<<@ldewproductions7271 says : Who is this Tory idiot ?>> <<@notme1345 says : Vote reform unless you want to live in an islamic country!>> <<@wilbur1884 says : LOOK ME-LUMN IT'S TOMMAYE HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF DAVAYE LUTTA PROUD HE'S PAULSING OAT HIS MUTTON AGAYNE CAULZING CONTRIVERSAYE LITTRILAYE EVERYDAYE TADAYE UND YESTURDAYE IT'S NAULT OKAYE TA-BE KINN TO HOEZAYE MONTERAYE AND DEE OLE JACK CHEEZERS OVA AT DEE OLE NAULSTEOUS OF DAMNED OLE DAYOOH'S AND EVERYTING LIKE DAULT WITT DA MUMZENIGHT'S KEEP GOWWIN INDA LAYBOUR OVA AT DA LAYBOUR PARTY HAULERING OAT WHERE'S DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF DA TORRAYES RIDING DAYE HORSAYE'S🏇 TA WORK 🏇EVERYDAYE🏇 TADAYE 🏇UND🐴 YESTURDAYE🏇 UND DA DAYE 🐴ALF'TA🏇 TADAYE 🏇IT'S NAULT OKAYE 👋🤪>> <<@well-blazeredman6187 says : I think there will be a modest swing to the Conservatives on Thursday. Why, because disappointed Conservatives - and I'm one oof them - will think the near-destruction of the party enough of a kicking. With FPTP, a gain of just a few percent will yield many more seats.>> <<@danielholmes-nj5nq says : I'm voting Reform.>> <<@kennethrichardson8311 says : Don't forget that the Tory and Labour parties boycotted the commons debates on the excessive deaths of British citizens and don't forget your I.D. at the polling booths.>> <<@-Dash- says : Vote Reform in Britain... Never vote Labour... Labour is only good for traitors and non-British people.>> <<@waynelockett1149 says : Vote reform and tell everyone you know to vote reform and get rid of these woke WEF puppets lets make a real change>> <<@andyhealey5769 says : Nothing about Labour's rasist comments about deinking white mans tears>> <<@17th_Street_Preacher says : Reform>> <<@lukeh3201 says : Why would anyone vote for more tyrannical socialism. Haven't they had enough of it with the Tories?>> <<@carolegill2456 says : FED UP OF STARMER AND SUNAKS WOKE POLICIES AGAINST WHAT PEOPLE WANTFOR OUR COUNTRY. VOTE REFORM BE PROUD TO FLY OUR FLAG AGAIN>> <<@englishstark6100 says : My constituency highest content of lead in the water in the whole of the UK historic town looks like Slantsville Pubs small businesses out of business tonight it will be silent for the bread and circuses the only comfort I get is the undertakers are busy 💉>> <<@englishstark6100 says : Never met a Labour voter that didn’t take the mark of the beast 💉😈 so there is hope.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : If Conservatives win the Election UK is Screwed. If Labour wins the Election UK is screwed. Everything is Screwed 😂😂>> <<@leetaylor5350 says : Labour are not going to win as many seats as they think>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : ...and this graphically illustrates why all former Conservative voters should now vote REFORM UK. They have no hope in forming another government, so give REFORM UK your vote and deny Labour as many seats as possible, maybe even government !>> <<@turtle-frogs says : Who will win>> <<@turtle-frogs says : The Royals are living it up. 🤴 👑>>