<<@Withnail1969 says : It isn't possible to run the whole economy on electricity. Anyone claiming it is is a liar or fool or both.>> <<@JOHNDANIEL1 says : I live off grid since 2011, you can see such on my channel. *HOWEVER* - To fully electrify 3/4 of the world as they plan, you need 230% more copper than is known to exist in grade 1 to 3 mining operations. Going to higher invasive mining is considered so toxic that even the oil companies giggle. And using Aluminum as a electrical conductor is possible but with solar out DC voltage of your solar you start high electrolysis erosive factors ( electrical fire on the future ) and a 22% power loss per ton of material. So does anyone like this guy whos getting paid over 4 million dollars a year from grants, media, books and feel good corporations even consider these realities?>> <<@evil17 says : What a Grifter, he is a clown, he said he has a Fusion start up in San Francisco, what is that supposed to mean or imply, that he might have Fusion reactors in another 100 years and a 100 trillion dollars. These renewables schemes/scams are an economic & environmental disaster that cant be accurately costed because it goes on forever as we suffer a declining spiral of our energy reliability and rising costs to keep it all going. His ‘Edison Battery” idea from ion ore cells would require a battery the size of Qld to power the rest of the country, it is not an efficient technology. Solar & Wing farms are scaring our Great Dividing Range & many protected areas & species habitats of koalas & platypus without any debate, coastal wind farms will block any fishing near the thousands of kms of wind farm alone the coast near our sensitive Barrier Reef they are so worried about. Climate change fear mongering lies & unattainable net zero goals support this renewables scam as a form of Marxist control and oppression. Labor hates you, get these Pigs out of the trough.>> <<@mattigower1479 says : I thought engineers were supposed t be good at math. None of the strategies put forward by this engineer make any sense at all. Any EV with a battery that big is going be in an $80 - 100k price band. I already own a good car, so would be just a net expense, that I don't need. It might run the house for four days, but then it will take more than 4 days to recharge it, meantime, that vehicle is not usable, so I would need another car. Similarly, if I am out driving the car, it is not at home running the house. Then consider, anyone in rented or apartment housing will be unable to do any of these things, this strategy is just another EV fantasy dreampt up the elites, for the elites. I can only assume this engineer has other motivations for putting forward such non viable plan.>> <<@yogibbear says : This guy is a liar and a grifter.>> <<@gregtanner1444 says : Give him a Government grant. About 1 billion.Lol 😅>> <<@travelwithtony5767 says : This guy isn’t an expert on anything..he’s just an industry shill that is personally profiting from the climate change hoax at the expense of everyone else. If he was really interested in producing efficient, clean and inexpensive energy production he would be pushing for constructing nuclear power plants. He said the quiet party out loud when he mentioned that “if we are really going to profit”..which just proves my point.>> <<@lloydsingline340 says : I think Labor is making a meal electrifying the economy,to quote an old rugby league analogy ( Rex Mossop ) as in a team stuffing up a try.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : I think this bloke must have a unicorn farm somewhere.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : If he is using his car to run his house, how is he charging his car?>> <<@arnaldo35 says : Sky, you need a physics fact checker. This bloke is full of it.>> <<@L0b0ts says : The scam artists are at it again, all they do is BS, listening to the MSM is bad for your finances and energy security. It's all a big con, the productivity commission are traitors giving unjustified massive payrises to corrupt politicians when productivity has ground to a halt, and it has ground to a halt because of the renewable energy hoax and must be charged with defrauding Australians and treason all of them. Albanese's new GG is a self serving scoundrel and has no place as GG, the MSM have teamed up with Albanese and defrauding Australians, great to see mass sackings, really arrests in the Australian media, about time, about time, well deserved, bunch of con artists.>> <<@carlososic4783 says : what a dreamer>> <<@Jakebob-ee9go says : This bloke is a joke.>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : Rewiring Australia is in the business of promoting renewable energy. Being a not-for-profit does not mean there are no financial benefits. Those who work there benefit.>> <<@carmenshivas915 says : The economy? Isnt that with reference to people?>> <<@ShaunFace says : Hamster wheel outside everyone’s home mate. Get some exercise recharge your home. Progress.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : And we are all in for an electric shock.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Dutton will do his best to make it harder>> <<@archcollie5708 says : What an idiot. Who pays his salary?>> <<@user-se2rz5cf3z says : Why is Australia becoming a third world country and being forced to keep our resources in the ground? Use them to make Australia a rich and powerful nation.>> <<@VK4VO says : Is this guy serious???? fucking TEMU powered grid,,, you are a joke mate. Prices are not dropping, he is full of shit. Living in fantasy land, batteries WILL NEVER work, he has no idea about buffer and what size it needs to be.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : 1:32 This guy has a 132 kwh car battery that he says could run his house for 4 days, that capacity battery is going to cost upwards of $45,000 and has a life expectancy of 5 years. And that's not including installation costs and the rest of paraphernalia that goes with it , your going to need a lot of solar panels to charge that size battery in a reasonable amount of time. The solar panels have a expected life span of 7 to 9 years. Spent Batteries and solar cells contain deadly toxins that are persistent. This "expert" is a labor shill.>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : Well with all these renewables I hope the ego's with the nukes don't cause a nuclear winter.>> <<@phil.s2245 says : Using diesel machinery to make it all happen. The general.publics knowledge is along way ahead of you guys. Big manufacturers like Toyota, Mercedes, hertz rental cars are going off the electric hoax.>> <<@awc900 says : This guy's a dreamer and an economically dangerous one.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Science!>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Vote Labor! More socialism, more communism! Let's leave the world in a better place than we found it!>> <<@user-qh9kg7bm1u says : That interview should come with an advertising warning. Saul was just talking up his own investments it was not independent analysis>> <<@paythepiper6283 says : What a waste of electrons of listening to this bloke. He just said over and over we can electrify without actually saying how it would be done. Give us a full costing of renewables including all the panels and turbines already erected, currently being erected or needs to be erected, all the storage for a defined period (at least 24hrs) all the transmission required, and the replacement of all the panels and turbines replacement and their disposal every 15 years, for an 80 year period. Oh and all the subsidies to be paid to the renewable crowd too. Lets have a like for like cost comparison with nuclear. All this bloke is trying to do is line his own pockets.>> <<@lfg6215 says : Ffs Rosco it's environmental vandalism, you call yourself a journo, challenge these clowns>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Australia is in a perfect position to take advantage of the renewables boom! Vote red, green or teal!>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Do not vote for Dutton and his Disaster Duds! They will take us back to the dark ages 1950s where nuclear was king, and disasters were not envisioned. Don't risk a meltdown! Vote hard left!>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Without productivity economy will collapse thank snake charmer Jim>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : Renewables are here to stay! 40% and growing everyday! All thanks to the left and their far-thinking/seeing ideology!>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : You can NOT trust CSIRO and AEMO. The IEA did a major study (2020) of energy sources and found LTO nuclear to be the best long term and lowest cost option. If you increase the rate of return to 15% and factor in replacement capital it looks even better for nuclear. CSIRO and AEMO have no meaningful commercial nuclear power experience. Look at a country like Sweden, ~ 30% of its current electricity generation comes from nuclear and in November 2023 the government announced plans to construct two large-scale reactors by 2035 and the equivalent of 10 new reactors, including small modular reactors, by 2045. How about Finland, here nuclear energy plays a key role in Finland’s energy sector. Nuclear amounted to 33% of total electricity generation in 2021, and this figure has risen to more than 40% with the start of commercial operations at the Olkiluoto 3 reactor in May 2023 – the first new nuclear plant in Europe in 15 years. The Australia Loses Party (ALP) needs to engage is actual science and technology rather than ideology and polemic.>>