<<@zahirshah3192 says : After October 8th I always think that the Muslims countries will still have good relations with America, British and those who support Israel against Palestinian genocide 😅😂>> <<@nankoroots460 says : 02pm>> <<@azymodares4672 says : shame on Americans,Isrealis, Iranians that are quite to crimes of their government, England, USA and now Israel (new mini me criminal), for centuries and European doing crime to humanity for thousand year, committed crimes even against Iran (Persia) the country that civilized the world and Persian king Syrus the Great bring human rights and free the Jews thousands year ago, and Jews lived in Iran for 2700 year ,and American constitution come from Syrus, and also Islam say Jesus and moses are messenger of God but others grow up prejudice, if you see a Iranian in your country tell them shame on you for be quiet>> <<@Haz3dNightfall says : Russia has permanently alienated Israel, siding with and supporting Israel's enemies. Note that there are 1 million Russian Israelis in Israel, meaning Putin will lose support of Russia's Jewish communities.>> <<@rebelllllv says : This cannot be good for israel in the long run 😕 the world hates israel because of this...>> <<@ExcitedWindowTulips-tc8ll says : Who created enmity between Gazans n Israelites World knows it,but who will build Peace n Harmony that's the question world needs the Answer !>> <<@sasidharans6361 says : Jai Israel>> <<@ralpmarngar8215 says : Hamas are terrorist how isrel negotiate, if Palestinian give up Gaza to terrorist is up to isrel to end with it>> <<@raminm.8785 says : Israel often intensifies attacks on civilians when it experiences heavy casualties.>> <<@eganvillepainting9928 says : The world will thank Israel for not negotiating with terrorists>> <<@charanbambal9052 says : Wow>> <<@fazalkabeer5235 says : How can people trust American politican this oll American election>> <<@AdamGonzalez-c2k says : Ok lol 😊>> <<@solvingpolitics3172 says : Meanwhile there are zero elections in Gaza and all Arab countries.>>