<<@Spaceman-pj4id says : Haha australistan is quite funny>> <<@Spaceman-pj4id says : You only have to look at her hijab and badge to know what she represents>> <<@maureensymmonds5243 says : Send her home. See how women are treated in Palistine>> <<@JL-wf2wp says : In the first place WHY do you make a muslim senator in your country!?? Are you fvckin stupid or what?>> <<@chopparini8070 says : WAKE UP!!! she wants to make Australia into Australistan!!!! one day all of these people will say that the land belongs to the Palestinians and they were in Australia 1 billion years ago, you just dont realize it but you already lost they are populating 5 times more than average Aussi means in the next 20 years they will be the majority and Australistan will be born>> <<@ismzaxxon says : Muslims in parliament. There you go.>> <<@kittykat4168 says : Get rid of her, she's another one spending taxpayers dollars to benifit her own beliefs, not to benifit Australians, just nasty...>> <<@mikespike2099 says : If it was a white secular male he would have been given the boot on day one 🥾… “a rule for me, and a rule for thee” 😮>> <<@cjames21 says : We now have terrorist supporting senators..how good is the third world immigration going!>> <<@markbarrett174 says : Get rid of the terrorist supporter, she shouldn't be allowed to be in Australian parliament! She will never be Australian, a piece of paper does NOT make you Australian!>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : If you love it so much go back to your favourite country then.>> <<@homers7777 says : Send her back where this terrorist came from.. middle of gaza will do.>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : If she is a patriot of "palestine", what is she doing in the Australian Parliament ? Let her go there and stay there.>> <<@flower7022 says : Muslim beliefs first, the representing the broad community is not why she is in parliament?>> <<@jeansey57 says : Off course… that the only thing wage cares about is>> <<@BigBopper-zm1kf says : There are planes leaving every day you FAKE Australian. Just GO>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Apparently Trudeau and Macron are ready to jump ship because of the Pfizer Court cases happening in America over the False Safe and Affective statement.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Morrison and Hunt should be dragged back soon to answer why Pfizer is getting sued for misleading the world on the narrative Safe and Affective.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Any updates on the 5 states in America sueing Pfizer for misleading the public on the Safe and Affective Narrative been a lie??????>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Sky presenter looked sour and mean on this delivery of Dribble>> <<@ramondrongonui1024 says : One equal state called The Holly Land no Zionist no Hamus must be a Non military base nation from the river to the sea 🇵🇸 God willing.>> <<@mizzj9608 says : she should be sacked, immediately and go and live in Palestine if you are not for the Australians!>> <<@user-zd3xs4ts6f says : Hopefully one of Al-pinocchio 's advisors has told him to sack this senator>> <<@user-xo4rx8ov5o says : She's a traitor, i will never vote for people who don't represent my culture or values>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : There's something here that Australians don't understand. Labor are lying every day to you - about what the stand for - what they believe. Let's look at few facts. 1. Labor has signed onto the left wing global policy suite. None of labors policies - are specific - jut purely Australian. Race - Gender - Climate - are all labor care about they are the exact same same political agenda - of Washington. Nothing else matters. 2. Labor hates Israel - look at Albo has said and done - and Penny Wong - said about Israel. This person feels she has the right to do the same thing. Her leaders have set the course of that discussion. Labor continues to fund - UNRWA - who is now being sued by the survivors of the October 7th massacre. Labor has let loose anti-Israel protestors - to assault - harass - Jewish Australians. Even harass them at home - and encourage it. They are doing nothing of the illegal protests. They are sanctioned by labor. 3. Inflation. Labor hides the real inflation figures. They are lying. Where they can't hide inflation - is the cost of living. And the cost of living reflects - what it costs - farmers - miners - shops - our service providers - things will cost you to buy - based on what it costs them - to run their business. So labor knows - their inflation figures are pure lies. They can't hide the cost of living. 4. Notice this time around labor is not hitting on the banks or big business. They hitting on all Australians. Their target is all Australians. Labor no longer support - factory workers - mining - manufacturing. The things that run your economy. 5. They want farming destroyed - with a cow fart tax. That's labor energy policies - are all the policies of the left wing global political movement. They are not policies specific to Australia. They are being done - to destroy our energy independence - and destroy our economy. 6. They want to lock up the rest of the resources - water - rivers - minerals - under native title legislation. Labor wrote this legislation - and are actively locking up land - with native title claims. 7. They are on this journey - that somehow - no-one else knows how - if they lie about green energy - it will work - when it has not worked anywhere else. 8. Labor has used the education system to groom - their followers. 9. Putin just told the Hamas leadership - surrender. As Israel just found 21 executed hostages. What Putin would not say was - what nationality - those hostages belonged to. They were not just Israeli's. Putin feels Israel will target Lebanon next and Syria. Putin has told Hamas - he can no longer help them. Something has changed elsewhere. Russia may be worried - Israel will target it's allies in Syria. And other players - will take over. Putin knows when the rest of the world finds out - the nationality of those executed hostages - other countries will join Israel - to fight - Hamas - Hezbollah - Iran. And Albo - refuses to mention - if any of the hostages taken by Hamas - are Australians. That's where Albo and Wong - are pure criminals - that are complicit - in those crimes. 10. Labor acts contrary to all working Australians - and ignores - Australia's sovereignty. 11. A leading Trump adviser - has said why should the U.S. sell us - there nuclear submarines. 12. All labor was worried about was Julian Assange. 13. The Assange issue might well cause a huge back lash in Washington - towards Australia. 14. Drama Drag Queen Albo - who can't work out is he a she - is she a he - or is he or she - Cousin IT. 15. That Australia has to play hard ball. 16. Australia has to say to the U.S. - we host your secret bases that makes us - a target for a nuclear attack. 17. We want 18 nulear submarines - armed with nuclear missiles - as payment for those bases to remain in Australia. 18. If not - Trump should be told - take your bases - and leave Australia. 19. That labor hates you - hates our country - hates our system of government. 20. That labor has only listened to - radical Indigenous leaders - radical Australian muslims - radical overseas countries - who have destroyed their own democracies - like the U.S. Democrats. Labor are true criminals in every sense of the word. The recent attempted coup in Bolivia - is because Bolivia - is joining the BRICS group - and Bolivia holds the worlds largest deposits of lithium. What labor wont tell us is. The BRICS group i getting more countries every week. Very soon that group will comprise of 80% of the countries of thew world. The U.S. dollar is the target. It has been de-coupled from how oil is now sold. It is no longer sold in U.S. dollars. Why - because Australia - U.K. - U.S. - Europe told them - we are going green. Green energy is total lie and a myth. And Russia and China - are rushing - to lock up - all the large deposits in the world. Also exposes Australia - to exploitation over importing - green energy machines and systems. Next. Anyone who dies from the toxic fumes of an electric car. Sue the labor party - labor politicians. Who want this policy. As they are hiding the massive dangers of this electric vehicles - that - their toxic fumes - can kill you - with a couple of breaths. They knowing lie to make people buy these cars. Given the huge risks - they should be sued for their superannuation. It can be done - and should be done. Then you will suddenly get accountability in Australian politics. Labor has lost control of energy on all fronts. As even green energy - we must buy the bulk of the solar panels - solar batteries - wind turbines - overseas. And they don't work. And yet labor tells you - they will work. When everyone has seen them fail everywhere else. Labor will waste trillions of dollars. Not based on any good economic reasons. That labor's political policy has become a fake religion. That labor can play GOD and save the planet. This female politician - has been put in play by labor - to hide the fact - labor knows they are done with voters. So now the distractions and lies - will be all these stupid made up political side shows - that are nothing more then stunts. Labor are - immoral - corrupt - useless.>> <<@Conky769 says : The witch 🧙‍♀️>> <<@Design_no says : Remove her. Disgusting anti Australian female.>> <<@CatsandJP says : She is only fuelling more tensions…she was born in Afghanistan…this is about Israel and Palestine…there comes a time especially relating to a crisis regarding war… where some people should just shut up and back off…instead of pushing their personal agendas.. and not make matters worse..nowadays…if you support Israel you’re antisemitic..if you support Palestinian you’re called a terrorist…she should defect if that’s what she believes…you can’t have a foot in both camps.>> <<@nazmi5337 says : Ofcourse, she not will support the Zionists!!! Free Palestine Palestine, Free Australia from the Zionists!!!>> <<@pikeymicky says : Why does this woman who holds no allegiance to Australia or it's laws & customs seek to impose her warped views on statehood status for a bunch of barbarians? Why should she be allowed a platform to spew her misguided medieval ideology to Australians who have no say & very little interest or understanding of this absurd proposal.>> <<@Claudia-es8jv says : Putting international politics before her own country’s, get used to that if you elect people who have different cultural priorities to your own.>> <<@alanw8552 says : Marles & Albanese are such liars. One week ago he said he respects her & her decision.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : All educated and (multi)cultured Australians agree with you, Senator Payman! That is to say, by far the majority!>> <<@yowten8994 says : Shes a muslim first then claiming to be Australian she does not belong in our government.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Australia needs more far left politicians like the Honorable Senator Paymen. Vote hard left in '25!>> <<@youtuberwaldfee says : Palestine has the right to exist. How the western world can deny that when even there are contracts for a two state solution. But we see that Isnotreal has no interest in keep its word. Typical behaviour>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Hear hear, Senator. Your intellect and education far surpasses that of most Australians, and all One Nation voters!>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Straya loves the 1Party System of Labor and Liberals working together to destroy Australia in the Name of WEF and UN.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Labor and Liberals the 1Party System of Australia. In this Together,thats why you were locked down and Jabbed.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Any Australian who thinks Labor and Liberals are not serving the same WEF master's are Blind Sheep 🐑>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : The 1Party Team of Labor and Liberals. In this Together. Pandemic 2020. Wake Up Australia>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Senator Payman is a true Aussie patriot!>>