<<@zunzoo7080 says : Jan 6 is one of those days Americans exercise their right to protest. It’s just doesn’t fit the lefty narrative.>> <<@gregglemmon9743 says : What's the definition of the ANTICHRIST ?????? DONALD TRUMP>> <<@LocoLeche says : If Joe Biden knew what was going on, he would have been hoping and praying that presidential immunity exists.>> <<@benbarberian1701 says : This didn't age well.>> <<@seethingsclearlyawaken3424 says : I know now, I have lost all faith in the judicial system! If FELON tRUMP can get away with this insurrection, the rape, the lies, the cons, the 300,000 deaths from Covid19 that he cause, then I can do what ever I want. The law applies to all, or, it applies to no one. Therefor, I can do what ever I want. Thanks for the permission Supreme Court!!!! I suggest that everyone do the same, the law applies to no one. The Supreme Court has ruled!>> <<@zugdigitalx says : This didnt age well. "For last" lmao>> <<@NancyLauten says : So NOW that SCOTUS has ruled that 'assasination of rivals' is Legal for presidents while in office, I say President BIDEN and the current CIA Need to take "CARE" of the criminal known as Donsld J Trump ~ who deserves to spend the rest of HIS miserable life in prison or six Feet under! Put this issue ON THE BALLOT and SEE what we get! DISGUSTING ??>> <<@curtisk2286 says : Go Trump Baby ❤️🇺🇸🙏 ❤️🇺🇸🙏DJT❤️🇺🇸🙏 https://youtu.be/YXIKUOpHqaM?si=MIn1YBNUdZgMNvUJ>> <<@curtisk2286 says : ❤️🇺🇸🙏DJT❤️🇺🇸🙏>> <<@OmarKhaled-pm1qj says : 51 look at the news channels like Al Jazeera, the United Agency, and Onora, and do not listen to the channels of the Israeli Zionist lobby, which controls the administrations in your state and appoints with money the People’s Assembly, Congress, and the president. How can you not have a mind to think about? 40,000 Palestinians killed, 18,000 children, body parts from American, German, and French weapons. Think, occupy your minds before you You kill children with the child killers of Israel. Do you not have children and women? Do you not have humanity?>> <<@pattiwhite9575 says : So they can run and hide after another poor decision.>> <<@jennimac222 says : Trump was NEVER CONVICTED UNANIMOUSLY THEY CANNOT CHANGE THE LAWS FOR THE AHOLE JUDGE SO STUPID>> <<@NatalieBrugman-kq5lx says : Almost certain to get the big decision. Ha. The partisan judges need more time to try to manipulate the law with long term implications.>> <<@tammysmith928 says : You keep mentioning that he is a felon. But you fail to mention that it happened in a stacked kangaroo court.>> <<@michaelpruitt34 says : Most of Biden's rebuttals were lies, what you could understand, the incoherent mumbling he was doing, he was fact checked same as Trump, mainstream media doesnt tell you that, check it out>> <<@darrengibson1115 says : CNN mediators failed voters . The debate should been on Fox or MSNBC>> <<@michaelpruitt34 says : It's like weaponizing all of the offices>> <<@fredsimonetti9544 says : Biden call seal team 6>> <<@chrismoney305 says : Fake news media . Trump 2024 let's go.>> <<@MrWalker114 says : This is bigger than Trump presidents need to know if they have protection. ABRAHAM LINCOLN could have gone after Southern leaders..generals anyone for treason but he did not.>> <<@josettehoughton8518 says : 6:35 Right and wrong is dead. Look out for yourselves. Our voices are dead.>> <<@Mr.R-xv4le says : They decided whether or not Donny could stay on the ballot in about 14 days just in time for him to get on the ticket... It's NO reason you can give to sane America to make it make sense!!>> <<@rbprafcolman3438 says : The current federal government is CORRUPT!>> <<@jussssig says : Why is there no refute to trump's claim that previous presidents vould ve unable to act?? THEY DID. Turman bombed japan, every president has bombed countries and none have been charged with anything - they dont beed immunity but no oje pulls trump up on this! I feel like i am taking crazy pills!>> <<@tonymills5086 says : Oh no, Say it ain't so Does supreme court will rule The Immunity case last Somehow Finding away To give trump immunity Then the bastards will run off to vacation Hoping the shit dies down What they have done to american justice and the american people>> <<@floygrace6559 says : More fake news from CNN. Trump won in 2020. DEMS cheated. Insurrection is a sham. That will all come out in the wash. ❤ MAGA 2024 🇱🇷🇱🇷>> <<@jimako6 says : A disgrace world wide this frivolous appeal continues drumpf guilty of heinous crimes>> <<@paulinecriel9905 says : Couldn’t care less what you have to say, CNN. You let that pos felon lie his a** off, unchecked, for 90 minutes. No one watched your little fact check afterwards.>> <<@THollandcunt says : 😏https://youtu.be/nZ6tjUk1QOA?si=Eo7JSn0HpECl3xW0>> <<@rmrtnzstn says : Yeah well......I would like to the maga suck-ups on the scotus, why did those rioters attack the Capitol? Who 'told' those savages to attack and "fight like hell"??? the scotus knows the truth. the scotus does not care about the truth. the scotus only wants to help the DUMP and the heritage project 2025!!!>> <<@haroldbrown5887 says : Government of the people by the people and for the people. What's so unclear about that?>> <<@haroldbrown5887 says : Actually I believe it's the law should be voted on by the people.>> <<@haroldbrown5887 says : Actually that's the way it should be Congress should have to clearly and deliberately define the acts that they wish to have with a law. If you look at our founding fathers they were very definite about their decision.>> <<@haroldbrown5887 says : No I think what got messed up today was the abuse of the Chevron by the government.>> <<@lisafoy1328 says : Nobody is above the law including Trump's 💥👈 Lock him up>> <<@haroldbrown5887 says : Trump is only argued that he has immunity for official acts of the president not personal acts!>> <<@lisafoy1328 says : Trump plane spotted next to Putins plane on Friday in Virginia and on live national video's.. Search " Meidas touch 🔎 Sick treasonous traitor 🤮>> <<@lisafoy1328 says : Trump will be locked up for espionage soon 🔜🤞 and with his guilty stupidity delays everytime>> <<@lisafoy1328 says : Philadelphia inquirer calls for trump to drop out of the race from Pennsylvania 📰👈>> <<@gnsi579 says : Biden: In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” Let’s not forget Biden’s racism>> <<@eldenringer6466 says : Heritage Foundation.>> <<@eldenringer6466 says : Get this, if biden is senile as the right claim ..then when the corrupt trump court claim presidents can kill their opponents then how about biden have a senior moment and send seal team 6 to first florida, then texas, then the house, the senate , the supreme court and any where else enemies of america are hiding!!! ofcourse i am joking but whose to say what could happen...>> <<@Berahlen says : We know why they're saving it for last. If Biden wins they'll say the president has no immunity and throw Trump under the bus. If Trump wins they wait till after he's in office, say he does have immunity, and give him free rein to commit any crimes he wants.>> <<@faisonhoward9191 says : You folks should read the constitution..many of you are American in name only.>> <<@garyjohnstone6422 says : Trump doesn`t need it, charges will be dropped from the oval office suckers>> <<@joseph8947 says : Im an American living in Europe. This right wing cancer is spreading all over Europe. The French are protesting in the thousands in the streets because Marie Lapen's party has won many seats in parliament. Hungary, Sweden, and Chega in Portugal, gaining power. My fellow Americans need to get on the ball and stop the Fascist growth. https://youtu.be/HE0pJD278_E?si=kE3L528q2HEy65NY>> <<@bsmith5304 says : CNN needs to rethink how to inform the American People on substance instead of sensationlism and all focusing on Trump, if he is saying something threatening to Our Country, and lying on Our President an Justice System, abortion and other things they know are absolutel lies call him out with the truth. Call out the Justices who are working against our Constitution. All the American people need to be informed that some really don't have or even know these things. All of Our Corporate News Media needs to do a better job period. They weren't like this before Trump we could depend on Our news keeping us informed with facts and not allowing any Politicians to stand before Us and balantly lie like Trump>> <<@DaanaTS says : IMO, it because they inherited Trump 'Realty Show' attitude!!!>> <<@PlatonPlaton-xs4zi says : The world has become more complex and dense in our century so much that the influence and responsibility of each person on the world is high! Humanity has been fighting for freedom and democracy for millennia, and now their presence is a sign of a civilized state. Government management has become more professional and now resembles management optimization. However, crime has also improved and a new type of fraud “fraudulent power” (robbery of states through information manipulation and terror, first used by Lenin) threatens the world again! Humanity does not need dictators and tyrants of any kind! The world needs ethical and humane managers! Both Trump and Putin are liars and scammers! Such nonentities should remain in the wild past! And you can influence the world too! Your responsible voice is important!>> <<@donnorrgard6130 says : Not the case in Colorado!>>