<<@nigelmorgan3449 says : Matt hope you’ve been looking at a new job Labor I’m fed up with paying you salaries rise>> <<@NikkieSpina-bf6om says : Albos absolutely deluded, how dumb does he think tax payers are. My electricity supplier raised the amount on power 7 cents per KW PRIOR to the budget being presented. Climb down from your parliamentary salary and join the real world in paying bills. The fact that they call themselves Labour yet have never even dug a hole let alone sweat it out in a back braking job is just laughable.>> <<@mickyryan9280 says : One last question. Where was the supposed responsibility when, before covid, the national debt doubled under the libs from 2013-19? By the way, you can all look it up!>> <<@mickyryan9280 says : So have labor had two successive surpluses or not? The only possible way that government can possibly help inflation is to be spending less than income no? Or does that only apply when the libs are in power? (Let us all not forget that the highest taxing gov as a % of gdp was Howard/Costello!) I eagerly await the excuses that have completely changed the goalposts of what ‘sound financial management’ actually means.>> <<@mickyryan9280 says : Hahahahaahahahanaha Those tax changes still benefit the ‘most productive’ most>> <<@user-pn9lb8sr2p says : Albo has spent $40 000000 on adds to tell us about our stingy $35 per week tax cuts,,,,more waste of the taxpayers money by this incompetent Albenese government!!>> <<@brennmac748 says : what a pack of useless clowns their show is not funny they are the joke>> <<@TimChristian-ks1lf says : I have a spreadsheet to compare any price increases and from the 1st July 2024 the cost of my Electricity has increased by $588 per year, if I was to renew my Origin plan again. So the Government $300 rebate has already been lost! Now I await any Gas increases later this year. We are a resource rich country, this Government must go!>> <<@pelicanlogs4782 says : wow, my tax cut saw 5 fucking dollars come back. So fucking generous.>> <<@WATCHTOWER386 says : australia not the greatest country in the world no more im thinking time to move and i lived here my whole life>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Peta cretin has no idea about anything>> <<@WATCHTOWER386 says : love it home loan gone up 350 a WEEK but thanks for 300 of power bill for the year>> <<@seanyuke3249 says : Less than a dollar a day per HOUSEHOLD. Groceries have gone up how much per day? Wake up people, we are on the short track to the third world, and if you support that, f¥@k off and live in it.>> <<@onlymelbourne2842 says : the grim jim and albonoccio circus rolls into town 'come and get it' ...'but it's our money anyway' is the response>> <<@peterrichards1058 says : Labor couldn’t run a chook raffle it’s that simple and it’s bribe money Labor we are not that stupid. By the way Labor it’s our money anyway.>> <<@rodschultz2875 says : All the more to vote out Labor earlier>> <<@riordan39 says : So this Government is making people with mortgages poor, while making Banks richer. What a great system that doesn't seem to be very effective.>> <<@riordan39 says : What about cutting fuel tax. That would help just about everyone>> <<@chrismorley8348 says : The poliyical class has no constitutional right destroy their citizens standard of living financial oppertunmity and future. The economy doeas not belong to government. Actions which harm citizens by government is the definition of tyranny.he Party system has allowed private money to buy the entire political class in the west. There is no opposition just silence and the parliamentary privilege MPs are vested with to question government actions goes unused. That tells you everything. Our individual votes have been devalued worse than our currency. Abolish the party whip et all. All MPs independent all votes in parliament by conscience and the interest of the electorate. We need two election cycles where the only people who meet to vote are those who have paid income tax minimum of three years previous to election end of story. No beneficiaries no students no civil servants either no state employees at all. NO PRIVATE FUNDING OF POLITICIANS. We have private interests paying to have their agendas inflicted on us as public Policy. Private money has also bought and destroyed the Independance of the fifth estate. the CLIMATE SCAM IS the overarching covert huge resource grab by private capitol. Governments allowed individuals and corporations to amass such wealth that the political class the media local government and the state sector have all been bought off that it was inevitable that national sovereignty itself would be next.>> <<@danant62 says : Albanese is weak as, Chalmers hasn't got a clue, Bowen is away with the fairies, Giles lives on another planet and Marles is way out of his depth about defense. We need a new government, come on Peter Dutton.>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : You disenchanted Labor Voters voted for Labor via the Greens. so are you better off now than you were under the Liberal Government just yes or no . .Remember this Labor increased Doubled Fuel Tobacco Alcohol excise which feeds into Delivery costs of Living produce Food and then there's the Removal of the $1500 tax return to 10 million Taxpayers meanwhile Subsidizing Billions to Renewable Billionaires and Financing China's Economic and Military Growth ..at the expense of Australia's Strategic Power Security .. Labor via its Policies is Not acting in the Nations Interest Labor and the Greens Are an Alliance of Stalinist's hell bent on the Destruction of Australia>> <<@ninaclemente5944 says : Australians just don't earn enough money! You need to be a two income household to survive!>> <<@user-eq4ns9le1n says : As for parasites that call themselves “self-funded retirees” when they are nothing of the sort. They pay no tax on any of their earnings and their goldmines were provided by ordinary taxpayers who supported their 15% tax (less than the lowest paid worker must pay on their earnings) - instead of their marginal rates - for their goldmines in superannuation. These people should be forced to pay their fair share by paying tax like everyone else and returning some of their ill-gotten superannuation gains.>> <<@adriansmith7604 says : If you vote labor back on your DESERVE what they will do lose home % up inflation up RECESSION starting>> <<@Brokeassprospector says : So what? Do you want to go back to the crimeolition government 🤔 The biggest criminal government in Australian history?>> <<@steveosullivan8175 says : When we say the govt is giving us back our own money, that is after each dollar being broken down to support everything from politicians wage increases, a fat public service that is not responsible for anything they stuff up, immigration assistance to media advertising to tell us how good they are managing the country. They would have taken, taxed, collected $5 for each dollar they are ‘giving us back.’>> <<@talbotdentureclinic9123 says : This is socialist big government at its best>> <<@robertproietti-ricci6403 says : WHO BENEFITS FROM THESE RENEWABLES ..... NOT THE POOR AND BATTLERS .. THATS FOR SURE>> <<@johnkellet7783 says : These guys have got to be kidding. $300 here & there is not even $1.00 a day. They are standing in Parliament like they are saving us all when the reality of it all is there will be another rate rise because this government cannot stop spending money & giving it away.>> <<@colinalexander3929 says : Australians are being treated as fools, some more than others, by our PM and his cohorts. Being an elderly veteran I have just been advised on myGov that I will receive a pension increase of $1 per week. This is alongside the Defined Benefit which I receive and was promised so long ago would retain its value actually continues to decrease at a far greater rate.>> <<@user-xw2jf4fn1h says : We'll done young lady you are totally right>> <<@KurtBoulter says : You would have to be a complete & utter Labor Party moron to vote for this disgraceful government. They destroyed the electrical grid, drove up prices so the Labour Unions who investing in green deals could profit, then borrows billions, to throw back at the taxpayers they stole the cash from to begin with!>> <<@graememcdonald5121 says : What a clown show>> <<@Josma432 says : Its insulting how stupid they think we are.>> <<@rikkwakeupwesternworld9874 says : What arrogance and hypocrisy for Albo, the snake charmer and the rest of the Labor chuckle brothers and sisters who masquerade as a government to crow about $20 - $30 a week tax cut and $300 energy relief when average household budgets since they came to power have grown by $250 plus EVERY WEEK, some quite a lot more. Spin this to the thousands living in tents or the tens of thousands more who must decide every month either to feed their families or pay essential bills and keep a roof over their heads. Courtesy of 12 interest rate hikes, a cost of living out of control, power bills that increase every quarter, the outrageous cost of fuel which Labor CAN reduce and choose not to, an immigration policy that defies common sense, renewable ideology which will send us bankrupt, our easily crossed borders and the general inadequate defense of Australia, the list goes on and on. Albo, the snake charmer and the Labor minions give back a tiny percentage of the money it costs the average family just to live week to week while they award themselves 3 salary rises of more that $200 a week and smile while doing it. Albo and Labor, the worst PM. and government this country has ever endured, completely out of touch with reality!>> <<@gerryorourke7122 says : South Australia power, gas and now water! go to hell labor, you and the greens are deliberately destroying our country.>> <<@contsiolis1998 says : I have been a Labor supporter for years. No more. This govt is incompetent….>> <<@peterkirgan2921 says : I agree with pete houlis ! Australia needs a change desperately !!! Albo & his mates are clowns & so is Dutton Mr Potato Head no policies whatsoever no vision! Groceries taxes inflation utilities?? Lol stuff you Dutton!!!😢thank you both for looking after us pensioners!!!>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : How about a pay rise like you gave the GG ? That would help … Even a pay rise like you gave yourselves…. 20 % may just make us break even!!!>> <<@drcolster says : THEY THROW CENTS AROUND TO US PEOPLE AND THEY ACT LIKE HEROS..... BLATANT MORRRONNNS !!!!>> <<@keithnaylor9268 says : Only a Moron would vote for this government again.>> <<@michealstringer6090 says : Been paying it off but bill just hit ten grand shove your 300 up your backside.>> <<@bryanp4827 says : We don't need your analysis Peta, we know it EVERY DAY...>> <<@anth5189 says : Every house hold? Well if I don't see three hundred dollars I will be suing. Of course it won't do sh$t. It doesn't cover one f-ing gill for most people. One Nation all the way.>> <<@BuntaBall40 says : The previous government budgeted and planned the tax cuts to address bracket creep. There also was a $1500 tax rebate from the previous government that this government removed within the first 8 weeks of office. This government has done nothing but move things around that were planned for over the last 5-6 years. This government is crowing about labour tax cuts. What a joke, all they have done is cancel previous governments' tax relief plans and reinstate them in a lesser form. So we all pay more tax now than ever before. Anyone who thinks this government has done anything for the common citizen is deluded>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : Politicians continue to treat people like idiots. We are not that stupid! The only people who are living comfortably are the wealthy and politicians. Clearly politicians do not care about people and it’s all about having power and staying in power = self interest!>> <<@lyndalmorse6555 says : We need long term solutions you morons>> <<@user-cc2np7xy6w says : Labor can fester up an bust. Biggest scamming, lying gov ever. Another lie is this so called vehicle efficiency scam. Save us money at the bowser........what? A whole 2c a litre. Oh, that could almost give me a chub.>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : You would only hope that voters for Labor/Greens-Teals have realised the treachery that has been released on our country that they endorsed. "Mr Snivelmaster Fake PM of PR & BS" living the dream at our expense wants another all expenses paid term to further the Socialism plan, not as PM but to continue as the Media Representative to these bungling misfits...when you get the chance...VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@shanemallinson7644 says : This government gotten go down>>