<<@brianjohnston1983 says : I worked for the Salvation Army. They are a profit driven organisation. Do not trust them.>> <<@mesrty says : Do they mention tyranicel lockdowns and naxi politicians in Australia?>> <<@user-fe1hy9xv3s says : "cost of living crisis" everyone is broke. Lets make things more difficult for them, by asking them to cough more money they dont have to an organisations that helps themselves before they helps others. Sounds fair.>> <<@NS-ms5eg says : 2:15 people were already like that even before the Pandemic. It’s only gotten worse in recent times. Personally I think it’s very selfish that people are withdrawing socially just to cut costs.>> <<@politicz1973 says : People of faith should not trust the Salvation Army anymore. They have gone woke away from the gospel.>> <<@spindle2323 says : Andrew Hill Greedy rip off corporate grub>> <<@spindle2323 says : Salvos only line their own pockets and rip off people at the overpriced stores>> <<@mikespike2099 says : Make your annual statements and salaries public then I will donate! 😮>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Ask the pollies for hand out especially the GG and prime minister, they both have had huge pay increases.>> <<@user-xo4rx8ov5o says : Who does the help go to, i doubt it's Australian people>> <<@Berserker978 says : Get the money off Albanese, Bowen and Chalmers. They caused it. 😬>> <<@Nadia..J says : No needy people can shop at your shops and stores anymore - they are too expensive and they are ignored by staff... who have already grabbed the good stuff out the back door. I know this - I have had a brother help out and 3 girlfriends work in the stores in different towns.>> <<@pelletdropper says : These "Christians" peddle white guilt marxism>> <<@Voicenreason247 says : What watching other people live just fine while you starve is taking a tole on people you don't say. The salvation arm is a scam. They keep the money for the company not to help people. If you want to help give money to the people.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Why not tell the Ches t feed ers to stop bed hopping, get married, stay married and rely on their husbands and not charity and the taxpayer.>> <<@kathrynanneperry4651 says : Check out the prices the salvos put on their "donated" goods ? They got greedy. They sort through the collectibles and sell them on e bay. Somebody is making good money.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Yeah but the corrupt leftist feminists Salvation Army never struggles to making the $10s of millions to pay for highly paid salaries of their CEOs & staff>> <<@johnh23z says : Red Shield = Rothschild they paid $$ to install their icon>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Should have given referendum funding, political parties salary increases, Ukraine donations to charity 😮>> <<@GFNub says : I got ready to go out and get some food, but I forgot, I have no money. Now I’m hungry and depressed.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : The Salvos are great at helping themselves. Secular education, rather than religious indoctrination, is the key to ending poverty.>> <<@TheAxelay says : Good the Salvos can start by donating all the pay that the CEO's, administrations and such get etc. We all know about how they like fob off volunteers as well and how can we forget what they did afew years back as well?! Don't ask Aussies to "Dig Deep" as I'm sure they have done enough. Been to a Salvos Op shop?! It's like gentrified MYER/David Jones wannabee with outrageous prices etc. I've volunteered in their stores for a good over 6 years and I've seen it all....>> <<@danielleterese402 says : The Salvation Army is an incredibly kind, and CARING organization. They arent doung what they do fill their wallets, they do it for the people who are truly struggling. About 10yrs ago, i was struggling so badly, i had stayed at their shelter in my area and I had gotten quite a bit of help from them-not money but resources, hygiene items, clothing. They do soooo much good for the communities as well. ❤>> <<@saltanataskerova8757 says : VHEN GAVES THAT AMERİCA MONEY VİLL SEE İMMUNA FOC HİS MOUNTH>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Salvos out Begging for silver and gold again. Your uniforms must cost at least 1 grand. Grubs>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : ...and just who has the money to donate to charity?>> <<@margaretenoha5394 says : The Salvation Army hates white people. The company has been compromised by the NWO agenda for years.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Less religion, more secular and universal education!>> <<@onerainiday says : God bless the work the Salvation Army does in the name of the Lord.>>