<<@EyFmS says : Putin kept yapping that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest human tragedy of the 20th century. Since it was communism and he likes wealth and luxury, we all know what he wants instead...a Russian Empire and he wants it no matter what. Let's make sure he bites the dust before seeing is fantasy come true.>> <<@EyFmS says : Imagine a thief getting inside your house, getting arrested and then justifying himself that he did it, "because he felt threatened of getting robbed by you" 😂.>> <<@user-fg2cq2cb3i says : West does indeed the so called leaders not the good people of UK. They love all people.>> <<@bearmegmoo says : Putin is destroying Russia not the west.>> <<@AIJohnsen says : Lavrov- Russian Minister of Propaganda>> <<@richard3536 says : What could Russia have that we’d possibly want to steal ?>> <<@nigelmartin2254 says : The Russian people are not to be blamed or scapegoated for the conflict in the Ukraine. Bring back Gorbechev's spiritual heir!>> <<@tonvaniterson8611 says : 😂😊>> <<@user-qs9fz1dg3q says : I can’t believe these people in Russia think we’re like back in 1939 45 this man is scraping for ground so he goes down as a great he’s not any of them not even Alexanderia or Peter he’s causing it world❤>> <<@unobergaas5315 says : ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ When Russia joined BRiKs, they took a big step away from the West.>> <<@terrerov says : Yes, the whole word wants to invade and annex Russia. Lol.>> <<@mifty79 says : They all been on the vodka again!!!!>> <<@Angry-Lynx says : sup>> <<@gunnyd9282 says : Enough of the russian propaganda.>> <<@vikinnorway6725 says : Thw west was friends with Russia until they attacked ukraine for the 2time in the last 10 years. That was the limit. Before that. Eueope did get alot of energy from russia and dis alot of buisness with them>> <<@user-tg8js3me2p says : Solo..!..te fatigue pas, il n'y a que les cons qui t'écoutent en France...?..>> <<@geraldorford8836 says : Ha ha ha !>> <<@Runbug says : Same old thing>> <<@anttisalminen1110 says : Well, this is basically what the russians have been doing for centuries, to their neighborgs>> <<@Spawn1402 says : hey Russians, stop drinking, the world is completely different when you are sober! Honestly>> <<@catarinaolaussonFreddyflang says : Russia is destroying themselves! no need for westernes..>> <<@gotaplay says : The west didnt create this problem KGB Durak Putin did ... There are more Nazi's in Russia then in all of Europe>> <<@davidsilsbury3041 says : It not trua USA alway want world to be peace it was Russia want ww3 want all the whole land for himself>> <<@aykay9328 says : We love you Russia and your people, no amount of propaganda will make us here in Africa hate you.>> <<@redking3718 says : He looks like Frankenstein monster. 😂>> <<@TAVEN-w9m says : These guys Narcissistic. When a narcissists can't have what they want they tend to get vary angry and nyullestic if they can't have it then what's the point of living that's the russian in a nut shell.>> <<@JN-om6rw says : Russia is not that interesting to most westerners - westerners don't even think about Russia>> <<@JN-om6rw says : No No! The West cares not at all about Russia - all the Russians have to do to be safe is stay at home - the West have other things to be more concerned about than Russia - simple>> <<@FoxingAbout says : The arrogance is truly wild. Getting whoooped like Russia owes Ukraine money>> <<@RustyMaverick3337 says : The Russian government want Russians to think the west is out to get them meanwhile the truth is the west wants the Russian government to stop waging war against our allies over false accusations. Putin said the were Nazi’s in Ukraine and that’s the reason they attacked. After that lie was unveiled he then said the NATO is the problem. An actual fact is Putin is the problem for the Russian people to resolve. All he does is hold his people down.>> <<@leaksmypok8817 says : 😂😂😂>> <<@duncanmacpherson1355 says : More Russian propaganda clueless>> <<@petermizon4344 says : THEY ARE IN DAME FRAME OF MIND AS SOVIETS AND STALIN>> <<@petermizon4344 says : THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE WILL KNOW THATS A LIE 😊>> <<@larstueschjth2658 says : No wonder Trump and Putin are pals🙄>> <<@ralphflores8661 says : This is the man that trump invited into the oval office.>> <<@cyncity20 says : Only certain Russians>> <<@cyncity20 says : That’s Russian style>> <<@painkillergames1030 says : Its true. Zionists from united states of israil started war in ukraine. They accept the truth they dont have a chance of winning and activate their mossad arab group to fuel the middle east war again. What to expect from people who dropped a nuke on innocent people, invade Afghanistan Syria Iraq and many other places killing millions for their interests. I hope people of Ukraine learn that people like Lindsay Graham dont care about them.>> <<@morningglory8841 says : The Russians are absolutely nuts>> <<@mauricehodgson3143 says : Go home Russia. Leave Ukraine alone. How often do you have to be told. There is no other way, don't you understand yet?>> <<@dpitt1516 says : Sounds a lot like POOTIN is doing the same - he initiated the war in the first place !!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@user-rv9iy5ym5o says : No..just the government that controls the country..>> <<@TheSolMike says : So funny without these nuke threats Putin is nothing but a small man.>> <<@Jyshrii says : This is not just Putin's war. I have seen many street interviews, and it seems the majority of Russians hate Ukrainians and Europeans and Americans and believe they are a threat to Russia. NATO was formed and functions as a defensive organization with the goal of stopping Russian aggression and continued imperialistic goals. That so many Russians are willing to believe such absurd ideas as that Ukraine's allies are interested in killing and robbing Russians shows that this is not just Putin's war. It is a war supported by the Russian people. They pride themselves on being big, and think their goal should be to get bigger, and anyone who opposes their "right" to do it is trying to destroy them. It is true that they want to "destroy," but what they want to destroy is the idea that Russia has the right to expand and conquer sovereign countries. Victory for Ukraine!>> <<@neiltitmus9744 says : Joker>> <<@laurentitolledo1838 says : actually....its the Russian government committing genocide....against their own people....by sending them to the war zone... Russian propagandist share the same blame...>> <<@pr-jensen says : de lyver jo>> <<@benfowler1134 says : Hate speech is a crime. These criminals will be held accountable.>> <<@operator9858 says : If you cant see what the russians are talking about you know absolutely nothing of america or the last century of nonstop war. Hi from denver.>>