<<@dvk518 says : Imagine if Albo showed half the interest in addressing the housing and rental crisis? What’s next on his priorities- $600 million in funding for a PNG rugby stadium?>> <<@wolflinkin says : Olympics is not an investment. It's a waste of money.>> <<@nowhere529 says : Great lets spend all our tax on someone who can run really fast chuck a metal Ball a long way etc. big help for struggling Aussies.>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : Sports is losing it's appeal with men demanding to compete in women's sports.>> <<@PaulJames-t2f says : What about there sponsor's, what a rip off, most of them live overseas>> <<@PaulJames-t2f says : Wtf,>> <<@NeverGonaHappen says : Millions of dollars for our "Elite" Athletes, Like Scate Boarders and Break Dancers. The Olympics have become an expensive Joke and are irrelevant these days. When are we going to stop wasting money on things that have no feasible benefit to the community. Just about every sport these days is little more than a money business. Tax payers shouldn't be funding them.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : Talk about having your priorities all wrong>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : The more everyone sees Albo the more they believe in euthanasia>> <<@matthewleonardi247 says : Fantastic!!! What a great way to tackle inflation!!! Give out more money! Absolute socks.>> <<@thehon.antiexperimentaldru3475 says : Record "taxpayer" funded😆>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : ALP shatters dreams of thousand of athletes by cancelling of Commonwealth Games. ALP won't fund a new stadium in Qld. Goggles Miles tries to get out of putting on the Olympic Games. Albo - 'Here athletes, I'm going to give you half of what I give to my live hippy music mates.' ALP no friends of sport.>> <<@raymondparnell439 says : Fkn elitism ! What about our under class kids. Fkn traitors. You sports people are robbing the poorest most vulnerable of Australians. Damn you. Damn this government !>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Keeping a roof over your head is now an Olympic sport>> <<@Lillyboo65640 says : Totally fed up with all this money handout propaganda by Labor. Why should I be paying for this from my taxes? I pay my taxes for the betterment of Australia & my state, such as for healthcare, hospitals, police, teachers, schools, roads, infrastructure, not athletes, swimmers, other countries, setting up rugby teams in PNG or building an AFL stadium in Tasmania or anything else that Labor want to waste my taxes on to try to buy votes or make themselves try to look like they are goodguys (not by a long shot). We, the people, have to tighten our financial belts so that we can keep a roof over our heads & feed our families but Labor is borrowing & spending money like there is no limit. Totally & utterly FED UP LABOR !!!! Sooner you are booted out of government the better Australia will be 🇦🇺>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Got to keep the minions distracted with bread and circuses.>> <<@Conky769 says : Is this like university hex debts? Tax due and full re-payment?>> <<@Nadia..J says : Why?>> <<@donotcomply665 says : Elites versus the tax slaves>> <<@pauljackson6749 says : Too bad if you need housing or reliable, fast and efficient healthcare. But at least you will be happy to know some people who participate in games will get all the $. Distraction with sport and gambling, throw in alcohol and the control is complete!!! 😉>> <<@asnail6550 says : Gina Reinhardt wood like to sponsor them but she keeps getting dumped on for what her father said in the 60s>> <<@leeevans2929 says : I’m absolutely furious. Come on election>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Record government funding for politicians and supporting unions>> <<@jule3480 says : Hundreds of millions to foreign countries for climate change, tens of millions for sports stadiums, a reported 10 thousand per week coming into Australia during a housing crisis. Small businesses shutting their doors in record numbers, thousands of lay offs by big businesses, new taxes introduced … this is the WORST government ever!>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Cost of living is more important than a fleeting success in gold medals that people forget one the Olympics are over>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Always money for sport, does not matter how tight or bad things are, no matter how many have no home or food on the table, no matter how many can't afford heat in the winter, sport will always be guaranteed bigger and bigger handouts.>> <<@donnamerigan469 says : Investment? What is the return on that? How does that benefit me? Athletes should not be funded by taxpayers they .should find sponsorship>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : Good>> <<@pbee8335 says : Sports makes you dumb and polarised...>> <<@carbonite1999 says : .0001% of the population , really that much! bet the homeless love this announcement ..>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : So much for fixing the Cost of living Crisis. Wait! I just forgot Labor only know how to destroy not fix😂🤣>> <<@truefactjack says : This government just wasting money on nothing of importance.. perthect what about cost of living relief.. one term government>> <<@davepowelldrumz says : bring on the true amateur games.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : The Albanese ALP (Labor) socialist left government has lost all sense of proprietary and priority when it comes to the distribution of tax-payers hard earned money. "Elite athletes" should rank very low indeed on those needing financial support.>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : No cost of living crisis there. Pity the people that bust there asses everyday for years just to get by, no glory for them. I quit watching sport years ago.>> <<@BenPatterson-ff2dm says : If only our growing homeless population were Olympic athletes 🙁>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Sportsmen and sportswomen, hear that Dorothy, no its.>>