<<@happyman9113 says : Don’t underestimate Joe’s Ability to F**k things up - Barack Obama 🤣>> <<@MargaritaCanova says : Why are you using that word hate? have you talk to the people that dislike Trump or Biden? Have they used that word hate you’re the one that’s promoting the hatred by using that word. Trump did not do anything wrong? It was a debate pushing that hatred narrative. That’s very cool of you and unprofessional Trump treated him with respect he could’ve torn into him, but he didn’t because he could see the state he was in never watch. I will never watch too awful people again. Stop spewing that hatred talk.>> <<@MargaritaCanova says : Why are you using that word hate? have you talk to the people that dislike Trump or Biden? Have they used that word hate you’re the one that’s promoting the hatred by using that word.>> <<@frednewman2162 says : Cruel? The guy is suppose to be the leader of the US, and he can’t function. That’s not cruel, it should be a point imbedded into everyone that he’s not fit for office, that his whole administration is not fit for office! Lady it’s not cruel, it should have been published 4 years ago so that our country wouldn’t have had to go through this!>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : Sky news should rebrand to Fox News 😂>> <<@willbygosh4887 says : Biden needs to step down!>> <<@chrissyjones-major1557 says : Anyone with half a brain knows that the world’s most powerful country is a mess and corrupt. Demoncray is gone in the USA. Poor bastards they are so fake they’ve lost their sense of reality and truth. We were warned that this was going to happen. Excuse me but RFK is also hard to follow. He’s not even in the running.>> <<@wr3add says : How did this discussion turn into women complaining about how women complain 🧐>> <<@gryphus64 says : A fair question.............'WHO IS IN CHARGE!" it's obviously not BIDEN!!!>> <<@Absaalookemensch says : If Trump were a Democrat, would the Left still oppose him? Be honest if you dare. Democrats want Biden re-elected no matter how severe his dementia is. This is who has command authority of the US nuclear forces. The Left supports who they are told to support and opposes who they are told to oppose.>> <<@Cantsaydog says : Newsflash Mr. potato head has done nothing right his whole life his whole family is corrupt to the core and nothing has been done about it and nothing will be done about it just talk talk talk This country is a joke>> <<@edlee8949 says : Yesterday's presidential debate is actually turning into a senior abuse on the national scale.>> <<@sharonkeasling4403 says : Do we want Harris? NO!!>> <<@karenwithers6671 says : The only way Biden can win if they jail trump so don't be surprised when it happens , democracy is dead>> <<@unitedwestand5100 says : Why are all these people acting surprised? They've been denying, and telling lies to cover for Biden for more than 4 years. Now they expect us to be as phony as they are, and as stupid as Biden voters.. Sorry, it ain't going to happen... LOL>> <<@paulfitzpatrick3090 says : Small Business Women Australia? What's the connection with US President>> <<@ccbean1335 says : Complain about high interest,high inflation, high immigration…keep voting democrat/leftist.>> <<@kallekas8551 says : Well…what’s the alternative? A lying, scandalous, insurrectionist, corrupt rapist? What has happened to this world and it’s morals?>> <<@carolparry9323 says : Note to Jill Biden you may think it's fine to stand by your Man but that is not what is happening. This man belongs in a nursing home not leading the country and by the way, I have been a Democrat for 50 years. There is no way Joe Biden belongs in the oval office. And Obama should hang his head in shame for using a man with dementia for his own agenda>> <<@bradblalock3057 says : Australia has their own issues and are in a worse position than the US. It would be wise to stay in your own lane and fix your own problems first.>> <<@Diponty says : See the left brainwashed Sleepy into thinking he was Super Prez. And Jill fed him that BS every hour of the day as she loves the little first Doctor lady. Notice she is always with him now. That is so no one can come up to Joe and say pssst...time to go. She is a shield to deflect them sword rattling's. She is the force they need to circumvent this train wreak. But LOL....The dems are that stupid they have created a monster they can't control. The opposite to the puppet they had, now he is a liability, and they can't get rid of him, unless Jill agrees. Enter very large secret payout...watch this space....>> <<@wildflower434 says : Here’s is The Democrats and Biden’s Reality. Yes, RFK deserves to be on the debate stage. Would had made the debate great? Maybe? Would had gave people other options of another candidate vision? Maybe? RFK, is a liberal Democrat. And his Vision for America is just as sloppy as Joe Biden. Here’s the other Problem? Since RFK was another Liberal Democrat, now Independent. Let’s remind ourselves. WhyJoe Biden ran RFK and Cornell West out from under the Democratic Party. Why the Democrats and Biden had completely violated RFK and West’s Rights and election interference? Sounds familiar? They made that Party and the Election all about and only Joe Biden. Biden did not want competition from any others. So Who pushed RFK and West out? They were deliberately, skillfully, strategically had pushed RFK and West out in the streets from under the Democratic Party. Instead being outraged against Israel, on the whole Palestinian homeland? Why in the HELL The voters did not gone on a rampage or protested on what The Democrats was doing to RFK and West? They have right, deserve to be heard? They also had campaigned, fund raised, and people had voted for them? When Biden and the Democrats called West and RFK as liar? Did you believed when they said it about Trump? Now, YOU and everyone sounds like Biden. After this Debate saying, shoulda-coulda-woulda! RFK should had been there on stage? Ask yourself, again … Why? And Now, here is the other reality check about Biden. They can market Trump have lied. But Biden never answered the real hardcore questions. Who did Biden FIRED for Afghanistan debacle, the Border? For so many bad decisions. Like spy ballon, the economy, giving monies to Iran, that fueled terrorism against Israel? Who in the HELL Biden had FIRED, from his administration to be accountable for their actions, the crimes that was committed, to save his policies, to save his credibility, or to Save the image of United States of America? Biden ran his Administration like he never cared. And no accountability, no checks and balances. And no one will never- ever be fired. It was all about himself and Hunter. And besides. Joe Biden agreed to the date, time, the rules of the debate. The Debate was more in Biden’s favor versus Trump. Biden was set up to win, from CNN. Biden chosen The Two Moderators. But instead. Trump not only exposed more about Biden as a weak leader. But The Idiots who supported and kissed Biden’s rear. Was just as a fool of believing him and putting their own money up for him to win. Being Kind and Grandfatherly, will not make a great Leader. STUPID! Grandfather never had the skills. Just completely corrupted and a dirty player. Trump is definitely is not a liar. What was exposed was extremely painfully. Everyone was played Stupid. Including, from Obama and The Clintons too! SURPRISED 😲And Good Morning! You finally woke up! Biden, and The Democrats had sold you out! 🤦‍♀️>> <<@DMTme0 says : I bet there is a lot of Democrats packing their bags after that debate😂😂😂😂>> <<@DMTme0 says : Huessein Obama looks like he’s got aids>> <<@peterbravestrong says : What a biased hateful person disguised as a guest turned out to be.>> <<@mauricejones735 says : Joe Biden is the product of the Far Left Media... The media thinks they are the US Constitution and the US Law. The far left Media think they know best and that they should make or break Presidents for the rest of us... So long as the far left media issue is not addressed in USA; America will continue to decline... And that is the real threat to our Democracy.>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : The Cost Of Living Crisis Institute Of Australia has released a media statement concerning the recent American presidential debate. Sofa king what, seriously, who gives a rats what the septic tanks are bullshiting about. This is Stralia mate, we need food, power and beer, mainly beer.>> <<@gregoryuschold3870 says : Didn’t Do Well? Jill had to assist him off the debate stage.>> <<@francescostello1377 says : Really, you don't say, come on sky don't be scared of telling the truth we all know anyway. The so called leader of the free world the US lol, their president, Zionist Neo con genocide Joe Biden, is clearly suffering from dementia., didn't do to well lol, it was an unmitigated disaster fgs, and the funniest part is that the UK collective west Inc Australia follow every word this senile old man says, how's that for dillusional.>> <<@jehudavis5422 says : Fhuck politicians im voting for trump!!!!>> <<@Stacey-ul3oe says : Jon Stewart for President 🇺🇸👍 Biden steps down or not up to Jill, so stubborn wife. Michelle is getting ready.>> <<@musicloverchicago437 says : People think it's cruel to put Biden on a debate stage? If he can't handle an easy debate for which every rule was created to make things easier for him, then how the heck can he possibly be running the country?>> <<@user-zc4lc2dr7k says : Biden needs to just admit his defeat and hand the presidency over to trump now. Your deteriorating brain is costing America and Americans innocent murdered victims killed by illegals and unknown foreign criminals you biden let into the u.s. illegally, trump beat you fair and square, so face it, you lost because of your deteriorating brain, and you are going to keep loosing, why do you want to keep disgracing yourself like this. Like I always say, to each his own, which means, no matter how much of a disgrace you are, and you know it, you are still going to keep being a disgrace. Trump 2024❤.>> <<@WhaleBonz-hi9wl says : when Biden continues to seek re election he is goona lose so dramatically he will have his loss as his legacy>> <<@JoBlack-dg6ey says : Joe has turned the Democrats into the Democraps>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : Trump has always championed every pro business policy Rose has ever espoused. Rose needs to check her own TDS.>> <<@Necropheliac says : Biden can’t even go out and campaign without staging any given event because half the people on the liberal side will boo and protest him in front of the cameras. You see Trump going into random places with huge crowds of people cheering for him, and in contrast Biden walks into an empty, quiet sandwich shop because they have to mostly clear it out before he goes in there. Biden is deeply unpopular and everyone can see it.>> <<@jazzysnaps says : I actually felt sorry for him>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : Funny how some commentators suggest Biden did well comparatively to Trump and that Biden just wasn’t having his best day.. I don’t know what they were watching because it was more like elder abuse than a debate. Is it any wonder the world has turned to sh$t when the “leader of the free world” is suffering dementia, and controlled by Left wing groups, corrupt companies and a wife who treats him like a child. What a mess..>> <<@czarcastic1458 says : Don't Australians have their own issues with their government?>> <<@AnthonyMartinez-fx8pr says : Where did you find this woman?? She is supose to be a buisness woman?? She can't tell the difference between the economy under Trump and the one under Biden. I wonder if she would let Biden run her buisness.😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@raymartin3527 says : Biden has lost another 1.5 percent of his base just since the debate.>> <<@JS-rn1tj says : SOS, America needs help.😢>> <<@emperordalektardis says : Biden's performance was awful. But so was Trump's. Trump couldn't directly answer a single question and lied with every response.>> <<@user-zh5ri2fx8t says : Stop contradicting yourselves. One news says Trump failed miserably and Biden faired better, and now you say Biden didn't do well. Sky News, you just made a fool of yourselves yet again!>> <<@wategoslife8371 says : Man o pause Not a taboo subject.>> <<@juliabaumer8315 says : 54 is not even retirement age people are losing their jobs Americans need help now not later.>> <<@EZZMONEY says : Young, white and female and leans left and the main reason this is almost always the pattern? Cuz every *dude* on the planet wants in their pants and they can't resist the attention and have zero discipline so they start leaning left from the soft spot they have for that attention 🙄. Weak creatures 🙄>> <<@crobinson9165 says : Promice promice promice is what im afraid jfk would do>> <<@FoulOwl2112 says : The Hell with him running. He needs to be removed from office immediately.>>