<<@dave0246 says : Like America they steal from us launder billions to Ukraine and funnel it back into their pockets and Americas get nothing our infrastructure is crumbling they never fix anything they just pocket the money, same with all countries the corporations get richer and the rest of the world gets poorer and every country will be worse than a 3rd world country, the sad thing is that they are doing this on purpose>> <<@robynhewett2813 says : It's all very well for everyone to complain about the Cost of Living crisis that we have in Australia but until the problem of Albanese importing many thousands of People here to buy up Australia in whatever way THEY see fit, the displacement of our OWN PEOPLE in not being able to buy a Home or to rent somewhere is going to continue! Albanese wants to grow " A Big Australia". I don't recall this Man asking Australian Taxpayers & our own People if we wanted A Big Australia!! The small amount of Skilled Workers as opposed to the thousands of People who are reliant on our Welfare System is just a joke!! Other Migrants who are "Cashed Up" are buying up big & makes it unaffordable for our own Citizens to be able to afford even simple things like Food & Rent!! This Government is disgusting & seems to lack any sort of Moral Obligation to our own People! Throw it out!! & protest loudly- -That it's just not on! The Politicians live on some other Planet so it appears & are riding the Self-entitled Gravy Train!! Unless we do something to stop all of this "Money Grabbing" we will continue to be treated like Sucker's. Big Businesses, Albanese & his Cronies are laughing all the way to the Bank!!>> <<@davidm4677 says : yep but will government do care or do anything. We know well do not.>> <<@debbieanne7962 says : Heard on the news that 2 nights ago in South Australia a man in his 80s died from the cold sleeping in his car being homeless. In Australia this shouldn’t happen very sad>> <<@davidmckeown6313 says : Welcome to the New World order and Great Reset. No conspiracy now is it 😂😂😂>> <<@Shawnne01 says : This is a problem in the US as well as Australia and other countries. Too many people go without basic necessities. Also, we have a huge homeless crisis.>> <<@davidwood9964 says : Cost of living is total cooperate greed>> <<@stormsandfishing5448 says : It’s pretty hard to see friends and family when most families are juggling 2 or 3 jobs… are on call on weekends/evenings or getting casual work at short notice. Others do shift work on a seven day roster - schedules hardly ever align. Many of our family members live 2 -5 hours drive away too.>> <<@MusicLover-ui9sm says : This is happening in the USA and in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany and many, many more countries The elected officials do not care about their voters They are owned and controlled by the richest people and ALL corporations>> <<@benburrows9722 says : They always talk about the symptoms of a bad economy, but not the solutions. They don't create enough new businesses, employment, social housing and infrastructure. Inflation has essentially been made by governments after COVID by the massive money printing, increase in interest rates and the increase in immigration. The governments receive more income via taxes, and then pretend to look like a hero by then giving out tax cuts. No one is really better off but you might vote the party in again at the elections. Unfortunately its a ponzi scheme designed to keep the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.>> <<@LittleRayofSunshine69750 says : Working full time and living week to week. I never thought this would happen at nearly 40. I can bet both the interviewer and the salvos rep are on good incomes.>> <<@nevilleabbott2330 says : Not everyone is experiencing this, was a sticky beak at a auction down my street on weekend watching 5 groups battle it out for a very modest home for 1.3 million, thar 5 years ago would of been sold for about $600k>> <<@WarrenWilliamson-rx2sc says : It’s all part of the plan>> <<@user-fe1hy9xv3s says : severely impacted huh .... no, severely affected. Stop being lazy. . How long did it take you to figure this out, this is nothing new. I could of told you this long ago. Many others could have told you this long before as well. For example: you loose your job through no fault of your own, society ostracizes you for being a 'loser'. you no longer can afford to run a car, your distanced from people, they take for granted you cant go anywhere at a moments notice, so your forgotten, if you can go anywhere people dont invite you out or even to there place for little events because your broke. "Don't want to be seen with those losers or paupers" Welcome to australia, a big tall poppy corporatist corporatocractic Ponzi scheme. go to SA where poppies are mowed down the most by people who can't look up, to a point of being extinct. I was lucky once-went to a pub in the city with some people .... two glasses of apple cider each, cost $48, that was after they refused cash and had to give the cash to the people we were with. So I stay at home and drink my own scrumpy, phukk them all. if pubs shut down bad luck blame the corporate shills that is the australian government>> <<@Kwesekara1672 says : I’ve never been religious by choice so I certainly don’t want to be forced to worship the net zero green woke pc religion thank you.>> <<@JimmyTimmy-wh8dz says : Also a "cost of living crisis" in uk. Funny that.>> <<@JimmyTimmy-wh8dz says : Best get to your pharmacist and control that mental health .>> <<@Chrisplumbgas says : Always get the facts right when speaking about the “ cost of living crisis “ with the fundamental prerequisite “ that Labor caused” . There, now it makes sense.>> <<@KarenMixer says : Social isolation could also be a result of high gasoline prices.>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : The coat of living crisis has seen companies post record profits, and Governments collect record taxes. Surely Sky News are not opposed to the Capitalist free markets?>> <<@onlythaclonessir2525 says : Why Not Be Brave and smart like Blaming uneven wages ?>> <<@leonie563 says : Stop giving church land to speculators who only need to give 5% as "affordable" stock. Which largely is 70% of donestic rents depending on postcode of site. So most if them being inner city sites, $700-$1,000pw just is not affordable. Divest sites to States for service contracts so States rent them as Public Housing.>> <<@lukei6255 says : Nothing new. Centrelink has been isolating many people, not only unemployed but also those with disabilities and single parents. The government doesnt care about the impact on mental health it causes.>> <<@annazhong5234 says : No, living in state-at-phone-all-day-land has isolated people. But that’s the result of everything, including 12 years of so-called education moving to online.>> <<@twistedthrottle8513 says : cant aford fuel to leave the house to pay crazy prices for anything entertainment coffee a meal ,just stay home only thing we can do , we are luck to go out for a pub meal once a month if we can aford it that mouth ,we even gave up Alcohol .luck our Morgage is only 95k still 700 a month in repayments>> <<@olivepostma6874 says : That was me today, I didn’t have any money to meet up at coffee shop with friends. Embarrassing.>> <<@peroxide.blonde says : Only good thing about this crisis is that I’ve started intermittent fasting. About to go into a 72 hour fast because both my fridge and my bank account are empty>> <<@videofreak6047 says : All planned by design>> <<@user-cn1gu1ox8g says : Nothing Jesus can't fix>> <<@user-jz1ht8ry2w says : No, it cant be, Labor are doing a great job?>> <<@nuts2559 says : i am not confident the money donated to the salvation army all gets to people who need it. People still question where the missing millions donated to the salvation army for bushfire victims are years after it happened.>> <<@robot336 says : How many old people are going cold or worse this winter thank's to labors cheep renewable energy 😈😈💀💀👿👿>> <<@livyalexx says : So sad to see how the cost of living crisis is affecting everyone 💔 Let's support each other through this tough time.>> <<@westcoast1776 says : Can't even go outside. Cost money.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : diggers in png loved the salvo's.. todays salvos are a bit sus>> <<@CatsandJP says : That’s BS anyone can go for a walk and meet people..strike up a conversation…it’s free…the social isolation is only down to those who want to be socially isolated.>> <<@ssuwandi3240 says : Buy Made in Australia or G7 Invest in G7. As China Uniparty is recently instructing only buy Made in China>> <<@leeevans2929 says : Just how they planned it since the coof>> <<@kkcw6668 says : And the finger pointing can start with the Public Sector Elite Ruling Class socio-economic group, the emerging Aust Aristocracy that Our Govts are fostering (at the expense of our Nations revenue producers & Military Workforce sector) slowly being introduced to the World in all of their Snout Trough Gouging Glory!>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : The unbelievable aspect to all of this is, that there are folk who will once again vote Labor! There's no accounting for being dumb!>> <<@user-vr7pl4zt9o says : Thanks labour>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Those that can swim to the shallow end have, and those treading water in the deep end are about to be thrown an anvil from labor>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : But, but, you suckers keep obediently voting for the same old 'Gang of Four' at every election, so don't complain. The Easy lay bi tch that just keeps giving.>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : Cost of living has been marvelous for billionaires and their Corporations!! 💵💵💵>> <<@Berserker978 says : Nice one Labor. Ya Farkin Loons.>> <<@OpEditorial says : Worthless left-wing communist sympathetic government attempting to power people's homes and businesses with windmills and solar panels.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Divide segregation and isolation you got what you voted for. No Sympathies 😂😂🥃🥃>>