<<@anneflynn9614 says : F.J.B!!!!!>> <<@sofiyagrober2180 says : Kilmeade 👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@gtilusso2101 says : America’s enemy is the American government.>> <<@user-tk9ve5zt4r says : INVOKE THE 25TH AMMENDMENT AND GET HIM OUT OF THERE ! 🇺🇸>> <<@thingswesaidtoday1478 says : And what about the ✡️ and 🇮🇱?>> <<@carmenross1077 says : Gosh what the heck is this old man saying.Biden candidacy is for nursing home ,he wins approved>> <<@donnaparrish7638 says : biden and his puppeteers are joining forces with our enemies against us. From the criminals running the three letter agencies to the criminals in the capital they work every day against us while we continue to pay them. Folks, we are in trouble. 🇺🇸>> <<@DianahHolcomb says : Enemies on the inside and out and then Joe Biden isn't well enough to stand trial and President Trump will have to clean up the devastating mess the Democrats leave and get blamed for it all or Joe Biden will get to stay in office four more years because a war starts. I guarantee the Democrats will do something really dirty if they can't win by rigging the election they don't care about our Country they only care about being in control . I know that God is in control and the Democrats are not God>> <<@Noneofyourb908 says : They are known as the trump family colluding woth the kremlin....years going on now.....trumputin treason>> <<@tstuff89 says : Bidens UN peacekeepers coming across the border will takedown America from within New China created purging Americans>> <<@pnut2552 says : I say "Chieeena" in support of President Trump!! 😂 I can't help but hear it everytime someone says it! 🤣 Love it! 🇺🇸 MAGA 🇺🇸 TRUMP '24 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@WilliamTaylor-nc7nj says : Help>> <<@masonhunter2921 says : And Trump continues to fawn over each of those thug dictator leaders, while pissing on every country who shares our security interests and our values.>> <<@KBilitsky says : Ring wing needs to stop trying to help Dems get Biden out.vwe want him in, exactly where hes at>> <<@tonka5 says : This is what happens when you ignore Hur’s Special Council Report. An old man who doesn’t know what day it is or where he’s at.>> <<@tonka5 says : Brian is spot on>> <<@DLWELD says : Joe is such a goof - mistake after mistake on the world stage - that's why the USA is in such a mess. No-one fears the US any more. It's just bumbling, predictable old Joe fouling up, messing up, being tricked by the USA's opponents.>> <<@stephaniewithrow4685 says : The only reason that the Dems are actually admitting there’s a problem it was because it was on national TV and no one had a good enough excuse for why he was acting that way !>> <<@mattburrito says : hopes for no 3rd world war>> <<@tracyreich8583 says : At least now democratic voters will feel what republican voters felt>> <<@anamariatavares1112 says : 😢😢😢😢Watched from Portugal. So sad!!!!!! Save your country please!!!!>> <<@georgecenteno4711 says : Kilmeade --Jan 6, look good for trump AWOL missing 4hrs stumbling but that get a free pass.🤣>> <<@stevenhigby3512 says : This man has put all of are lives in danger with this open border policy.>> <<@seangordon1060 says : Stolen elections have consequences. The power mad democrat establishment cheated to get Biden in office and hated trump more than they love America. The democrats including Obama and Hillary who are now in charge are responsible for threatening our national security>> <<@markrichard8768 says : The Evil alliance in America that has been protecting Biden, the media, is the number one culprit. Now these corrupt DA's persecuting Trump, are going to run for cover, because the White House can't back them, nor protect them any longer. Let's start watching some serious changes start happening. I hope our overseas enemies don't attack, due to Biden's incompetence.>> <<@Vintaget26 says : They’ve been lying & got caught with their pants down! That’s why they’re acting like this.>> <<@mickeyandres2651 says : Biden has welcomed it all….>> <<@fanomapage2091 says : I Said This In 2021, Check The Receipts, “IF RUSSIA, CHINA, NORTH KOREA, THE MIDDLE EAST & THE MEXICAN CARTEL UNITE, AMERICA WILL LOSE” Media Knows This, Government Knows This, You Know This…..And You’re Not Angry? They Didn’t Know?! You’re Buying That? 😂 Wow!>> <<@smorales2851 says : Do you think our government cares just look at our politicians>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : 1984 is here now.>> <<@offoot516 says : China Ruussia was never enemy. They are CRYBABY BRIAN's playhouse fantasy!!! !!!>> <<@jccarriere3719 says : Yes, Trump is making plans with Axis if Evil, working against America & Americans.>> <<@marvinhostetler9960 says : All Dems are criminals>> <<@marvinhostetler9960 says : Joe Biden is a joke>> <<@FrankGallagherr says : Whose life was better 4 years ago under Trump’s administration.?>> <<@jeffreygunn3530 says : Of course they are. The Dems just proved to the world that we have no one in charge. I guess we just have to hope that Biden is having a "good night" when they decide to attack.>> <<@debbielighthall9671 says : Its just a matter of time😡😡😡😡😡>> <<@FatherSky-ln8sr says : Dummy Trump turned everyone against each other. He turned the church and authorities against me. He polarized the parties. We cant even find common ground with each other, how are we supposed to do that with the rest of the world? Like 2 babies debating with each other talking about Golf. We are a pathetic nation now. DIVIDED WE FALL! And thats happening.>> <<@JesuslovesU2eternally says : Sheeeezzzs... 🤦🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️>> <<@tommy2u says : If anybody in America ever qualified for a crazy check, it's Joe Biden.>> <<@joehernandez1765 says : You know the have them on those chain farms around our military bases they are the bidens silent illegal army waiting for the green light just think 21 million people is a huge soft invasion and now they are here and waiting for bidens fall to rush our military bases>> <<@smart123735 says : America is dying in front of our eyes.>> <<@annthompson6389 says : USA Republic IS IN CRISIS!!! FJB TRAITOR & DC DEMOCRAT POLICIES AND REGIME>> <<@annthompson6389 says : USA can NOT AFFORD DEMOCRAT POLICIES!!! FJB & DC DEMOCRAT REGIME!!! FJB TRAITOR>> <<@phillyspecial1516 says : The gig is up Bidens. Time to face the music and pay for your treasonous actions against fellow Americans.>> <<@arthurcosgrove5984 says : Putin and Kim are voting for Donald>> <<@Ada-ud3vg says : They want to rule the World just Imagine that. Really>> <<@eddiemertin3381 says : Court documents released 10 days ago revealed the suspected $10 million payment that kept Discombobulated Donnie in the race in 2016 involved China & Egypt. Now, the unpatriotic prik is boasting about wanting to make Russia, China, and North Korea great again. Most people probably think it's wrong to speak ill of the dead, so while he's still alive, let's all agree that wrapping a Russian piece of garbage in a flag doesn't make him a Patriot. Putin had built a large number of forces for attack before the Covid-19 panic. He chose to wait until his army was healthy, vaccinated, and the infections decreased in Russia and Ukraine. He would have gone on the attack with his puppy president blessings if he could have.>> <<@Beauchot78 says : Kilmeade for President! at least he is aware of ALL the problems!!!>> <<@populustremula7496 says : Our enemies are forming an alliance? What else is new? If you will recall Trump’s term as President, , he was busy weakening our alliance with our allies which is the same thing as helping our enemies. Plus, go back and watch his performance at the Helsinki summit where he fawns over Putin.>>