<<@celinehealy9710 says : UK. You will regret this within the first 6 months. We know here in Oz>> <<@margaretmorgan7795 says : No truer word spoken.>> <<@snowyowel7961 says : πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰REFORM πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŒŸ πŸŽ‰ NIGEL 🌟FARAGE πŸŽ‰>> <<@geraldnixon6511 says : My question is why did the leader of the Labour Party fail to prosecute Jimmy Savile under a labour leader like that is our children safe are we safe?>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : They are both sides of the same coin, they represent the crown, not the people.>> <<@waynelockett1149 says : Vote reform and tell everyone you know to vote reform and get rid of these woke WEF puppets>> <<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : Buddha spirt as wise as snake and Buddha spirt as innocent as dove πŸ•Š because adversary rampant lion 🦁 seeking to devour wolf in sheep clothing peddle lies and practice false hoods so Buddha sheep πŸ‘ is greatest in kingdom of God because Buddha sheep πŸ‘ refused to believe wolves in sheep clothing peddle lies and practice false hoods so Jesus christ said behold jesus christ sent you Buddha maitreya out as sheep πŸ‘ amongst pack of wolves is hazardous mission in bible book so maitreya Buddha be as wise as snake at bottom of Jacob ladder πŸͺœ and be as innocent as dove πŸ•Š in middle of Jacob ladder πŸͺœ because adversary rampant lion 🦁 seeking to devour at top of Jacob ladder πŸͺœ so lion 🦁 look into scroll has 7 seals so 7 thunders shouted blessed is mighty angel reads aloud true words bible book of revelations so lamb took scroll has 7 seals from the one seated on throne at top of Jacob ladder πŸͺœ so Angels ascend Jacob ladder πŸͺœ and angels descend down Jacob ladder πŸͺœ Buddha said money πŸ’° cannot save man flesh and Buddha Said food cannot save man flesh so Buddha did not believe wolves in sheep clothing peddle lies and practice false hoods so behold lamb Jesus christ sent you Buddha maitreya out as sheep πŸ‘ Buddha spirt is sheep πŸ‘ spirt gives water of repentance because Buddha is fake king is fake God. True king is true God gives Holy spirit so son of man gives Holy spirit. Buddha is sheep God is true king gives Holy spirit so son of man gives Holy spirit Buddha has third eyes πŸ‘€ open as bible book said they have eyes cannot see God the last sermon on Mount but he Buddha has pure heart the last sermon on Mount so Buddha eyes opened third eye blind to see God face to face so Buddha see true king son of man face to face the last sermon on Mount>> <<@rockyluvinfrnd8180 says : Britain will cease to exist if they can't come out of Tories labour binary>> <<@snowyowel7961 says : KEEP SHIFTY STARMER OUT OF NUMBER TEN SERIOUSLY OUT.>> <<@ireneaustin8330 says : Look what happened to Australia 😒>> <<@livyalexx says : OMG, can you believe this!? 🌸 As if things couldn't get crazier! It's like a real-life drama unfolding. 😱 Let's hope for the best, but who knew politics could be this intense? πŸ’–>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : Trust me Britain, if Labour gets in you will see yourselves go down, down, down with cock up after cock up. An additional piece of excitement you can expect is to see money being thrown around like a water sprinkler., the taxes increased as they have spent all the money. There has NEVER been a Labour government anywhere in the world that has been able to manage money…not one!>> <<@englishstark6100 says : The Sheeple more interested in the bread and circus football>> <<@englishstark6100 says : Eddie Izzard has now squared Kiers away that a woman can have a penis I’ll spare you the details>> <<@trevormaurer3684 says : Are the GB News Correspondence the UK hard right version of Sky News Australia Newscorp keeps it all inhouse>> <<@mmccbb7mcb278 says : Woke coming to you big time if Labour win. Tories a disaster. Good riddance. But……..Labour….. my goodness…………………>> <<@johncheetham4607 says : Won't get chance to 'rue the day'. They will put laws in place where you won't be able to think for yourself without getting arrested.>> <<@alistair4937 says : Under-performing Tories are better for the UK than "modern" Labour. But the UK will vote against the Tories regardless of what Labour will impose on it.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : They want to eliminate carbon dioxide to stop food from growing.>> <<@jamieriglin1511 says : If the people vote for it !!! They can deal with it.. vote reform uk>> <<@serviusm9523 says : To stop Labour, everyone needs to vote Reform. Vote splitting equals Labour government>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : Based solely on the outcomes of their previous political opinions, it would be terrifying for any politician to know sky's Sunday squealers were your cheer squad...πŸ₯Ά πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.....tell em I'm not home...!>> <<@betrayedcitizen5135 says : 2 parties to choose from. a) culturally centre left but economically conservative or b) culturally far left but economically conservative. How about culturally conservative but economically centre left? How about that? Why can’t we have that?>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Labour disease is spreading rapidly😒😒>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : The Pommies are sick of wokeness so they want a Labour Government now, makes perfect sense.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : What's for dinner tonight honey, the usual, fried cockroaches.>> <<@user-gm4tx2rm1i says : Britain is as stuffed as Australia politically.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : The only problem with UK Labour is that they are not left enough!>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Either way UK is screwed for good πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚βš°οΈ>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : I can't wait to visit progressive, inclusionary UK once the left are in office!>> <<@user-xo4rx8ov5o says : The Islamist party, same as Australia, not for it's citizens for bad imports>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : No more milk and meat people, plant food only after they have been banning most of that too.>> <<@paythepiper6283 says : People over there are voting Labour for the same reason a lot voted Labor here, because they aren't Morrison/Sunak, and not because Labo(u)r are better or have good policies. England will soon rue there choice just as many have here. Vote Reform Pommies if u want things to get better.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : The Tories have become left wing lunatics imagine what stupid Labour will be like.>> <<@robroy5352 says : my serious opinion whether you like it or not,,, if labour wins,,,,uk will be totaly fu@@d then i think the UK is heading for a revolution, the W,,A,,S,,P,,s have had enough of bowing 2 the religion of peace,,>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Labour is spelled out like the word is in the UK, the spelling in Australia is applicable because they make every decision without including U (you)>> <<@hesky68 says : Just like Australia, the Poms will vote out a very average government and replace them with something much worse.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : 6 hours ago β€” ***Reform UK drops three candidates as racism row continues to engulf party ... "We will always rail against racist and homophobic comments, and I*** πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Said the racist homophobic UK Conservative Party leader Farage..>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : If you want a long overdue change for the better, then vote REFORM UK...>> <<@robroy5352 says : fuk, and 2 think the gezzer was a judge,,,,,,,,,,needs lots of retrials...they call people like them 2 smart. 2 think this is 2024,,,,,,,,and these 2 are the best they can do,,,,WTF have you seen ,australia,, nz,, holy fuk they are even worse they all look like retarded kretins ,,,,,best 1 of the lot smart guy GEERT WILDERS ,,, meloni,,,,,another useless BORRIS THE RAT,,, TRUMP,,,, the fn swamp has got a lot deeper,,,,>> <<@vivrowe2763 says : Yes, same here with Labor.>> <<@DisasterDutton-o6g says : The whole world will eventually turn left. Thanks to ever increasing rates of secular and universal education, it's inevitable!>> <<@davehallett810 says : Starmer is a communist Nigel Farage and reform all the way πŸ‘Œ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§>>