<<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : Buddha spirt as wise as snake and Buddha spirt as innocent as dove 🕊 because adversary rampant lion 🦁 seeking to devour wolf in sheep clothing peddle lies and practice false hoods so Buddha sheep 🐑 is greatest in kingdom of God because Buddha sheep 🐑 refused to believe wolves in sheep clothing peddle lies and practice false hoods so Jesus christ said behold jesus christ sent you Buddha maitreya out as sheep 🐑 amongst pack of wolves is hazardous mission in bible book so maitreya Buddha be as wise as snake at bottom of Jacob ladder 🪜 and be as innocent as dove 🕊 in middle of Jacob ladder 🪜 because adversary rampant lion 🦁 seeking to devour at top of Jacob ladder 🪜 so lion 🦁 look into scroll has 7 seals so 7 thunders shouted blessed is mighty angel reads aloud true words bible book of revelations so lamb took scroll has 7 seals from the one seated on throne at top of Jacob ladder 🪜 so Angels ascend Jacob ladder 🪜 and angels descend down Jacob ladder 🪜 Buddha said money 💰 cannot save man flesh and Buddha Said food cannot save man flesh so Buddha did not believe wolves in sheep clothing peddle lies and practice false hoods so behold lamb Jesus christ sent you Buddha maitreya out as sheep 🐑 Buddha spirt is sheep 🐑 spirt gives water of repentance because Buddha is fake king is fake God. True king is true God gives Holy spirit so son of man gives Holy spirit. Buddha is sheep God is true king gives Holy spirit so son of man gives Holy spirit Buddha has third eyes 👀 open as bible book said they have eyes cannot see God the last sermon on Mount but he Buddha has pure heart the last sermon on Mount so Buddha eyes opened third eye blind to see God face to face so Buddha see true king son of man face to face the last sermon on Mount Buddha knows secrets of God power is vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 so Eminem sings shazam let get down to business and can I get a witness life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so true vine jesus christ gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength is proof superman spirit is helper spirit of truth is word of Jesus christ so Abraham died and all the prophets died so whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death so Buddha has eyes 👀 see word of Jesus christ and word is God so whomever keeps word is God shall never die physically so superman spirit is word of God is word of Jesus christ so true vine jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman is king of dead kings so Buddha is sheep 🐑 has eyes see superman John Williams theme song is king of dead kings so Buddha is king of Babylon>> <<@livyalexx says : Wow, another rate rise on the horizon! 📈 Let's see how this affects us all. Thoughts?>>