<<@stevemartin7464 says : I want a sorry day for the disgusting treatment we got during Covid. The entire farce was ludicrous. They will need a sorry day for insisting on renewables at all (very great to the average person) costs. It is a recipe for disaster. But...we can all feel good while sitting with candles and blankets in Winter, that we will have a sorry day! Yay!>> <<@desking8065 says : What's there to be sorry about. You do not own vista. Owned land is being compensated.>> <<@andrewwarwick1305 says : I think she is dreaming, it only affects mostly white working class and rural people, no chance of a sorry from the left who hate us.>> <<@shaneshannon1123 says : if I owned a property I would never allow them to put it on my land>> <<@AVMamfortas says : How about a 'Sorry Day' for the hundred thousand babies murdered in Abortion EVEY YEAR.>> <<@EmporerGreg says : idiots sell our coal for other country's to burn and pollute so keep it here and let us burn the coal with pollution capture devices>> <<@briantomkins1284 says : Say sorry!!! What is that going to do.... im sorry that we have a nation full of many stupid people whom vote for moronic people>> <<@adriansmith7604 says : CB what is your plan to get rid old used solar panels EV old car batteries ???>> <<@KBHeal says : So they're doing exactly the same as with the vaccine mandates, damaging and ruinining our environment, no matter renewables or nuclear with the excess waste created with either of them, whereas at least carbon is needed to actually grow trees. They don't grow in carbon poor soil. Have you ever actually looked at the science????>> <<@MrHC1983 says : Take away the climate BS........... every ounce of net zero and the complete BS about CO2 etc............. and boom we can just keep burning coal. We have plenty of it......... imagine if they couldn't sell it to China......... and we HAD to use it, same with our gas and oil. It's all BS.......... It's about MONEY........ and they'll happily sell us out, the evil people in power.>> <<@wallywombat164 says : I'm a whitie Australian, What day do i have to apologize for being alive?>> <<@kevinbrown2445 says : Sorry day for the Australia economy,>> <<@raimonddeieso7433 says : Typical peanuts running our country labour is acting like the CCP as it clearly shows it’s boot licking support for pi#s weak.>> <<@AntonyW12 says : Go Green, go lean. Go Woke, go broke.>> <<@caewalker9276 says : Yes. It should also be a day of no confidence in our government 🤟😎💚🇦🇺>> <<@user-fi1vc2th6b says : Good point about redeeming the land when these turbines wear out.The blades are fibre glass and have a short life span then need renewing>> <<@chrismorley8348 says : The poliyical class has no constitutional right destroy their citizens standard of living financial oppertunmity and future. The economy doeas not belong to government. Actions which harm citizens by government is the definition of tyranny. The Party system has allowed private money to buy the entire political class in the west. There is no opposition just silence and the parliamentary privilege MPs are vested with to question government actions goes unused. That tells you everything. Our individual votes have been devalued worse than our currency. Abolish the party whip et all. All MPs independent all votes in parliament by conscience and the interest of the electorate. We need two election cycles where the only people who meet to vote are those who have paid income tax minimum of three years previous to election end of story. No beneficiaries no students no civil servants either no state employees at all. NO PRIVATE FUNDING OF POLITICIANS. We have private interests paying to have their agendas inflicted on us as public Policy. Private money has also bought and destroyed the Independance of the fifth estate. the CLIMATE SCAM IS the overarching covert huge resource grab by private capitol. Governments allowed individuals and corporations to amass such wealth that the political class the media local government and the state sector have all been bought off that it was inevitable that national sovereignty itself would be next.>> <<@mitchmccarron8337 says : Native birds and bats love those turbines so much they gather by the thousands at their base to celebrate the final joy of knowing we are saving the planet. Mitch, Australia.>> <<@musicloverchicago437 says : Seeing that huge array of solar panels made me cry a little bit. Horrible.>> <<@user-gs2ou9bf4h says : Sorry for voting Labor and green Muppets in ,Sorry for letting in the third world, Sorry for giving hundreds of millions of dollars away, yes but when Sorry isn't enough, I'd like to see these politicians prosecuted and get jail time>> <<@Links-Plus2 says : Some think they look horrible, some sexy.>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : Typical labour I smell a bunch of RATS>> <<@briancarr34 says : 'SORRY" is a swear word for politicians. It indicates they were wrong. On the other hand 'LIE' is a necessity.>> <<@ljo642 says : We should stop calling these things ''renewables''. Their pollution footprint is ENORMOUS. Nothing is being ''renewed'' by using them.>> <<@normgodfrey3204 says : Do these sorry days really make any difference or are they just to make a few people feel better .>> <<@henryhryckiewicz858 says : Where is all the nuclear waste going?>> <<@YvonneCrean says : Welcome to Australian communistic party>> <<@craiglee2851 says : So when Dutton wins the next election , can he stop all these wind turbines ?>> <<@gingertom56 says : Durrr they will reuse to the footing for decades to come.>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : The NO meant nothing it is still happening by stealth by Labor Governments>> <<@deethy19 says : An official sorry from government in this respect would require either an absolute conservative majority (in which case there’s indeed very dark days ahead before we reach that), or the political left would be required to display a level of contrition we could only dream of. 🤔>> <<@brianhornsby954 says : The clean up of all the renewables>> <<@billysolhurok5542 says : This just goes to show that this net-zero madness,it's all about profit for the vested/controlling interests.This has absolutely nothing to do with saving the planet,or helping the people that these knuckleheads,claim to support.>> <<@tiesword3252 says : J SLOAN...SPOT ON, LET THE PEOPLE LEARN THE TRUTH.....>> <<@garrygraham says : If farmers agree to turbines or solar panels on their land, they are more a vandal than an inner-city luvvie who at least doesn't have a clue about what is happening on the land.>> <<@edwardwiltz1450 says : 1/2 of them are out of service and the rest are leaking oil or have damage blades and gears.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : It’s the communist uni-party who has played a part in creating the energy mess with the LNP who under Howard/Anderson in 2002 brought in the Renewable Energy Act. This act created a honeypot subsidy environment where those companies’ building turbines are paid between $600K - $900K per turbine per annum to companies wanting to build wind turbines, in just this subsidy alone which taypayers money is sent offshore and funnelled into shelf companies leaving farmers with a massive bill if anything happens to them like catching on fire. This subsidy is reaming $40B per year out of the Australian economy and is paid by ALL Australians via our power bills. Our 3-year election cycle energy policies are shaped by lobbyists and billionaires who receive billions in taxpayer subsidies, even a trillion dollar company like Blackrock.>> <<@jamespark3944 says : This is new china / communist labour/ greens>> <<@whitehorse1959 says : ❤❤❤❤>> <<@testedtrue7693 says : Labor Gov't is turning this country into a communist state or Socialist state>> <<@alanweston4524 says : Judith is correct on all she said. Great informative again Rowan, Rita and James.>> <<@tonyscrimshaw869 says : Down the American way. We don’t need anymore sorry days. Time to move on and stop the rot. The city people have no idea of our land being destroyed by Labor and the greens>> <<@ianwaldron-jo4nq says : I want an apology from albo and blacks for the voice and land and cash grab they are on>> <<@ianwaldron-jo4nq says : You wont see these eye sores near any senators house.f..k albo and labor>> <<@barrysmith8887 says : The Directors and CEO and major shareholders of these renewable companies should be made to pay to repair all the land broken through the renewables development.>> <<@steveclifford1239 says : Follow the money,just watch who gets jobs in this sector when they get voted out.>> <<@smcyfs9477 says : Meanwhile, in the California desert, USA. Seeing that the ALP is going down this path of environmental destruction, and more concerned about HAMAS...... Thousands of Joshua Trees set to fall victim to Green-Energy transition .... From CFACT By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D. More than 3,500 majestic Joshua trees in California’s Mojave Desert are being shredded onsite to make way for thousands of solar panels under a plan approved by California and Kern County officials. The sprawling solar project will produce intermittent energy on 2,300 acres of land near the small towns of Boron and Desert Lake. It is not clear whether any of the electricity produced at the solar site will serve some nearby communities. But the project’s developer, California-based Avantus, says contracts have been signed to deliver some of the power to Silicon Valley Clean Energy and Central Coast Community Energy, both are nonprofits that provide green energy to homes in more affluent coastal communities, the Los Angeles Times reported.......coming to a koala habitat near you Australia. Goodluck with that Australia. How dumb is Australia and Western world.>> <<@Petergrand371 says : All you ozies including media will be sorry for doing nothing in 10 years time you land owners will pay the price for allowing that junk yard on your property>> <<@catherinenoorbakhsh says : Will we ever get a politician in this country that cares????????>> <<@kymcampbell2734 says : I'd like to know exactly what tax payer funded subsidies are going where and exactly what the cost is and for exactly how long he's signed us all up to pay for this roart.>>