<<@user-hk5ie3lw3j says : Welcome, welcome welcome! To the NEW united "BANANA REPUBLIC" states of america where srupidity reigns supreme, and we stand on the threshold of a secod dark ages, mark my words politicians following dark forces, using darkforces to suit thier agenda bringing back from the dead slavery, they already started with woman making them not onky witchee and worlocks but necromancers it has been for told age of aquarius will bring black magic and satanism run rampit>> <<@raemorgan8207 says : Amen!! Thank you Mark for exposing these facts🇺🇸>> <<@177kimo says : They lied? Sadly, if you have been paying attention since 2019, it's been obvious that not only is Biden a pervert, he ia also incompetent, comprised, and a racist!>> <<@sharonjones8497 says : Great insights! Somebody needs to get the answers. That will be the hero and true journalist!>> <<@cestall1 says : This was 100% intentional. They need an "out" and the first step is to get the liberal media calling for his removal. Now they can proceed with the next stage and to get someone else in the spotlight, baiting the media to endorse that person. Biden will not be on the ballot this November.>> <<@hengyun4396 says : Mrs Biden is more powers hungry than anyone else>> <<@suekuhn840 says : Don't Be so surprised. We know that Biden can't pull it off. Look at our country. The Country isn't buying it we're voting Donald Trump 2024. Holding tight till November. It's Another Democratic Democrats Distraction. No Moss wiil grow.>> <<@haykmamikon3162 says : How stupid must one be to run a project made for third class country for the USA too?! .>> <<@myepicjourney8275 says : Wait till Kamilla Harris takes over. You'll have another disaster to try to get rid of.>> <<@mikehamm648 says : Democrats have been cheated by the DNC, they should be outraged>> <<@jamesschwarzkopf1852 says : They over doped him. They're all on dope! Every marxicrat out there is on drugs.>> <<@johnlee3508 says : The Irony is that the Democrats could still win this if he is replaced...>> <<@robertwilliams5943 says : The DEM'S DICTATORSHIP COMMUNISTS NO MORALS JUST GO FOR THE COIN BEST INTRESTS POWER LIERS EVILNESS.>> <<@robertwilliams5943 says : DEM'S DICTATORSHIP COMMUNISTS BACKSTABBING AMERICAN PEOPLES FUTURES WITH THE MEDIA UNTRUTHFULNESS 🤬>> <<@pssstitsme6037 says : Everything about the current administration is a lie. ✌️>> <<@bdahl4002 says : If Joe Biden makes a decision to stay in the race that makes him fair game to unleash everything that the people are thinking, But have been quiet out of respect for the office of the President. Game on until he resigns. Where’s Steve Bannon when we need him. Oh, I forgot Biden put him in jail as a political prisoner.>> <<@com2375 says : Now press secretary saying he had a cold and was jet lagged because he working for us Americans>> <<@danielduarte5073 says : Love you Mark You are on target There are times that there is no consolation in being completely correct. Maybe Democratic voters are finally tired of all the lies and incompetence.>> <<@o.d.d2250 says : MARK SHOULD BE TRUMP"S ATTORNEY GENERAL>> <<@judithnicholais1492 says : HIPPA laws sir --- IT's not necessarily our business until it is apparent that he can no longer uphold his oath. It Wasn't the media's place to speak on Biden's personal health. Do they report on your health? On mine? Please ... Now that we know, it will change --- I'm sure they have Drs guiding things in the WH .. rehab specialists ... they been taking care of things. It's not all about Us .. the Bidens were entitled to their privacy .. up until they moment they weren't ... How bout Trump's psych status? Let's demand he have a rigorous neuro - psych eval. good god>> <<@J-T46 says : Wonderful and completely accurate take. This should be replayed everywhere on every platform possible. People need to hear the truth.>> <<@EttaPhillips-us2lu says : You know they lied about that old .man get him out 2024>> <<@dandougherty1475 says : Wilson didn't like black people. FACT! I am glad that I have better values. I don't hate skin color, but I do hate prejudice! Keep talkin' Mark; I like what you say,....because it's the truth! Dan from Nebraska 🇺🇸 ❤️🤍💙>> <<@lrm3924 says : Thank you for following in the footsteps of Steve Bannon and not being afraid>> <<@lrm3924 says : Congress MUST evoke the 25th amendment>> <<@lrm3924 says : Spiritual warfare!!!!>> <<@amyhall6715 says : And the children [the craziest liberals ] shall rule over ypu America....>> <<@Annabella24183 says : The whole worlds fktard leaders have lied the media are 1000000% arses owned by zionists>> <<@johndonnellan9535 says : I have concerns with Joe's rapid cognitive decline and inability to pronounce words clearly, that he won't make it to November, let alone another 4 years in a nursing home. It's time for Joe to gracefully throw in the towel. You're done. Your time in the Whitehouse is OVER.>> <<@LindaJMatic says : Anybody who can accumulate over twenty million dollars through mafia inspired deals cannot be described as forgetful old man.The same day when he gave pathetic performance against Trump Biden managed to give reasonable performance in North Carolina thanks to the aid by teleprompter.Was it the same Biden as the one in the morning or a doppelgänger.He really needs an independent medical assessment so that we can find out the truth.>> <<@johndonnellan9535 says : Is the Democrats strategy to get declining Biden into the Whitehouse by hook or by crook for a second term. He will then have his VICE president SELECTED for him, then stand down due to obvious declining health. So, the VP becomes president by default. They know that if the VP had run as the Democrats candidate (replacing Joe), they would NEVER have the votes to win.>> <<@johndonnellan9535 says : It doesn't matter which Democrat they replace Joe Biden with, NOTHING will CHANGE. The same CORRUPT Puppet Masters will still be pulling the strings to continue the DESTRUCTION of America. Save America = Vote Trump 2024>> <<@johndonnellan9535 says : So Who Ownes The Main Stream Media and their propaganda machine? Get to the root cause of the problem!>> <<@BzyBLady4U says : Jill Biden is desperate to hold on to power just pure desperation and if she is a doctor..her abuse of an obviously impared elderly man,should be questioned and dealt severely with,such shame and medical abuse. Also, Joe's defense and support of our American rights are non existantance and he proved that by placing his support and protection on protecting Harry Sussex and his lying to get his visa!!!! That was what his shaky mental strength was centered on..not the uber inflation or the joke he has made of our country...but harry's visa,! Remember that..trust what you saw and heard..they can't change that!! Remember!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@JoeyNYSDnomad says : Who are the puppeteers for Biden thay are the real enemy.>> <<@marlenestiles4195 says : It is hard to believe his wife and family would let him go through this and the Democrats . So sad>> <<@nf2885 says : Jill is money hungry and power hungry. She only cares about herself.>> <<@johndonnellan9535 says : Books: • NEXT GEN MARXISM - WHAT IT IS AND HOW TO COMBAT IT. Published: 2nd April 2024. • UNHUMANS THE SECRET HISTORY OF COMMUNIST REVOLUTIONS (AND HOW TO CRUSH THEM) Available: 2nd July 2024>> <<@denisbuckley4352 says : Mark Levin is right!!! Senile Joe HAS TO GO!!! Ireland loves and supports Trump & Fox News>> <<@jamescox9080 says : I never though I would see United States in this situation very scary>> <<@CalebOpalka says : God has been busy 😊😮!>> <<@user-tx8fg7xp7p says : The Big Coverup ! The Cabal of big media, the Administration Departments and the Democrats!>> <<@richarddrivick373 says : What happened to all his corruption? That's the threat!>> <<@user-dz3sg3gc4q says : Truth will set America free.>> <<@davidkellymitchell4747 says : My dad died from it. Next Biden will sleep all the time.>> <<@Scorpsfan says : Isn't this Treasonous??????>> <<@carlosmarcano7364 says : Levine whats wrong with lying the company you work for had to pay 3 quarter of a billion dollars for lying about the 2020 election>> <<@dlfaith says : Mr.Levin Can you do a show on Kamala being president which I believe she cannot be !! because she is not natural born ,not a natural born citizen ,therefore she could never be president!!>> <<@sherisouth5963 says : If Biden refuses to step down, he will tragically di€ a few days before the convention. I firmly believe it. These people will stop at nothing.>> <<@marinas7772 says : Thank you so much.>>