<<@aronax4492 says : jioep my like my love ilu jioep>> <<@summerday9333 says : Sky quit your lying!>> <<@StelleenBlack says : Kennedy has my vote.>> <<@rope9100 says : He might still win the election. That is how undemocratic the USA is. The election is a formality, people don’t choose their leader. I don’t believe that the country is a democracy.>> <<@tinav.deleon3773 says : 2024 PRESIDENT TRUMP USA 🇺🇸>> <<@jkconner9636 says : Waste of time due to no expertise 😤>> <<@therealtraciw.7116 says : Why does anyone ever care about polls??? Remember 2016? All the polls had her at 99% to win the presidency.>> <<@larryziegler4984 says : And this guy commenting on the polls from the state of Washington…geez, this guy is a Seattle professor and clearly a democrat.>> <<@Marymina6754 says : Who the F this guy is , dementia Biden is gaining ground , are you f serious??>> <<@Patrick-yh5yd says : In the debates CNN had a close up of Trump to make him look scary. They kept the camera farther away from biden to make him respectable.>> <<@hmasyarra says : Seattle University Professor of American Politics Patrick Schoettmer is the newest face of delusion. My advice is to seek help, mate!>> <<@emperordalektardis says : Biden's performance was awful. But so was Trump's. Trump couldn't directly answer a single question and lied with every response.>> <<@KatherineMcGraw-ls8gg says : They just now decided to take there blinders off and see Biden for what he is he has not been able to put a sentence together and make it make since he can’t even walk an chew bubble gum he look sickly in his eyes Come on he been this way 🙄 Trump 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@tyvovo says : Who is confident in this pants crapping moron in the first place.>> <<@user-xo4rx8ov5o says : He was doubtful three years ago, he's been gone for years>> <<@paulmoss7940 says : Who is this clown ? Send him back .>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : It's always been a contest between *SLEPEPY JOE & LYING CRIMINAL TRUMP* The choice is easy for those with a moral compass...>> <<@sarahhodges9037 says : Did they really not have doubts about Biden before the debate?! I mean come on, the guy has been bumbling around since the day he took office>> <<@Semper_Iratus says : joe biden pedophile.>> <<@Glolady says : Anyone who says that Biden won the debate is either compromised stupid 😂😂😂 or Both>> <<@harpintn says : RFK is from a DNC royal family, he will draw mostly leftist away from slow Joe.>> <<@ffmann461 says : This guys opinion on the debate much like Seattle covered in excrement and his opinion is excrement! Considering that even MSNBC is saying Trump mopped the floor Joe Biden. Joe Biden whose cold seem to suddenly disappear between the debate at CNN and Waffle House where he spoke less then a hour later. More like Jill gave Joe a big dose of uppers to bring the corpse back to life. I can only guess Jill was so afraid they would test Joe for drugs she feared giving him any before the debate!>> <<@joechiato5278 says : Poor Joe. I imagine he really believed in the vaccines and medications the doctors prescribe. And now look what he's like>> <<@Benjamin-hg018 says : He looks like a vegetable that should be in the garden, not in the White House.>> <<@drexel5146 says : After their brief moment of Honesty regarding Biden, the Leftist media has gotten new orders and talking points from their Messiah, Obama....and are now backtracking on the obvious truth all have seen. Typical.>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : 🇺🇸 Alzheimers on the go... St.Thomas>> <<@jgdwick4067 says : Numbers are BS THEY ARE ALWAYS BS!>> <<@goosecouple says : "Prohibiting an audience during the debate was Biden's way of saying Americans don't matter.">> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : This is all a show for a replacement candidate as they know old Joe will lose to a landslide. Where was all the left wing media for the ongoing gaffes of the last 3.5 years?>> <<@maureen1820 says : SEATTLE PROPAGANDA LOSER AND SUCKER>> <<@ClownBiden says : Tell us you’re a gay liberal, without saying you’re a gay liberal .>> <<@marksmith4892 says : good god the polls didn't move after biden proved he belongs in hospice??>> <<@carob6977 says : He's actually incorrect, as he'd citing a single poll rather than the aggregate. Please find a credible source.>> <<@123idolfan says : Sorry, Patrick, but you put the sick in sycophant. All of the people on the fence about voting for Biden or not are now off of the fence completely.>> <<@janheffernan4792 says : Too old joke have a sleep>> <<@TepidTrowel7 says : KENNEDY 2024>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Watching the left media turn on him straight after the debate was hilarious.>> <<@elmalo5851 says : It took you guys 52 years to figure this out? How long have you guys been in circulation?>> <<@averydaymond1560 says : Oh my please don’t come back and join us. He’s full of nonsense.>> <<@bestestusername says : Is there enough doubt to make people get over their dislike of Trump though? When voting gets this personal and not political you get problems.>> <<@zumiaurareadings1538 says : There is no way Biden is getting that many idiots liking him.>> <<@bubbak435 says : are you voting for Donald Trump>> <<@bringbacktheoldnormal1614 says : The Professor is a mouth piece for the Democrats>> <<@williammoore841 says : This douche is full of dog faces What poll shows Trump losing voters?>>