<<@waynejohn1160 says : Say what you'll talk your talk Mr Kremlin ain't no pushover get that in your ball head>> <<@user-ol6hr2yv1k says : This a stupid man speaking. There be no winner. So stupid 🙄>> <<@fcs638 says : Zelrnski plan is NOt supported by the majority of the World. the BRICs are most of the planet population and they did not approve it>> <<@fcs638 says : Zelensky days are numbered>> <<@THEFALLGUY2.0 says : Nobody is scared of usa>> <<@danielsenterprises3213 says : What makes you think the us can tell the truth about Russia>> <<@SantinoReechBuoi-vt2dp says : War is destructive, choose peace instead of war by keeping Ukraine a military non aligned.>> <<@sandiblango18 says : They are showing weakness>> <<@victorvladimirputinu1746 says : Some dumb advisors on this channel .>> <<@kamsellinchetty3295 says : WION really needs to get proper experts 😮>> <<@JackTau-jr9tw says : Zelensky, please look at how U.S withdraw from Afghanistan. We hope Ukraine won't be second Afghanistan. Remember Putin under no circumstances will give in, like lost of manpower, arms and ammunition, etc..Dont listen to their colourful statements, wise thing to do is to look at their past record in various wars around the world including Afghanistan.>> <<@hubreydavid7864 says : These old politicians don't care about WWW111 because they have one foot in the grave already it's the young generations who have to pay for the war and suffer from the consequences. 😢😢😢😢>> <<@stevesayewich says : Who is this guy speaking for? His hit on what the Russians will do needs to be reconsidered.>> <<@samuelbarcliff4973 says : The West support for Ukraine is for Ukraine freedom as a sovereign nation. It the evil communist Putin who continues to escalate the conflict. Also he tried to brainwash people to think he is not the blame for the whole thing! America halfway support emboldened the Godless communist regime.>> <<@ampad_ang says : ukraine doesnt care . they dont have ..?>> <<@ampad_ang says : they dont mind if it captured , not thier money its eu money .>>