<<@owen_luo9823 says : Criminals from UK stolen everything in Africa and Asia to use make UK beautiful But nature will destroy united kingdom and shift power to either China, Russia or north Korea soon So that freedom of the world will come, economical slavery will end World bank headquarters at Washington DC pays tax from money generated by 187 countries in the world to USA government While others are forced to kept saving there, Africa most affected Cameroon, Mali, Niger republic, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria and rest more are worst affected 60% what is used to build European economy are soured from Africa yet Africa is looking like poverty capital and shadows So they affected Arab nations and Asian mostly Bangladeshi, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, India, Iraq, Lebanon, and many more others>> <<@HoTrEtArDeDcHiXx says : Artwork drove both Hitler and YouTube nuts if you ask me 👨‍⚕️>>