<<@timothygrant7266 says : Trump is the best president I ever voted for. Most professors are clueless.>> <<@Mikef1969 says : Funny all the after debate polls showed Trump gaining several points… bias POS paid shill for the dems…>> <<@caroleadams5050 says : Who invited this guy?>> <<@FDT24 says : After 4 years of losing republicans will take any victory they can get. The fact that the polling numbers have changed less than two points after Biden’s woeful performance suggests Trumps lies did him no favours either>> <<@charlesdavis7461 says : BS, he was ez on the demented guy who practiced 5 days to debate.>> <<@robertszymanski717 says : There's another YouTube video saying biblical crap that Trump is the Antichrist!!!!!😮😅😅😅!>> <<@Illnevervoteblue says : If i see this clown face again,i will keep scrolling, I understand an opinion ,just not uneducated ones....>> <<@splendorneko2788 says : ❤Trump: save America save the world.>> <<@splendorneko2788 says : Was that Australia’s Brian Steltzer? 😂>> <<@splendorneko2788 says : this is such crap!!! Everyone, watch the debate yourself! Even the libtards are saying Biden lost. CNN’s own poll shows Trump winning 77%. These foreign globalist really hate Trump, which shows Trump is the good person. Globalist scum suck!>> <<@rockyrobbins6247 says : You Masterbate Debate>> <<@thomasmackey9300 says : Trump was more than adequate Bi-Dumb was subliminal as expected.>> <<@trapped7534 says : Donald Trump has never been a “failure”. Who tha heck is this lispy sissy boy??? I can understand him not liking Trump. Trump is a real man.>> <<@michaeldomansky8497 says : This clown is obviously LGBT …… 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@michaeldomansky8497 says : #Trump2024>> <<@AmunRa-ok4gv says : Are these two quite mad?>> <<@builderdude5297 says : 🤣😅🤣😅🤣.... This is your expert? Might wa t to change up your producers..>> <<@rickykelley4325 says : Stay out of American politics>> <<@Lizzievance12 says : Who is this 🤡 ?>> <<@TanyaSapienVintage says : For those without the plugin to make downvotes visible, numbers as of this post: 604 upvotes, 1,800 downvotes.>> <<@senilestix says : Fraud Muppet>> <<@teenatoops2997 says : He's full of crap. Trump did good. He didn't fall for traitor joe's trap. Biden was a flop.>> <<@christopherrobbins9985 says : This guy is a fool. Trump appeared strong and confident and self-assured. Biden lost the race in that debate.>> <<@notadummy2 says : This guy....full of sh!t>> <<@dennismcdonnell7853 says : What a load of bull, obviously from a demonrat puppet.>> <<@ELhOhLHiLIM says : Joe Biden looks like C3PO with a meat suit on. Lol 😆 🤣 😂!>> <<@888junkcarsbuyingteam8 says : Sky News, if we wanted to see fake news we'd watch CNN or NBC. So keep posting videos with guys like this, and watch your audience tell you how they feel as they leave and droves....>> <<@joniaq6372 says : I don’t know what that guy watched! He apparently does not really watch Trump’s rallies because what we watched the other night was NOTHING like a rally - other than he DID SPEAK FACTS which he DOES do at his rallies. Trump controlled himself while Biden showed so much hatred, spewed venom with his lies and nasty faces!>> <<@debdillard1541 says : Donald Trump won, hands down.>> <<@kenneth_ng says : If Trump performance was a failure, Biden's was then a disaster.>> <<@SecretWars98 says : Who is this guy? Oh I see..Weak take professor.>> <<@michaelriddle716 says : Left wing fuks, Trump put the smack down on pedo Joe. Gotta love this Left wing propaganda.>> <<@angelovaladez6807 says : I agree, this guy has no idea what he is talking about. It is obvious he is delusional. he is no expert.>> <<@davidkwong3369 says : lol don’t believe your lying eyes! Listen to us! We know better! Stop thinking for yourselves!>> <<@jimsheehan1701 says : I don’t think they were watching the same debate Trump was on point and Biden was catching flies with his mouth open. I guess people are still pretending Joe is in his right mind. It’s like let’s pretend a a big hairy man is a woman because he’s puts a dress on.>> <<@docdonsmith says : Idiot>> <<@mikelehman5449 says : Blatantly lying to yourself and everyone else doesn't really work dude.>> <<@netherfield1 says : What a crock. Donald Trump laid out his positions on abortion , the border, forever wars, trade, energy and jobs. Joe Biden mumbled and lost his train of thought. This guy’s a fool.>> <<@johnhtexas says : TEST QUESTION: Schoettmer = Seattle Liberal Seattle Liberal = Moron Therefore, Schoettmer = >> <<@johnminer007 says : "University Professor of American Politics " or " Corrupt and subjective University Professor of American Politics "... Because that makes a big difference...>> <<@petesplace8074 says : This guy must have watched a different debate than I did. Oh wait a minute he's from Seattle that explains it.>> <<@zacharylogan99 says : My God this man sounds retarded.... almost like he voted for biden.>> <<@nochannelxxodysee says : From Seattle, a major city on the left coast.........nothing of value was said.>> <<@garygunner says : How did you get this boofy woke, elite, entitled academic, Democrat. Oh well as long as he keeps his head up his arse, he'll miss the result in November. Trump 2024.>> <<@Cemeterygatepro says : What the hell are you talking about? Get him out of there! 😂>> <<@rackman5991 says : Teach yor children 😢>> <<@garyjohnstone6422 says : What a stupid post. Biden is a shambles. He was thoroughly beaten. Copy it sweet blind Freddy. You don`t know your stuff. An amateur`s account.>> <<@leanneverrier2124 says : What a waste of time this guy is. Not worth listening to.>> <<@user-eg1os8tq9d says : This guys a dunce. Must be DEI hire. He couldn’t find his ASS with both hands and a flashlight….this is some of the crap of Biden’s America!!!!!!!! Vote TRUMP !!!!!!!!!>> <<@chodkowski01 says : I lived through the Vietnam era and the world is a very dangerous place now. After the Gen Z generation lace up their boots and the coffin’s start coming home they will learn that their vote matters.>>