<<@Deano00777 says : Still talking about rate cuts haha>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : This economist bloke looks like that wong fella's caucasian cousin>> <<@riverspirit7 says : 1:21 She's particularly a smart stipid person, huh? Expert my ass. Get your effen head out of your illusion models lady>> <<@riverspirit7 says : The dollar will be worthless by November...>> <<@Spaceman-pj4id says : Is this the chief diversity officer of westpac>> <<@WeveGotBush says : While they will raise them an other 3 time's till then.>> <<@germangforfreedom1557 says : They have been all wrong so far>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : Ex RBA. Another diversity pick given a career free ride?>> <<@robstone4537 says : Very simple, look at what rate and how long the banks are giving for fixed-rate mortgages, that will tell you what they really believe is going to happen.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : My crystal ball tells a different story!!!>> <<@darrens5731 says : They’re all out of touch on their inflated wages, % rates will be 5% by years end>> <<@mckenziehellenann says : You have to be kidding me..she's m aking this up as she goes along. Glad I'm not with Westpac>> <<@briananderson7285 says : Another diversity hire?>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Lies from heavily manipulated data. Multiple tsunamis of inflation incoming from expanding Wars, explosion in Govt debt. Lower rates will sacrifice and finish destroying the Dollar. Gold +US10,000 oz at least by 2030, Silver +$250 and Bitcoin +$300k. And thats being conservative.>> <<@AnarchistBogan says : Of course the they/them has the most nonsensical view.>> <<@pauleasther says : If Lucy could predict the future, she’d be a trillionaire…but she isn’t!>> <<@Conky769 says : This woke bloke is a moron.>> <<@brettmitchell202 says : lol what a tool>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ANDROGYNOUS DRONE = MARXIST.>> <<@mikespike2099 says : It does not matter what is between the legs all Economists predictions and the general profession are useless!>> <<@Nadia..J says : Oh please. I'm happy I'm not with Westpac... they are hiring to look good. Sorry, no.>> <<@VishalSharma-bg7qj says : They want that tax cuts money… so inflation will go up out of nowhere therefore justifying the rates rise again… banks love free money 💰>> <<@livyalexx says : This is exciting news! 📉 Can't wait to see how the rate cuts will impact us. What are your thoughts?>> <<@living3532 says : One media says cuts the other media says hikes. What's going on guys ?.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Australia is in such a strong position thanks to Labor!>> <<@glennmccarthy8773 says : What tax cuts 🤣are too little and not going to be noticed by most households>> <<@ht8286 says : She is lying...>> <<@MrKenng123 says : Tackling the inflation isn't necessarily the first and foremost priority. Saving the economy is. Please consider lowering the interest rates as early as August. Thank you RBA.>> <<@ChickityChicken says : Thats a woman! 😲>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : All thanks to Labor's brilliant fiscal policies!>> <<@stewatparkpark2933 says : It's dreaming .>> <<@figward says : Thanks for sharing>> <<@PaineStakingTruth says : Good stuff Australia from your friend in Indiana!>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Good grief! ... seems inclusiveness has even reached into banks !>> <<@CatsandJP says : I’m a happy camper Lucy…my investment with Westpac on my E Account is doing really well especially with the bonus interest you paid me today 30th..as Westpac does at the end of each month…enough to pay my electricity and have a Uber eats to celebrate tonight…>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : This bloke doesn’t know what she is talking about 😂😂>>