<<@shahzadazulfiqar1 says : All Praise To The Creator Almighty ❤❤❤❤❤ Wheat is specially tagged to the Adam&MotherEve A.S , so all of the mankind has equal priority over the wheat , no one of Adam's A.S children should die starving ❤❤❤❤❤ May Almighty Allah Bless Mankind Generally & Muslims Specifically ❤❤❤❤❤ AllahumaSalyAla Mohammad SAWW WaAly Mohammad SAWW❤ Ameen Ya RabulAlameen ❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@kathychanning1614 says : How long has this been happening? I’ve never heard of this before, never even thought it would be something happening. What an be done?>> <<@rubyvolt says : The US the gangster THIEF of the WORLD. A bully which has couped countless nation into submission to their financial CHAINS.>> <<@marksouthern9713 says : Are they paying for the goods or stealing them at gunpoint.>> <<@m1lfslayer225 says : Brave journalist thank you>> <<@charlesparker4481 says : America saviours or criminals? I think we all know the answer now.>> <<@pandibbarman says : So many ignorant people in the comment section most of them didn't even read what the man in the video had to say. He claims they purchased the wheat from the farmers but people are hungry but the farmers have the right to sell it to whoever they like>> <<@gregorybirchfield4952 says : CGTN is funded by the Chinese. This is how you know this is fake news.>> <<@IBN-TAIBAH says : قال رسول الله صلى الله تبارك وتعالى عليه وسلم: قيل يا رسول الله"الحلال "قال "يذهب";قيل "والحرام" قال"وأهله">> <<@AlbertBeaney-pl5nl says : The US Military is real bad ass up against farmers and other civilians. For this you should be very proud of yourselves. What a disgrace.>> <<@Asimmehra says : Shameful, and then they preach to the world about democracy>> << says : Tell me again that America is evil and I’ll tell you you’re lying look at the idiot that we have in charge or at least that’s what the rest of the world thinks and the majority of America think we all know that Barry is pulling the strings when it comes to Biden and all of the politics here Biden is desperately trying to stay in power because if he doesn’t, he knows that his son and probably himself are going to be in a lot of trouble that’s only ploy. Everybody else is trying to get them out because they realize he’s just a puppet but they can’t put anybody else in his place because they’re just as bad.>> <<@dvig3261 says : Chinese news…not to be trusted, in any way.>> <<@bradkuznik3940 says : This is Chinese propaganda>> <<@wasabiginger6993 says : When will Americans wake up to the fact that their country is actually run by oligarchs using CIA to be the terrorists of the world??? They don't want to know and when America is turned into a 3rd world country, maybe then they will notice?>> <<@ericswain4177 says : I think there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye. Those phone pics are a bit ambiguous at best. Not that the US has not bin guilty of committing wrongdoing. Strang all this made it to YouTube given that there that atomate about covering it up. Not that it makes it right but where do you think you would be if NATO The US etc... and all other militaries up and left the Middle East and left you to your own devices ? War seems to be a way of life for the Middle East for thousands of years. If not the US or other countries fighting it would be someone else or yourselves. Good Luck.>> <<@endofdaysprophet says : I am NOT surprised. The U.S. government is pure evil!!!>> <<@pureblood6310 says : Too bad the u.s. government doesn’t check ids to enter the southern border!>> <<@lonelyglace5207 says : They are thieve. US and It's allays are terrifying the entire world.>> <<@freedomhiking4050 says : CGTN ... it say it all... do a resech yourself.... and dont trust all you see>> <<@guadalupe1942 says : Some folks will believe anything.>> <<@Maybe-you-know-me. says : Borders are fake our owners have a plan, I’m sure you won’t enjoy it.>> <<@diegosilang4823 says : Funded by Chinese government, so trustworthy. Chinese also attacking sovergn countries, they are worse than USA.>> <<@ivanofreddi4808 says : They're only exporting democracy ....🤷🤷🤷🤷🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, very Sorry for sirian people ....shame on you Uncle Sam !!!😐>> <<@alanfaulkner6329 says : Create a crisis and drive more "refugees" into Europe.>> <<@user-ic7gi7qd8p says : That's the debt when we 1st. tried to help YOUR Country. And the photo on the guys phone doesn't have a US tracker on any of them. B/S NEWS and WE'RE going anywhere.>> <<@andreakubicki258 says : if your mobilephone has internet, than you can upload in "fileserver" cloud, like mega, mediafire, etc. and somebody (family, friends, reporters, etc) can download it from another (save) place, even another countries; as long as they have internet connection.>> <<@papiparsons9045 says : Damn good propaganda! Even I almost feel sorry for them>> <<@tominva4121 says : LOL. Those are NOT U.S. Military trucks!>> <<@sandymacdonald2838 says : Is there any part of the world the american empire isnt pissing off.>> <<@bllu says : That’s bidenomics.>> <<@MkBl-ll5zp says : USA = Death Destruction and lies.>> <<@pb5448 says : SHARE THIS WIDE: TGE WOLRD NEEDS SEE HOW ROTTEN THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS: WHAT ARE US SO,DIERS DOING STEQLING WHEAT FROM SYRIANS ??? THIS MUST BE EXPOSED WIDELY!! HOW VILE A'ND SI CYNICAL... WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT USA???? THE WHOLE WOLRLD HAS HAD ENOUGH WITH YOUR BS AND IS MOVING ON WITHOUT YOU... YA NEED RECALIBER AND FAST !!!! STOP BEING SUCH A F R AKIN LYING B!>> <<@roellopez3737 says : Chinese propaganda 😂😂😂.>> <<@DingoHammer says : America earning the hatred.>> <<@MB-ht9rb says : I am sure this man with the blurred out face has all of the details.>> <<@spacepathfinder1 says : why dont you send photos to some email or signal before delete?>> <<@JetSkiSuper7 says : They delete your videos? Ever hear of texting or emailing pictures or videos? We all want the truth but this proves nothing.>> <<@oknar67 says : Khazarian mafia>> <<@donnicholson3170 says : Chinese Propaganda...>> <<@dBer-lu8cu says : Little Chinese Propaganda 😂❤>> <<@the_grand_tourer says : When will the world wake up to the malign cancer that is American imperialism ... 700 war bases in 80 nations / military power as big as the next seven nations / the biggest consumer / high on the list as largest polluter ... enforcing the lie of freedom and democracy but in reality only propping up it's own self serving entitlements.>> <<@whocares5773 says : Why is the USA in Syria illegally anyways.>> <<@wilhelmmeyer89 says : Controlling the people by controlling the food. Looting food supplies in order to starve the people worked just fine in India and in Germany.>> <<@mbp1652 says : Famine has always been the elite's weapon against the masses>> <<@user-kt6mm7ee7f says : This guy’s word, plus some photos of a convoy of civilian trucks. Needs more than this to be plausible.>> <<@hillbilly6613 says : Show me pictures of lined up trucks and then another video of us military vehicles. This guy never proved anything!>> <<@yolandahebert2350 says : What "Unauthorized U.S. Forces?" If they are "unauthorized," then they are not U.S. Forces.>> <<@M.Larson_13 says : USA has always been thief's stealing Oil and minerals from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Africa. USA is the terror state they always say so many others are, USA and Israel is just projecting their evil doings onto others.>> <<@pappa2293 says : Your not a good country anymore, but Russia are the bad ones right.>>