<<@coyoote5 says : How can he day that no troops were killed under his watch 😮😮 let's go brandon 👏 Trump 2024>> <<@GX328382 says : Good old Joe Making America *WEAK* Again>> <<@janetcaldwell7200 says : WATCH “2000 Mules” documentary and SEE MORE TRUTH ABOUT JOE!🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸>> <<@janetcaldwell7200 says : OBAMAS THIRD TERM HAS BEEN HORRIBLE FOR REAL AMERICANS!🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸>> <<@janetcaldwell7200 says : SHAME ON YOU JILL! 🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸>> <<@stevenyoung9473 says : the Dems have it sown up - they already have teams filling out the postal votes for the middle of the night change in the votes - and other tricks up their sleeve - too many people have too much invested in Biden to allow Trump to win - to get power the Dems totally committed to the military industrial complex and the war in Ukraine - its all about the money - the real question is what on earth were the Republicans doing while the Dems took over all the government departments - the US is finished and the Dems will drag the world into nuclear war>> <<@bobbadham261 says : The way other nations have behaved coz US had temp weakness then no wonder they been bully boys, can't wait for Trump n strength once more!!>> <<@MouradKraft-ip7fx says : Yeah>> <<@loganwill-ut2ge says : Citizens know while GEN Miley preaching transgender woke at West point solder's being murdered Afghanistan families need justice using fraudulent tax dollars against American citizens>> <<@jonconger3527 says : Shameless he disrespects and blatantly ignores the brave KIAs under his watch. Disgraceful!!!>> <<@richardhemenway7528 says : We haven't hardly survived the 3.5 years under Biden and his administration 😡>> <<@TenderAce says : I may feel a little sorry for Biden however there should be consequnces. This includes Alejandro Mayorkas.>> <<@melissamcknight2916 says : Im not sure we can survive another 5 months let alone 4 more years. His display in the debate should be enough for Congress to freeze all of his executive powers. And look at the ones before to see if they need repealed.>> <<@lenasoderstrom6503 says : US has NO future with sleepy Joe as president>> <<@GraywolfPatriot says : Beijing Biden is the worst President we've ever had. And his declining mental health is so sad to see before our eyes. And I blaim the Leftist Media that has protected him and shielded his decline from the American People. But Jill should be behind bars for the elder abuse.>> <<@GraywolfPatriot says : We've bailey survived the current term>> <<@TomBrown-cq4vu says : Biden can't step down..he will fall down and leave office.>> <<@johnprendergast1338 says : Right now we are dead in the water drifting down stream with Biden ...Time is not our fried...>> <<@michaelbdoherty says : Jill Biden will never let go of her power.>> <<@clifffedrau6457 says : The wages of sin is dearh, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Cvhrist our Lord. Romans 6:23.>> <<@donDiago says : “I put forth a resolution calling upon the Vice President to immediately use her powers under section 4 of the 25th Amendment to convene and mobilize the principal officers of the Cabinet to declare the President of the United States is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office.” The 25th Amendment, ratified in 1967, sets up a process by which the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet can notify the president pro tempore of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives that the president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office, enabling the vice president to become acting president.>> <<@YBRCTY says : Why in God's name would anyone vote for this loser , he's definitely destroying our country!!!!!!!>> <<@JaapFeitsma-qi8ct says : Vote Trump! Why? He is a better liar!>> <<@JaapFeitsma-qi8ct says : So vote Trump! Why? Because he is great. Trump the great. He will make America Great for a thousand years! Wow! No, it is hail. Hail Trump, our leader!>> <<@claudiuspseudonymus1369 says : The USA DESERVES Biden....!!>> <<@jbsang54 says : Where is Joe Biden's doctor in all this. Why the hell hasn't he said anything???>> <<@user-zs9ek1bx5z says : Let there be a younger strong women to be the next USA President -⭐ KAMALA HARRIS 🙏🙂 💙❤🤍>> <<@veryperson6011 says : Respect for Fox for speaking truth and not being fake news. Something is actually something good>> <<@sabrinakersevan says : It’s really sad. Why doesn’t Biden’s family care about his health???!!!>> <<@FxPhenomX says : Bye bye Biden>> <<@lanebostic8715 says : It all needs deep investigation Doj. Fbi cia homeland all this crap enough is enough.>> <<@LetTheMurdochsDestroyAmerica says : ADT is an advertiser on Faux news. How can I feel safe having ADT service if the company isn't concerned with the safety of the country let alone the safety of it's customers. Disgraceful!>> <<@DonnaMaria-xq2zk says : Brandon is a disgusting waste of human flesh, cognitive deficits or not! Shame on him and everyone in his administration !>> <<@chrisoulalakkas7935 says : Trust people's actions. Not their words.>> <<@kennycarr3366 says : Joe showed that he is in no shape to run the country. Makes me wonder who has been making the decisions and running the country.>> <<@moniquegarcia8695 says : Let Joe run: that will be a guarantee that Trump will win.>> <<@user-yz6yr6on7c says : WE USED TO BE THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. UNDER DEMOCRAT, LIBERAL POWER WE ARE THE LAUGHING STOCK, WEAKEST IN THE WORLD. DEMS, LIBS TURNED US INTO FRUIT LOOPS.>> <<@user-yz6yr6on7c says : LET HIM KEEP RUNNING. IT ONLY MAKES EVEN THAT MUCH EASIER FOR TRUMP WIN. THE ONES THEY WANT TO REPLACE BIDEN WITH ARE JUST AS BAD FOR THE COUNTRY. EITHER WAY ITS A WIN. NOBODY WANTS A DEMOCRATIC,LIBERAL ANYMORE. THEY ALL DESTROYED THIS COUNTRY. WE ARE THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WORLD.>> <<@Outcast1016_ says : That’s the whole point ——- For America not to survive>> <<@user-oc4hc4ni3l says : I would put this to MSNBC : 1. what is your definition of "a lie" ? 2. according to that definition, have you ever lied in your whole life? 3. Has Bill Clinton lied? 4. Has Joe Biden lied? 5. What do you think the correct criteria of choosing a good president should be ? A wise man would say : ability to make the country prosper! 6. Do you think Biden in his mental condition [which in all probability will deteriorate ] is able to make USA prosper and safe?>> <<@canaveral2501 says : Brandon lied all his life , time to go. You’ve done enough. LGB. FJB !!>> <<@canaveral2501 says : FJB>> <<@PapaWooody says : The W🌎RLD can’t survive another 4 years of Diaper Donald Drumpf. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯>> <<@thedangerous1 says : People die in war. Get over it pussies>> <<@thedangerous1 says : Where is Melania??? Does she support the former president?>> <<@thedangerous1 says : Where is Melania??? Does she support the former president?>> <<@thedangerous1 says : The military supports a five time draft dodger like Trump? who supports Trump that worked in his previous administration? His own wife doesn’t even support him.>> <<@thedangerous1 says : Didn’t Trump call soldiers that died suckers and losers? I’m just saying.>> <<@thedangerous1 says : Didn’t Trump call soldiers that died suckers and losers? I’m just saying.>> <<@thedangerous1 says : Don’t compare Joe to the Almighty, just compare him to the alternative . vote blue>>