want everything for nothing...yeah don't sit right with me>> <<@peterjackson5225 says : Labor spent $450 million on blacks ..Labor has destroyed Australia. Queensland is first to vote Labor out>> <<@captainmanic says : Abolish native title!>> <<@JohnWilliams-iw6oq says : Who do our major parties represent if they refuse to represent the majority? Surely all such governments are illegitimate and deserve to be deposed which is what we now see happening with the so called conservatives and socialists of the UK and Europe. The people over there are changing their voting habits not because they want to but because they have had to in order to find political representation. We need to wake up to ourselves as well.>> <<@rob6543 says : Australians have given enough it’s our land not some so called people that think they are owed something ,there not, show me their evidence like blood line if they are 100% indigenous I’m 11% so I was told in my DNA SO WHAT we all came from somewhere>> <<@whynotthisname2019 says : I know port douglas is on the hit list>> <<@mccallsensei3293 says : You get what you vote for! But people never learn. Have a look at the Western world with LEFTARDS governing.>> <<@user-ed5hp9ll7q says : More corruption ftom State Labor.Same thing happened with Sale of Keswick Island off Mackay.Given away with Secrecy with the local Member front and centre.All given away in Secrecy to the most evil regime in the world, China.>> <<@johnkauppi7078 says : A life time of poverty? If a person does not work, they will be poor. Why can't the aboriginals get a job like all the rest of us have to? It's just sheer laziness.>> <<@user-gm4tx2rm1i says : Miles has been taking lessons in being secretive from Albo.Victorian premier is just as bad.>> <<@scottcannell5584 says : That 500 million should have went to fixing the Collie power station getting the turbine that got damaged 3 yrs ago. This is absolute Ludacris this Qld government needs to get its priorities right. Bring on October and vote this useless Mr giggles and the labour party out>> <<@Lordknty says : Negatively speaking i would say........and f that f them and i hate them.......>> <<@Lillyboo65640 says : Make Qld the first place for the 2 Nuclear reactors, then we will be the first ones to have really cheap electricity & then the voters in other states will want to follow us. If anyone doesn't want to live close to the Nuclear sites, fine, sell up & let others who have no problem with it, to buy up !!! It will bring money, jobs, schools, hospitals, doctors, everything better to those towns !!! Queensland first please 👍 Labor is done at the next election - finally !!!>> <<@juneallan4903 says : If a country takes care of its health then you have much more reliable workers and happier people.when I say health I don't just mean hospitals.i mean chiropractors.massages,get away from pharmaceutical pills doctors hand out like lollies.there are more natural ways to treat cancers.doctors get a cut % of chemo drugs that they give to cancer patients. Most chemo patients treatment cost over 70 thousands dollar and more.>> <<@googiesfairyfarm4834 says : Here in the U.S. we call that career trajectory “failing upward.”>> <<@jimijamesjowitt says : Same racist crap as New Zealand. Taking land from taxpayers pockets. They want a silver spoon life by demanding thinga based on their race. No time for elitists race based crap in this day. If you didnt earn it, its not yours. Plain and simple. Sick of hearing peoples race gains them wealth. My aboriginal heritage is being neglected and forgotten about. Nothing to bother with mentioning other than it has caused me to suffer racism from both sides of the race arguments.>> <<@stewatparkpark2933 says : Everything is secret under QLD Labor .>> <<@ZELJKO472 says : Back to ancient tribalism, race and ethnicity. Divide and conquer. Some revenge then revenge will be revenged. Rinse and repeat. Australians more divided on all sorts of things, more than ever. Now everyone is in a tribal identity whether by race, gender, sex, class, political ideology......>> <<@mdancey19.37 says : Current and previous Queensland governments. They don't care about north of Rockhampton.>> <<@pattodox says : Vote one nation>> <<@keithhamilton3399 says : I know where 1 is redland council (labour)rate payers footing the bill to fight against that, labour gov funding the land council s legal costs,big chunk of land .there has to be a rort in there somewhere!>> <<@Tomo-hp8ql says : Wat happened for Labour to being transparent . Another lie . Wat are they hiding ? 40 billion a year and land grabs . It will never end . Gimme mob>> <<@littereverywhere says : Who cares about Aboriginal names? Why no cheap rentals?>> <<@ianjones7740 says : VOTE LABOR OUT ! FEDERAL. OUT ! STATE. OUT ! LOCAL. OUT ! Vote ONE NATION ! GET RID OF LABOR FOREVER !!!!!>> <<@17th_Street_Preacher says : Woke invasion>> <<@donotcomply665 says : Excuse me, these bureaucrats are OUR servants>> <<@ismzaxxon says : Other people were here before Aboriginals. Double standards.>> <<@stuartproctor6642 says : enough handouts work like everyone else or get nothing!>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : My family will holiday in Queensland the day after Boy Wonder and his cronies get voted out!!!>> <<@PhillipMcCallum says : Windfarms are useless,Qld is in need of help, roads and hospitals, eg I was told in Logan after waiting for 2 hours it will be another 7hr wait to see a doctor. Why was I there? Because I had a bleed, I could not stop. No one even looked at my leg.hospital are drastically under staffed.>> <<@PhillipMcCallum says : Smiles is a scam so much for labours being upfront and being transparent, roll on The elections,>> <<@davidscott5209 says : The Uniparty is destroying our nation. Dutton's change of heart gives some hope that the madness may end at some stage.>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : You have to reveal the locations. So that the people affected by those claims can - file counter claims in court. Again why wont labor reveal the locations - unless you are doing something - you want no-one to see. You can't operate government or your legal system in that way. As the respondents - have to have enough time - to know who is affected. Again labor is - always will be - immoral - corrupt - useless.>>