<<@davidpar2 says : He raises this storyline every year as a sympathy bid.>> <<@KatherineSpinks-cu9io says : I think the Sussex portraits are wonderful! Truly shows them as many of us see them. Harry should not be counseling on anything to do with mental health.>> <<@cje3247 says : He uses his mother’s death as an excuse for appalling behavior, drug use, immaturity and falsehoods. He was almost 13, an adolescent not a small child. He is entirely privileged and had more resources available to him than most. Time to man up Harry>> <<@dianebungert3514 says : Grow up ! Your a man now! No respect for your mom harry your the one and your wife destroyed your moms legacy.>> <<@TomRipley7350 says : You grieve your mother so much, you lied about “a near catastrophic car chase” to stir up memories of her death for publicity for you and your wife. You’re the pits, Hazbeen. He’s a middle-aged man still bleating about his mother who was always on holiday. It’s pathetic.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : The Puke and Suckess of Sodall.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : For gawd's sake! Cut this clown loose and stop any mention of him and his brood...>> <<@msduckie2384 says : Millions upon millions of ppl have lost their parent/parents at an early age... They seem to crack on & get on with life as best as they can. This 40 yr old dim toddler can't help whinning continuously about it. Grow up & stop grifting off your mothers memory. 🤡😡>> <<@donnaharris4420 says : I really wish he would suppress the urge to go on and on.>> <<@mesrty says : Is satanism terrorism and hate speech . Why sre Satanists allowed in meducal systems>> <<@colleenbarnes7340 says : Not to be cruel but he hasn' t shut up about it...let her rest in peace>> <<@user-ou3zg2ll9w says : 🎉Everyone should sign the petition to stop Harry getting this latest award. He does not deserve the PAID for award! Google petition to stop Harry getting award! So many more deserving individuals should receive it.>> <<@Armstrong81 says : Did he lose his mother he never talks about it he should unburden himself>> <<@user-ou3zg2ll9w says : MM doing her normal staged PR shot, it’s normally in a car park!>> <<@user-ou3zg2ll9w says : The idiot just uses his mother’s death to make money ! He is a total disgrace>> <<@bentemoen119 says : Didn’t we heard about his grief long time ago? Enough is enough now!>> <<@MrJbee1982 says : Losing a close family member is the most painful feelings. However, when you bring it up in public over and over and over and over and over will eventually cause annoyance and bordem from the public. Why does he not understand that we are sick of hearing his story? There is something mentally wrong when people do what he's doing. I've lost family close to me but i don't go and bring it up to my friends on a regular basis because they probably have suffered the same. Most people already know how it feels and don't need to be constantly reminded of it.>> <<@DeborahWohlfeld says : he hasn't stopped talking about his grief , he brings his mother up in every speech he makes, and unfortunately it doesn't make him an expert on counseling or advising others regarding tragic loss. If he was working in tandem with professional grief counselors, that would be respected, but he just bangs on about his loss. He needs professional help to work on his grief. He brings up his grief as a poor me, pity me, I lost my mom. No one is taking away the tragic loss of Princess Diana's but he honestly has not moved on at all. He would honor her and her memory more if he was speaking of his grief from a healthy place that doesn't constantly bring her story up. We all know what happened, but what has he actually done to heal from this tragedy?>> <<@pegibbons says : Oh FFS... Harry is nothing more than panty waste.>> <<@MrAndyblue52 says : Who cares>> <<@lauradruviete8747 says : The M looks like a proper gopnik in that black tracksuit with stripes 😮>> <<@lauradruviete8747 says : If anyone watched the whole interview, Harry was fantastic at keeping the spotlight on the founder of the charity, her story, he was cordial, open, supportive and overall amazing in this role. Please, bring Harry back to the UK and to his charity work. 🙏>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : And life goes on for us ordinary people>> <<@irenekane4714 says : Harry acts like he is the only one who has lost a loved one. He needs to shut up, grow up and get a real job. Enough already.>> <<@lexietex3664 says : Again??>> <<@tillyt4054 says : Harry always plays the grief card when he wants to distract from his awful behaviour , This time its destroying evidence in his pathetic court case , Grow up Harry you man-child>> <<@sean79C says : This is a man who walked behind his mother’s coffin- and the world cried for him. Now as a man who has been to war. And understood the horrors that other families face his crying and incessant grief is like a man-child that that just wants medals and awards. That just gives me the creeps. He ain’t who he says he is.>> <<@angelabromann6676 says : So tired of hearing about his grief, we all have grief in our lives, sometimes even worse than him but learn to live with it.>> <<@Vicky-wj3bz says : This man is a despicable pig that just keeps crying about his mother . Isn’t he turning 40 ? Please stop he can help others , he constantly sounds like an idiot . If someone was dealing with an emotional trauma I would never ever have Harry talk to them . Sometimes I wonder if you people are just as stupid as Harry . The man hasnt stopped going on and on about death of his mother forever. You know there are so many people have lost a loved one tragicaly so what ? Should they take drugs and walk around like an idiot like him . Harry didn’t deserve that award and us Americans are making it clear and Meghan doing for attention because know one cares really …. They are nasty, vile people who deserve what they get . ❤️ for RF>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : Waaah waaah again from the ginger whinger. You're not the only bloke in history that has lost his ma. Maybe if she wasn't such an old slag getting pumped by a muslim, they wouldn't have unalived her. Imagine if she fell pregnant and then the future king of England ended up with a r a g h e a d half brother. Yeah nah........>> <<@dongross6624 says : He’s told us how he suppress’s his grief. Illegal drugs. Grow up you whiny little moron.>> <<@goatielocks404 says : SO OVER HIS OVERSHARING>> <<@davidray5497 says : He doesn't do anything but cry no wonder the rest of the family is done with him and his partner>> <<@SandraLindemuth-wd6dn says : Nobody gives a dam>> <<@kayakMike1000 says : Seriously, you big man child, your mom would NOT be proud of you. Grow da fuQ up, become a man.>> <<@JoeyJoJoJrShabbado says : His mum had dandruff, we know this cause they found her heads & shoulders in the glove box 😂>> <<@wilbur1884 says : HAIRDERAYE CULM BAULK HOLM KING DODDY-OH WILL CORONATE YOU AS A ROYALE SCHOOL 🚸 CROSSING GUARD 💂 CHELSAY'S GOTCHA BOWL 🥣 OF ROYALE FAULMLAYE'S OAT'S AWAITINN AN-JA CUPA TAYE 👉☕️👋🤣👋💂👋🤣>> <<@JoeyJoJoJrShabbado says : Shut up and move on , my god>> <<@TheEGA4421 says : To every child who lost a parent or parents during World War II, I commend them for expressing their grief, yet have moved on with their lives and have been productive citizens of society. The generation of people I am talking about are called 'Baby Boomers'.>> <<@well-blazeredman6187 says : Harry, you have become a bore. Stop using your mother's sad death as a prop. And stop your endless legal actions.>> <<@Positiveenergy68 says : Is this how he plans on trying to make himself relevant again? Tired of it.>> <<@davidmiller2811 says : Here's a pic of Harry and his wife 💩🦓>> <<@davidmiller2811 says : NO BODY CARES !!!>> <<@joeblows6359 says : So much for privacy.>> <<@minabrown5782 says : Shut up Harry>> <<@isaiahmichka7974 says : OMG.... Not Again....>> <<@alexd7029 says : We don’t want to hear it, again and again and ———— !>> <<@crucible4silver says : I google “sign petition to complain Pat Tillman award to Prince Harry” and I signed it>> <<@alvinjwales3039 says : Oh goodness..he's milk this 'cow' dry many many moons ago..enough already!!>> <<@crucible4silver says : Its ok for him to be mentally ill and stuck in his 10 year old body. What’s not ok is that he is the head of Invictus, being the leader of veterans who came from war and Harry’s words should be an inspiration to others in overcoming grief, but he failed to do so. Why is he still giving speeches of things that he has failed as if he is an overcomer?>>