<<@frankcoates4609 says : When Boofhead unveils his cunning plan, people will be rooting madly for nuclear power because he cares about the Australian people and doesn't want them to be upset and aesthetically alarmed by large wind turbines catching fire and their blades flying around destroying stuff. Boofhead, our man, a tough and fiercely intelligent Liberal leader.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : We banned the use of stone benchtops in Australia because our businesses and regulators couldn't manage the safety around the handling of this product. Are our regulators and workplaces mature enough to manage radioactive products?>> <<@OG_Sigma87 says : So what happens when a hailstorm comes along and wipes out the solar panels?>> <<@danielmaher964 says : Cost is the problem? Then legalise nuclear now>> <<@onthehunt518 says : The end of life use for these renewables is 20 years, end of life of a nuclear plant is 80 to 100. So even if nuclear is expensive up front its still cheaper over the end of life cycle. You have to rebuild the renewables 4 times to compete.>> <<@je2338 says : So in other words becauee your mate has a start up company, you have a massive bias to talk down nuclear. I have solar on my house in Sydney. When we get those rainy weeks, it makes next to zero energy. And there's no way I'm having a giant lithium fire bomb in my house,.let alone the fact that I cannot afford one. And why would energy companies let us have fully independent energy (solar and battery). At the end of the day, you still have to be connected to the grid and energy companies will slowly increase that connection service price the more independent we go. It's completely counterintuitive. But you have to make the change otherwise youll be charged to bankruptcy.>> <<@dominicgalante7501 says : BULL SHIT>> <<@colonelklink9911 says : Bye Bye Dutton👋>> <<@bryanstackpole1951 says : Bill Gates is creating soduim nuclear reactors in 10 different locations in the US.>> <<@masksareridiculousfourteen88 says : Mmass DDxeportxation. Less power needed. Fixed. Thank me later.>> <<@BrianBellia says : This is crazy!>> <<@jonathoncalabrese2035 says : One bad storm and all your panels are toast. Not too mention you’ve got all the firefighters up in arms because they haven’t been given the right equipment to fight fires from renewable fires. You’re only pushing this for your own pockets. Everyone’s bills has gone up. It’s a ponzi scheme>> <<@neilkemp9118 says : Wonder if he helped Germany.>> <<@WorldView22 says : Ignoring/diminishing the painfully obvious hazards of nuclear energy, including waste management and accidents, shows bias and/or poor thinking. Indicative reading: = "Crisis Without End: The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe" by Helen Caldicott (Ed.) = "Chernobyl" by Serhii Plokhy [Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction 2018] = "Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste" by William M. Alley & Rosemarie Alley. Cambridge University Press. 2012>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Really? Wow, that's new. It's not like the AEMO or the CSIRO hasn't been saying this for, at least, the last 5 years. :I>> <<@morgan696manning says : hes a criminal stealing from the world>> <<@tgwcl6194 says : Fossile fuels are great: reliable and cheap and relatively clean! (CO2 is not a pollutant but food for plants)>> <<@jeffmcdonnell1179 says : We must look further forward than our navals.>> <<@YouTubeOdyssey says : Room temperature " green steel". Easy as turning lead to gold! Make sure to ship that steel using solar powered ships!>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : There are around 35 countries that use nuclear power, apparently they can afford it but we cant? The rewiring of Australia is not required for nuclear, so no wonder these people are wearing their 'no nukes' tin foil hats.>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : cost reason you kidding me 1.5 trillion for renuvable and 380 bill for 7 nuclear power station what is expensive>> <<@mdchookfarmer9461 says : 8:49 he reckons that China is going all in on Solar and Batteries... Yea thats because they are building everything with little environmental controls and selling it to the rest of the world dirt cheap. And when it breaks down, or needs replacing, guess where we buy it from again... China is rolling out more NEW COAL and NUCLEAR power plants than any other country on the planet! If they can make solar panels and batteries so well and for cheap, why dont they just use them instead of building new coal and nuclear power plants?.. Still havent found a way to make silicon without coal (or another carbon containing product like charcoal) even if you have an electric arc furnace. Cant make a solar panel without silicon.>> <<@SeanBotha says : Just how much do land destroying trees destroying Animals.buildimg maintanance and refuse with oil or part leplacement of solar and wind cost?>> <<@user-gt2dj1kr7z says : how much money is blackout bowen and albosleasy paying this guy>> <<@grantfrost9157 says : Another hippie smoking to many banana leaves. What's Bowen Labour greens and this bloke have in common a final word from there sponsor CCP. Also Ross its funny how your tone towards nuclear seems to of changed. It was only a month ago you were talking nuclear fusion. It's time to go forward with nuclear which is reliable and safe. Muppets like this bloke is holding Australia back!! Bloody hell we use to build shit better. Now we are run by Dick wits .>> <<@snipermama777 says : Forget the Paris agreement it’s a lot of rubbish!!!! Who the hell cares what the rest of the world thinks of Australia 🇦🇺 we need to look after ourselves no other country in the world is going to look after us. Wake up Australia 🇦🇺 We support nuclear in Qld, David Crisafulli get in line with Peter Dutton or we will be voting 🗳️ One Nation.>> <<@richreal7406 says : This is idiot is talking shit! 4 days car battery!!!! What!!!>> <<@richreal7406 says : This guys is full of lies!! Nuclear energy is the future!!>> <<@user-rq2do4wg1b says : Seriously, a straight unbiased opinion from this guy?>> <<@paulfeasal6024 says : California cant support it's populations electricity. They got to use it scarcely because of how much the EV's use. Arizona uses them all. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. The environment you live in will jave a lot to do with how well the deiifent technologies work. So too cold solar panels aint going to work well. The heat the soalar panels batteries will blow cells. They would be lucky to last any good length of time. Nuclear is good if you don't have any national disasters like weather. Hurricanes and massive floods can cause a Nuclear meltdown in the future. Japan had one with a Tsunami line in 2008. I may be wrong with thr time frame though. This totally took oit tjeor economy. Other then these massively potential dangers Nuclear power is more stable then the gas or coal. The other could be hydroplants for electricity. This could be powered by their rivers usually set up in a dam. The Hoover Dam is an example of this technology and SRP. Solar panels do have a major strength. It makes it possible to go outside your monopoly of power companies that are in your areas. They ain't as cheap as they say because the government has been increasing the prices on it. Its barely saving people money that own their panels. If you jave more options you will have better prices. That's why solar is better. I forgot to also say your current electric company will have to come out amd take their stuff before you can change over to solar and it takes months like more than 6.>> <<@justinwhite2725 says : If cost is the limiting factor than climate change isnt the threat they pretend it to be. So called green energy doesnt provide base load, so the only option is nuclear. (Batteries to provide base load are genuinely prohibitively expensive - billions of dollars for an hour of power) Any resistance to nuclear destroys the idea that carbon is an existential threat. And if thats the case we are better of staying with fossil fuels. The only reason anyone would block the transition to nuclear is if they had money invested in so-called green energy. Edit: okay, I can agree with this guy. He's talking primarily about home renovations for individual use. Everything he says here works well for people who cans set up their own solar panels and batteries. This does not scale though - and can't be applied for countrywide infrastructure.>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : What about the insane cost and environment impact of giant transmission lines accross the continent ?>> <<@alanhorne699 says : Most of that was bloody rubbish>> <<@user-nd2hl4qr1z says : Another one with the wanker gene>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : Is this guy serious .. Gas is more than an Interim fuel its a Standalone Generating System Like Coal and Nuclear the one system that can supply Continuity of Power Supply Security what you are advocating is a Ashram Commune System fine for Hippies but for an advancing Australia’s Economy Never .. who is this guy another WEF UNIPCC Puppet Billionaire So he's written Books .. with his sticky fingers in the Australian Cookie Jar .Greenwood advocating for Renewables ? .. Sri Lanka went down this ESG renewables Path .. Led to Near Starvation and reminiscent of Pol Pot’s Cambodia caused by trying to reach impossible Targets set by Elites .. which flee when Citizens Rioted and went after the Ruling Elites>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : Because forcing everyone to buy panels and new batteries and an EV every ten years is so cheap and affordable. What a joke.>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : No mention of the nuclear submarines?>> <<@SimjetAU says : Sabine is a very smart woman..watch this show on a realistic time and cost video on nuclear power. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EsBiC9HjyQ>> <<@carbonite1999 says : you wont pay for this but you will fund a politician and their lifestyle.. stop financing the two party cartel system and the money is there. stop letting the labor and liberal cartels spend money on war mongering(subs) and the money is available. Drop the wages of public servants and the money is there .. this stooge and his solar ute , how long did the battery take to recharge? hours! the diesel fuel take minutes to refuel and while the battery recharges your already on you way. well and truly . this guys mind fart is a dangerous idea ..>> <<@joelG1272 says : As you well know Ross, electricity supply companies seek to grow revenue and profit year on year to satisfy share holders. The promise of cheap electricity from renewables is a pipe dream. When electricity is free from solar and wind , transmission and storage becomes the new money spinner. Average roof sizes are shrinking number of people sharing houses is going to grow, Three people in a house with electric cars all trying to recharge overnight from a battery 1/4 of the size of one car battery. Ross your guest was a real snake oil salesman, he spoke about nuclear energy as old technology, Fusion energy may just be 10 years away, as it has always been for the last 30 years, but it is a form of atomic energy. Atomic energy is the future and if Australia truly wants to be a smart country then we really need to wise up to whare the big players are putting their money like China, 25 new reactors to add to the existing 56.>> <<@shaneburns4349 says : I am also a metallurgist, at Port Kembla steel, which is still running. unlike Newcastle. This bloke is good at sales. Rewiring this country is a problem. I have also run linear assets unlike Saul, he does not get how hard it is. That said, confidence over capability makes for a good conversation.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : Net Zero will never happen without nuclear, massive consumption of emissions producing gas generation will be needed to back up renewables.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : Solar and wind wouldn't pull a maggot off a chop, AEMO says that we will need 26 new emissions producing gas power stations.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : Too bad that most of the gas is on the West Coast and Labor destroyed investment in gas extraction on the East Coast with price caps, blackouts here we come.>> <<@stancraigie601 says : Dreamer>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : The stupid Greens and TEALS say that we don't need gas power stations to back up renewables when the experts AEMO say that we need 26 new gas power stations.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : We don't just need 26 new temporary gas power stations, we will keep needing more of them in the future after we turn our backs on coal and nuclear.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : Net Zero when AEMO says that we need 26 new emissions producing gas power stations to back up a huge amount of renewables, batteries and transmission towers.>> <<@actualfacts1055 says : Oh great Australia to be covered by giant transmission towers and wires like a giant spider web plus 26 new gas power stations, it's for the greater good so that Australia can save the galaxy from climate change even though we are heading into the next Ice Age.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : The first word in the Australian Macquarie Dictionary in all editions is 'Can't' and the 2nd is 'banned''>>