<<@user-op5fb6rb5q says : This guy is delusional>> <<@JoanJennings says : His adamant stance to remain in the race reminds me of elderly people who insist on staying in their homes when they can’t manage it.>> <<@cailinrossstrifert7206 says : People there are still six months until Bidens administration ends on Jan 20 2025. How can this man possibly continue as president and protect our country from threats? I am very uncomfortable knowing that every terrorist far and wide saw the weakness and frailty of Biden. While all the top level democrats are meeting in out of the way places behind closed doors trying to figure out what the party’s next step is, I fear we are all at risk.>> <<@derekbaker777 says : When someone can't form a coherent sentence it's a good indication of their inability to lead a nation.>> <<@David-yp4fl says : 🌿 LOVE FROM MISSISSIPPI USA 🇺🇲>> <<@bryanwithat6763 says : Biden didn’t even know where he was.>> <<@petergehle4222 says : What a load of crap. Biden is a total disgrace. Trump was good.. fuck off main stream media>> <<@Seeker_Media says : I don’t knew what polling this cat is looking at. Two polls have come out since the debate and both have a significant shift toward Trump.>> <<@Milos57 says : Is the media in the US so controlled that Americans didn't know how sick their president is? 🤔 Wake up and use your legal system to remove him. With whom? The whole world is on fire with bad diplomacy and incompetence because you don't remove him..>> <<@NewAmericanRevolution says : Why would you listen to political opinion from some Fruit in a Suit from Seattle with an annoying lisp?>> <<@Skar_King_Kong says : There's a second debate in September, i very much doubt the mummy will show up.>> <<@robertinaust says : The whole world saw the absolute failure of Joe Biden to garner more confidence and support for his bid to return as president, I do however, suspect there may be other strategies orchestrated by the actual power brokers, it would have now been obvious the Joe could not alter the inevitable return of President Donald Trump leaving democrats out of the game for a very long time, however It does seem plausible that the powers behind the Biden movement would be planning a contingency to save their inevitable trouncing at the coming election so what better alternative than to force Biden to step aside before time to reinstate and preen another alternative for the upcoming critical race, this earlier than ever debate would then make sense, or is my thinking just that of an older Australian who has only been a keen observer of the destruction of the United States unfolding since the last 'safest ever election' yeah right. just a thought!>> <<@scottmeyers1903 says : What a weasel that little man is 😅😂🤣 so that is your advisor? 😅😂😂 TRUMP 🇺🇲>> <<@lancecahill5486 says : Biden LITERALLY can’t talk the talk and can’t walk the walk. His cognitive decline is now a national security issue. He needs to resign now.>> <<@imceltic52 says : This guy says on two different videos that ol Joe and Trump failed 😂😂😂 Trump 2024 ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️>> <<@IMB322 says : Biden should resign now>> <<@docmatrust9199 says : How can you tell he's not up for the job? Debate is not even an important factor for determining a president's effectiveness.>> <<@lexawetterman1131 says : We have Trump's record in office and it was better for all the US and around the world.>> <<@flamacue says : How could Trump do better when he was under gag order? Every anti-Trump speaks like an expert, Trump has been wrongly convicted and all because Corrupt Biden used dirty tactics to win an election similar to 2020. The funny thing is nobody said about Biden's corruption. It was god's will to humiliate and expose Biden in the debate.>> <<@peteraustin7931 says : This guy is more stupid than Biden>> <<@urnaighean_shamhach says : Seattle leftist professor, great... NOT! Just take a look at the cesspool that is Seattle due to the liberal leftist policies that have been enacted there... that should be objective evidence enough>> <<@smoothbeak says : Trump did fine, I mean what'd he have to work with? Boring environment, boring questions, no discussion, and looking at some guy go through a nervous breakdown. It's amazing that Democrats could seriously vote for Joe Biden.>> <<@jy9383 says : Weekend at Bernie's was a documentary 😅>> <<@rkcsista1148 says : Joe Biden has dementia! This guy is talking like Joe Biden is in his right mind.>> <<@bobbadham261 says : TDS sufferers can't back Brandon anymore but won't admit Trumps the answer, so pathetic!!>> <<@klagoshaya5517 says : This guy should leave his ivory tower he seems delusional. Biden was a clown Trump could have said nothing and win the debate>> <<@richardjphilpott says : Biden himself proves 2020 was rigged election . Trump won that election . Biden is a phony, an impostor . Q.E.D. !>> <<@isaacunrau5255 says : Clearly a dem .>> <<@richardjphilpott says : Feeble old man not gonna be put on trial for stealing docs. yet Jill and DNC insist he's ok for president of USA ?>> <<@kevinwiens4804 says : https://youtu.be/1FFs5k_cKbk?si=7L1Nh3LWHmGy3rcN ***Biden gave another "poopy pants" performance at the debate according to his donor BASE*** It's replacement time according to Barack Obama ***VOTE TRUMP in 2024..MAGA***>> <<@George-ux6zz says : This guy is a Trump hater. So I bet he says Trump didn't do well>> <<@alextrabeck9143 says : Did Dr. Patrick get his degree from Dr. Jill.... what a Maroon!>> <<@ralphlee6386 says : HINT: Don't use proto-Marxists in your clips on US politics. The United States are neither Canada or Australia.>> <<@Oldgreycowboy says : If he was one of the staff where I sent my kids for a higher education. My kids would be out of there. This guy is just a lost Prof. Just like many of the kids that they have enrolled in those universities. I can’t say that they are teaching anymore. Just listen to any of those kids when they are interviewed during their protests. 👎>> <<@michaellear6904 says : Instead of a political scientist, a gerontologist would have provided more insights.>> <<@roberttelarket4934 says : Well he ?stuttered? for four years previously and he and his aides did a good job so the next four years is somewhat irrelevant!>> <<@suebuffington5174 says : But there is still people that are clueless. To them he is perfectly fine and run another four years!! And they obviously weren’t in the US living!! He is the worse President we ever had!! And he continues to be. The US is in the worse shape it ever been. The way he is going he won’t even make it another month. Absolutely pathetic!!! And Jill has been clueless and still is about his condition. His administration is running the country and has been. Look at the debate how he was he was out in left field most of the time. He had no clue where he was or how he got there!!! And this is a guy that you want in the White House? Really?? The Democrats don’t care what shape he is in. Just so he stay President. They will not give up! I just don’t understand these Democrats! What is happening to country. To let an incompetent person running the country! Since the US is has been and continues to be flooded with these immigrants. And they need a place to live let them move in the White House with Biden and his wife!! It could be a terrorist terrorists. Maybe murder, rapist or a serial killer. How do you think he would like that? And this guy did he ever run the country? These people talk like Trump did so many things wrong. Of course they are not going to say anything good about him. At least Trump tells it like it is!! That is a person that we want in a President and we had him too!!>> <<@emperordalektardis says : Biden's performance was awful. But so was Trump's. Trump couldn't directly answer a single question and lied with every response.>> <<@stephaniemcgrew665 says : Trump 2024 🎉>> <<@Terry-mw7hm says : *I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THIS MAN IS* but he makes a perfect case for a second debate; which I'm looking forward to.>> <<@Warlunar1 says : Trump was on his game as always. Don't expect him to act like a Politician cuz he ain't one! That's what we like! TRUMP 2024 🇺🇲 MAGA!>> <<@keithachrem2872 says : This guy is an idiot if he thinks Trump failed>> <<@garyhintz6721 says : Liberal goof. I’ve seen him before. Couldn’t give President Trump his due.>> <<@user-tp6xk3uu5y says : Can't we discuss the simple responsibility of government.... we're in trouble in many areas.... don't we ..the people....need honest healthy... capable... representatives>> <<@spyderhead7160 says : This man is an idiot. Do better!!>> <<@bjty5615 says : Kennedy gained ground he could win depending on the voters>> <<@bjty5615 says : Last election debate they both acted like spoiled kids in a sand box.>> <<@bjty5615 says : Good to see t acting calmer.>> <<@ffmann461 says : Well if you want someone to give an anti Trump talk, you go the Seattle where this looney Prof is! Seattle a city where you have dodge used needles and human excrement to walk on the side walk! I would love to see Rita and James to give this yahoo a grilling! He would end up crying and turning off his camera! Lets hope Sky News loses this losers contact info!>> <<@bjty5615 says : American got to see dementia. Jill and o and his old adm are elder abusers>>