<<@annieacevedocruz says : far right? You guys are a joke.>> <<@PhilipCharlesBukuku says : Vive le France!!?🎉🎉>> <<@Sabrina-7728 says : Macron can cry now on the shoulders of his husband Brigitte>> <<@666mengel says : The french are totally fed up with liberals!!>> <<@user-iz3dq5sz3h says : Macron’s greatest achievement- making Le Pens party electable. Well done Jupiter.>> <<@markhuckercelticcrossbows7887 says : does that mean he`s going to repay uk the millions he took, for his fake cost patrols?>> <<@deeprollingriver52 says : Why does Macron’s wife wear such an ill fitting, horrible wig?>> <<@dixonpinfold2582 says : (1) Just as from the North Pole all points are South, from the Left Pole all points are Right. (2) But I do find Le Pen's flat-out Putinist rhetoric terrifying. If she wins she will at last get access to full intelligence briefings. Those, I hope, will snap her out of it.>> <<@stevebrown2540 says : French journalists are excellent. But they never realized this: foreign governments mock the French by talking about Mrs. Macron and the fact that she is a trans woman.>> <<@garydurandt4260 says : Hard right?, sounds like common sense to me.>> <<@manah5479 says : Wtf sky he called this a month ago>> <<@homers7777 says : They are sick of woke, alphabet people and muslims.. hopefully Australia goes the same way.>> <<@chuckselvage3157 says : I don't like that term "Snap" sounds like a command. EAuto Macaroni should go he's a tool.>> <<@edwelndiobel1567 says : Listen, anything that isnt hardcore leftist these days will be labelled as "far right" or fascist or racist yadda yadda yadda, the media is dog crap.>> <<@user-rs9rw7sb1x says : Macron 🌟🌟🌟🌟>> <<@adrianryan5654 says : What?! French citizens will come first in France? Oh the ignominy…>> <<@user-xw2jf4fn1h says : All liberals throughout the world are liars everything they dont like is racist>> <<@beverlyaten1775 says : It is Not racist to not be nationally suicidal! France should belong to the French!>> <<@nadenconjamalay8702 says : Please define hard right. People who want to fight for their country and the French 🇫🇷 people ought to be its priority, should they be called far right or patriotic. 🇬🇧>> <<@jamieriglin1511 says : No hard right just normal people who had enough>> <<@AMERFIN says : The right is not far right, but the far left is far out of touch with reality.>> <<@englishincontext4025 says : Macron's wife doesn't do herself any favours wearing that hayrick on her head. It's ghastly. They say that France's is about to step into 'unknown' ... but the ordinary folk (those bearing the brunt of globalist policies, currently have the 'known', which is an ever-widening gap between rich and working-class, social strife with rampant immigration, ordinary people unable to afford to live in large cities where the jobs and opportunities are, and pushed out into the poor suburbs and rural areas where their is social strife and higher rates of crime due to 'cultural enrichment'. I personally would vote for the 'unknown'.>> <<@barry6768 says : MAKE AUSTRALIA SPEAK ENGLISH AGAIN>> <<@windydragon6522 says : As a teenager, he broke criminal laws by fxcking his older teacher. A man like this has zero principles.>> <<@leon15776 says : Right sensible Bring on the great removal>> <<@stormrunner0029 says : The rats are jumping ship from the vessel NWO.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Hard right as opposed to hard left? What a load of waffle!!!>> <<@jocundswayleggiechevez.5039 says : Keebler Elf Macron, is panicked cuz he knows JoeBama can not beat President Trump in November. The Elf is going to need to rig his own election.>> <<@Buddha2024-w7y says : The pendulum swings back.>> <<@bff1586 says : Deserves the resignation of Justin Toxic exorcism transgender operations celebration Halloween Trudeau has shocked france french ideology oflost all faith, losing all hop Macron.>> <<@Eyespy743 says : Hard left? That’s correct never hear that uttered by the msm. The bias in this reporting.>> <<@user-gm4tx2rm1i says : Whats with all these snap elections overseas?Britain and France being 2 of them now if only Labor here in Australia would call a snap election we can throw the rubbish out.>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : The E.U. worked until - it went a step to far - economic union. If you look back at the E.U.. The E.U. where everyone was happy - was prior to the economic union of the single currency. Since then - countries have been trying to leave the E.U. of have left. It's the arrogance of the people inside the E.U. - that they refuse to accept the single currency - and common economic policy - has created the biggest problems. You notice Nigel Farage did not - appear until the common economic policy - came into being. That policy - was always going to be the one - that if it did not work - was going to cause - the biggest problems.>> <<@awc900 says : Hard right only if viewing from the hard left.>> <<@Bigballs017 says : What’s the definition of hard right?>> <<@ngaugefouroaksstreetstatio6932 says : Any alternative to left is always now known as "HARD" right" why because the media are employed by the left.>> <<@subispaceship says : wef puppet forsure>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Let global Intifada begin.>> <<@kurtgandenberger6139 says : perhaps we can finally get rid of trudy trudeau, emanuel micron and resident bribeme.>> <<@rare6319 says : Got a funny feeling world chaos will begin in France in the coming months 😮>> <<@jacquelinesilvers5267 says : France needs new leadership.>> <<@user-oo7ck6zs3j says : Nobody wants Islam>> <<@Brennan_Dale3169 says : But Joe said there President is François Mitterrand from Germany 🇩🇪 😅>> <<@hmasyarra says : Congratulations madam President.>> <<@John-wl3hu says : He wins again it’s rigged>> <<@gerilanderos6283 says : Some believe Macron is married to a man as there are no pictures of his wife until age 30. Then after seeing him a Zelensky dance 🤔. Zelensky has wore sadomy type get ups dancing>> <<@david_fl507 says : je partira pas....>> <<@mattt5006 says : Normal people are tired of being called far right.>> <<@kausi-ok3mr says : The problem with Macron is his judgment is so bad, for example, he married his teacher😂 Like most EU Concubines he has put Citizens last and the Illegals first & he will go down as a terrible leader.>> <<@innocentbystander8038 says : 'Hard right' = centrist. Just more manipulation of words to distort truth.>>