<<@eaglesnest3833 says : What 30 falsehoods? 😂 Biden was the only one lying, over and over. Why are Nancy’s eyes so glossy and why is she slurring all of her words? Good God. We had an alcoholic speaker and president with dementia. She’s a walking talking point; has all the BS memorized and you can see in Dana’s text she knows it’s all lies. She’s paid to lie and to sit and listen to corrupt liars like Pelosi. Couldn’t be more obvious. Trump haters are so weak.>> <<@kaleikahale-miner7522 says : Seriously 🤦🏻‍♀️>> <<@edkamiab says : Is she drunk?😂😂😂>> <<@user-mi5pt3tn2v says : Biden, be a patriot of the USA. Make way for the young.>> <<@Sacs-hm4jr says : Oh my god of course you're telling her fault she didn't she didn't honor his request and he's the president she should go to jail she said she's disgusting really disgusting human being like I said I would want to replace it with a cockroach>> <<@dj0ai says : 6:48 He is right there!>> <<@shaaronie says : All I see when I look at Pelosi is $80 pints of ice cream! Make it stop!>> <<@dj0ai says : I am thinking about yellow things. Yellow jacket, amber, urine. 🟡>> <<@dj0ai says : Extremely scary that a zombie like Pelosi have a lot of power in the world. Actually I am leaning left politically. But the current incarnation of Dems seems evil incarnate.>> <<@dj0ai says : We beat Medicare 🎉>> <<@dj0ai says : Shut up folks! We beat Medicare! 🎉>> <<@dj0ai says : Pelosi is a warmonger concerning Ukraine. We beat Medicare 🎉>> <<@donnyrichards9479 says : Drunk as a skunk 😂😂>> <<@propool1 says : She's drunk off her ass. Any bartender with any common sense can see this a mile away. Every syllable that drunks have issues with she butchers. Every distinct sign that police officers look for is heavily noticeable. A breath mint isn't covering up her demeanor. Wow. What a piece of crap. Why doesn't someone take steps to get idiots like her out? They know they are completely untouchable. That's a crime.>> <<@stephanie1671 says : They are doing so much to push people to the Right. It's weird, but I'm so glad that people are waking up.>> <<@onlymelbourne2842 says : pelosi drinks too much liquor>> <<@thequietearthgardens says : This woman is completely delusional and a pathological liar. I do t know what she’s on but it’s allot of something>> <<@howdy1451 says : OMG🎉>> <<@grantsmith8609 says : Why does se have 4 eyebrows?>> <<@rikc7065 says : What's funny about her "reaction" is that she opened with quickly stating nearly all of the information that Biden was clearly NOT able to do himself. "a bad night"??? That's what you have? Is that what you will say when he forgets what the ominous football is for? Need you be reminded that this election is for the arguably most powerful single seat on the entire planet? To be clear, this is not a PRO Trump rant. Moreso it is a HUGE SMH at how we as a nation have come to this. Are these 2 REALLY the best of the best to govern and represent Us? And if that answer is no, then shouldn't we closely examine exactly how it has come to this? Thank you, CNN, for starting to act like journalists again and calling Pelosi out at 4:30 and asking the right F/U at 8:21.>> <<@louisepyles4084 says : A bad night could wipe out the USA.>> <<@daveyoung7523 says : Good on Dana for not drinking the democrats Kool-aid! It is not about Biden's past accomplishments, it's about needing a leader who can think on his feet!>> <<@elbmp5151 says : We're not buying your bs system of politics Pelosi! Your reeping the rewards of your lifes political work. It's not honorable, its being proven as bafoonery. That's not trump or Republicans fault, it's your ideology. God is not mocked, a person reeps what they sow.>> <<@lisachouinard2902 says : Whats next an ingrown toenail.>> <<@carlosvalera7816 says : Asking her about joe is like asking great grandmother about grandpa.>> <<@HAMILTONPROVIDEO says : Wooz News for I VI truth.>> <<@samimcassis8157 says : Every time democrats says something is completely the opposite.>> <<@merrz17 says : lol, Nancy you’re not helping lol>> <<@giovanniloubetancourt3829 says : I think pelosi and Biden go to the same nursing home.. 🙈😂🤪>> <<@HAMILTONPROVIDEO says : Not kidding but that woman seems really drunk to me.>> <<@2birie4life96 says : Why do we care about her opinion?? She needs to be next to Joe at the old folks home.>> <<@thrushvalley says : Nancy owes us an apology fo that diatribe>> <<@thrushvalley says : There is no liar like an old liar.>> <<@tamilafirira91 says : cudos to this reporter for trying repeatedly to get an answer although she never got one>> <<@user-wd7iw8dl6q says : She’s drunk period>> <<@carolwankier5798 says : Just like a true politician man, she never even answered the damn question>> <<@stevedebari1618 says : She’s so sad defending Biden , not a leg to stand on And j 6 is on her.>> <<@wmc9722 says : This NP is full of doo-doo.  What a terrible representative of the Democrat Party, AKA 'the Democratic Party'.>> <<@ZapataE says : Nancy always sounds lit 😅🥃.>> <<@kacejonez2448 says : i love 💕 nancy pelosi>> <<@kacejonez2448 says : the slant you take over the debate is skewed and i do not forgive you. no matter what, i am definitely angry with CNN. you need to stop talking about JOE’s performance and discuss YOUR failure to factcheck trump during the “debate “ i am no longer a fan of cnn>> <<@tammylove1584 says : I can’t understand a lot of her words. Has she had a stroke or other medical reason to mush mouth talk? And she’s all over the place. Catch false info from every sentence she speaks. It’s shameful>> <<@ExtremeModeration says : Both sides think they can philibuster, misleed, and outright lie with zero accountability, over and over again...because they get away with it all day long. Hard to be optimistic about our future with these people in power - both sides of the isle.>> <<@joejoe-px8sx says : Nancy’s lips are moving so she’s definitely lying!>> <<@gregaddington7369 says : She's as bad as Biden.... This old gal can't even pronounce words correctly any more. We need term limits to prevent people like this from becoming rich during a lifetime in politics...>> <<@scottscott6794 says : Nancy is corrupt as Joe and his crime family jill Biden will go to prison as well these people are disgusting and look what they've done to our country.>> <<@billw8476 says : look at pelosi's face....do you really think she has both oars in the water? constant lies from this woman has toasted her brain as well. is this a democrat thing?>> <<@madmob5060 says : Its way more than just the election, we are talking since he has been in that seat... horrible!!!>> <<@alphabetsoup488 says : When it comes to Democrats, Joe is definitely the smartest one they have! Biden's accomplishments He brought China, Russia, Iran and North Korea closer together! Who else could accomplish this in such short time! And it all started with Afghanistan! All that's left is, open the borders and blow up the American Dollar with high interest rates due to high inflation! Very impressive!>> <<@SamBadr-xk6cb says : God Bless Him Health>>