<<@tiesword3252 says : SPOT ON, LET THE PEOPLE LEARN THE TRUTH.....REMEMBER THE POLITICIANS PRIORITY IS THEIR CLIMATE AGENDA NOT FOR WE THE PEOPLE, NOT BY WE THE PEOPLE.....THE WORSE IS YET TO COME.....THE MORE THEY INCREASE, THE MORE IS GOING TO HIGH and HIGHER COST OF LIVING and SO FORT, UNTIL NO LONGER CAN NOT AFFORD.....>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : becouse Australians are fighting to servive albo has destroyed the country>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : 19 to 16% in the 18200 to 45,000 income bracket and 45 percent applies now from 190k instead of 200k is the only “cut” everyone who works has won the lottery …. Dead shits !!>> <<@frankriquelme4623 says : Give with one hand take with the other>> <<@jamesaustralian9829 says : From today, NSW residents with solar are set to pay, to feed power into the grid.>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : Labor trying to buy votes. While giving with one hand and taking double with the other.>> <<@peterrech2307 says : the tax cuts will achieve nothing due to rising costs across the country. Well done Chalmers, Albanese and comrades. Time for the Labor Liars party to be sent to oblivion.>> <<@Hapkido82AUS says : So, interest rates going up will magically lower the cost of energy ?? FFS, raising rates doesn't work anymore.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Guess what else kicked in on 01 July 2024 my UNCONSTITUTIONAL council new 24-25 budget which includes a 25% increase in rates courtesy of the unlawful CORPORATE Queensland State "government". How is it that around 14 US states are currently legislating to drastically reduce property and income tax and eventually abolish income tax altogether especially in States with mineral wealth who feel no need to have income tax as they can fund via various import levies or tariffs. One of Trump’s election platforms is to completely abolish income tax and replace it with tariffs, Australia is going in the opposite direction because we give away our resources to globalists for nothing many pay NO or minimal tax thanks to Gough Whitlam also signed Australia over to the foreign UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of Australia to “foreign powers”, head office Rome.>> <<@Chad.H. says : Yes, put everyone earning up to 70 thousand will pay 17% extra tax this time same like last time. That's albosleezy saying he is helping working class by giving him self everyvyear 20 thousand pay rise, and 17% extra tax for working class Australians .>> <<@Memovox says : FreeTheAussieCossack>> <<@ricky6864 says : We are so lucky, a 3% cut in tax while everything else only goes up by 50%>>