<<@NP-fk4mq says : I cant see any proper solid plan for Australia either from from current government or opposition.>> <<@user-ne4pp5ju6q says : A one term Labor government!>> <<@N0oN3XD says : The Labor Party has wasted so much of our tax dollars on renewable energy. Now we are broke!>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : Worse off …. WOW , do you think ? That’s stating the bloody obvious>> <<@davidtewhakaara6660 says : Bring on the election so Australia can get rid of labour greens and teals>> <<@justinwolff1416 says : ALP/LNP Duopoly + Greens & Teals = Traitors in arms. Change for the better doesn't just happen... you have to demand it with your vote. A vote for those above changes nothing.>> <<@brucejay1409 says : Nonsense.....Labor has "transformed" Australia into a modern third world country in just over a year. Everything is booming .... homelessness, business bankruptcies, supermarket prices....none of them have ever been higher>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : All those low paid workers and people getting tax cuts would not agree with you. Come up with some policies some time.>> <<@Mark-tj4ys says : Your out Albo Take Fats W.A And the lemon with you.>> <<@johnkauppi7078 says : The LNP has nothing brag about or be criticising. They governed for years as things began to go down hill. So its like we would be badly off under the Liberals or worse off with Labour. Not much of a choice.>> <<@allanmakabayan8062 says : The amount of tax they get from fifo workers is ridiculously high. Why do they get no tax cut? These are hard working citizens that contributes alot more than normal citizens to the economy, yet never given attention on their needs. No benefit on the risk they take and hard work. Yet mostly are to lose their family for being away too long and one again have to pay ridiculous amount of child support. No wonder lots of fifo suicide workers occur.. they never spoke about fifo workers or at-least protect them from being used and abused by the system.😟 where is the love? Where is the family? Where is the fairness and equality? That’s why most aussies are unhappy. They never talk about family bonding. Only what’s easier to get votes.. 😞>> <<@christopherharrold3045 says : what happened about the death threats Albanese was crying over on TEN NEWS two days ago . did the Islamic community really threaten to kill Albo and his family .>> <<@jimmartin9704 says : And anyone who think it would have been any different if the liberals stayed in power has rocks in their head. Why don't you bum lickers at sky ask her why didn't slowmo do anything in their last 15 months to bring inflation down??? Or why did they hide the AER report on the increase in electricity prices?? We were going into, if not already, in a recession before covid ( that just delayed the inevitable). Yes this government could of done so much more, but our economic issues are just as much liberals doing as much as Labor>> <<@geoff6414 says : Well peter Engie just put my power up $185 thats nearly 3 quarter's gone in 1 go you tell me if we are going to be better off they have no solutions to bring prices down the only thing they know is giving hand outs what are they going to do give us hand outs ever year?>> <<@user-ik3bx8yf6t says : We’ve been worse off for two years now>> <<@user-du8kd3sn8n says : They are much better off. The Liberals exist to give tax cuts to the Rich. Look at the UK and the Trump effort also - it's all about giving tax cuts to the rich. So, everyone is better off with Labor, even if current macro environment is tough.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Poor old Jane, too poor to get a decent haircut. Nearly 90% of SKY stories are lacklustre Liberals attacking Labo r. Wow, that is really imp ortant and unexpected news. NOT.>> <<@deanhays6115 says : Average Australians are always worse off under the ALP And this government is the worst and taking us to oblivion faster than any previous labor government>> <<@deniseorourke7235 says : You can keep giving out handouts but inflation will keep chewing it up target the essentials like petrol food and energy>> <<@ZELJKO472 says : The three year election circle jerk coming up. Vote for us we are politicians and we are here to help 😀>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : The opposition will hand Aussies a $1.3 trillion debt the second they get in!!!....>> <<@user-zh5ri2fx8t says : It all started to accelerate downhill with Turnbull and then continued by Morrison. Then the ALP+Greens came in to make it even worse. Enjoy the ride to hell suckers of Australia.>> <<@Elvin_Prestley says : Oh, happy NFY all. Has anyone called the election yet?>> <<@gw5436 says : I still cannot believe that there are still people that dumb that they'd vote for this incompetent pretender. Look up "the theory of stupidity" for the answer.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : This shadow bitch is way off, doesn't know whats happening in real life. Cost of living is more like 30%>> <<@jimhowlett5365 says : It's amazing all of these politicians on 6 figure incomes saying how tough Australians are doing yet not offering to knock back the 3 pay rises they have had given to them and to add insult to injury they give an incoming GG an extra $200,000 pay rise before she even steps into office and tell us to tighten our belts>> <<@Genxkiwi says : 8% sounds a bit low>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Worse off under Labor and liberal, nobody has the guts to make radical changes needed. A drastic reduction in income tax is needed>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : and all hiting the australian person 8% here 10% here 14 here and you are working for free>> <<@kentaitchison889 says : How could you vote for a lying grub like ALBO>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : Australians don't deserve all this corona then cost of living evrithing is fucked>> <<@user-de5ez5pe8t says : Worse off.Labor makes me despair for our country.>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : Australians celebrate a well earned tax reduction as the Robodebt right wing conservatives squeal we didn't get enough...😭 😆😆😆...... Dutton and Co are toast..🥾>> <<@Dismas2503 says : Worse off due to a decade of the Coalition's economic mismanagement.>> <<@Ghandi12 says : Fight for christians. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has slammed Israel for targeting the Christian community in Palestine, particularly in al-Quds, by illegally imposing taxes on churches. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the State of Palestine in a statement on Saturday voiced its strong condemnation of Israel’s recent move to impose taxes on churches, their institutions, and properties in the occupied city of al-Quds through what it refers to as “occupation municipalities.” The ministry stressed that Israel’s imposition of these taxes is illegal and the regime has no sovereignty over al-Quds, which exclusively belongs to the Palestinian people and their legitimate leadership. “These actions are a blatant violation of international law and the city’s historical and legal ‘Status Quo’,” it added. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rejects Israeli Imposition of Taxes on Churches in Occupied Jerusalem The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the State of Palestine unequivocally condemns the recent actions by Israel, the illegal occupying power, to impose taxes on… — State of Palestine - MFA 🇵🇸🇵🇸 (@pmofa) June 29, 2024 “These unlawful measures are perceived as part of a broader strategy of extermination and ethnic cleansing that Israel is practicing against all the Palestinian People, particularly targeting the authentic Palestinian Christian presence in the Holy Land, most notably in [al-Quds],” the ministry said. The ministry urged all nations to back the churches and the State of Palestine, calling for action to stop the serious violations of international law, UN Security Council resolutions, and the established historical and legal Status Quo. In the end, the ministry further called for punitive measures to be taken against the provocative and illegal practices, emphasizing the need for countries to uphold their principles in protecting the authentic Christian presence in the Holy Land of Palestine.>> <<@user-zd3xs4ts6f says : The Labour party is a schemozzle pure and simple 🎉✅👍>> <<@lukei6255 says : It doesn't katter under which of the duopoly party. The profits from the sale of the mineral resoruces dont stay with the Australian people.>> <<@donotcomply665 says : We didn't get here in just a couple of years, this has been decades of deliberate destruction>> <<@kentaitchison889 says : ALBO is a useless lying scum bag>> <<@HairolnizamBasiron-001 says : Hi, when consumers spending will be inflation unccontrol of budget in every household>> <<@moistfarts351 says : Corrupt treasonous parasites have sold u out>>