<<@BlackDragonCrusader says : I always wondered why a seemingly successful con man like the Orange Felon put himself on the firing line that may destroy his fortune. Prior to his POTUS time, he was running a good con as a New York City real estate tycoon and billionaire. Everything changed when his run as a successful reality TV star went to his head to chase a POTUS. Thus he left his safe comfortable existence to chase more fame thereby exposing his true character to the world. It remains as to whether it was worth it for him. Openly stating the Apprentice was the most successful endeavour in his life, he did everything that his producers suggested to improve ratings. As a result, everything done from that time on became a relentless chase for ratings. First came a need for a marital affair to replace Marla with Melania. As successive episodes passed more drama was required to boost ratings. Can America thank both Lorne Michaels, Mitch McConnell, and Kevin McArthy? The current situation with Joe Biden is paralleling the sad saga of #45. After the June 27, 2024 Presidential Debate, he had a small window to endear himself to America by stepping away for the good of the country. In the process he demonstrates that he puts country before ego, family, and party. The MAGA’s are loath to do this creating separation for his party. Instead, even with dementia, he chose to hang on perhaps at the insistence of a selfish family or greedy sycophants. Nonetheless, Biden risks his legacy for everything in the raw pursuit of power. Obviously the allure of the Presidency is both lucrative and overwhelming. The result of unadulterated donor money into the system had corrupted the government institutions that no longer appeal to noblemen. Now the keepers of the world’s greatest democracy attracts con men, grifters, and now criminals all chasing an easy fortune. If America can get through this dark period of her history, there are several political infrastructure needs addressing so this period never occurs again. The world awaits! Tik Tok!>> <<@otiebrown9999 says : Biden - Is totally INCOMPETENT. WHY IS there any debate??>> <<@monstermash1571 says : If anyone is shocked by them, shame on them. It's insane people can still be so easily manipulated. It was so obvious it was always heading in this direction, the only unbelievable thing is the DNC not having a back up plan. What is wrong with this country?? This whole thing is just so sad. This was the most miserable debate, since 2016. Its honestly so hard to fathom, we've fallen so low. The division that happens to this country is all so carefully calculated. None of this is by accident. Praying for good times ahead...but my goodness!>> <<@Buy-nLarge says : NO MORE JOE BIDEN!>> <<@joenop3393 says : America has been deceived by the Democratic party and by the Liberal Media! Biden isn't in charge.... he can't be. He's in the 5th (of 7) stages of Demetia. His staff has known this, his Family have known this. Jill Biden is an Enabler and is putting her husband thru this. It is Elder abuse! His Family should be ashamed!!>> <<@henrytong8707 says : Democrats should replace Biden because he is too old. GOP should replace Trump because he is an old, convicted felon. Biden can exit the stage with honor. Trump can head straight for prison.>> <<@Stev235chan says : Jill Biden, make sure your husband doesn’t push any buttons. It might be a red one.>> <<@Stev235chan says : Joe Biden make sure your husband doesn’t press any buttons. It might be a red one.>> <<@typingcat says : How many more "dangerous rightwing conspiracies" do the normies have to see turning out to be true until they realise that the mainstream media are lying on behalf of the Dems?>> <<@joesimo11 says : The hierarchy of the Democratic party should fall on their swords immediately , and where the heck is the vice president.. complete shambles that will have cost the Democrats dearly. Just WTF were they thinking?>> <<@margarita8442 says : get more sense from a 6 month old baby -- ga ga gaaa>> <<@jimdemetri8168 says : Bye done>> <<@margarita8442 says : Its game over>> <<@kekf_lol says : It’s interesting trying to understand how people still vote for Biden, I’m seriously concerned for these people. Straight up disturbed>> <<@creativelife-ml4er says : I read where Biden's advisors told him there was not a split screen. LOL>> <<@Jess-by2lt says : Maybe Obama is controlled U.S.A.>> <<@paddlesmcbean2366 says : Biden will have an unexpected accident.>> <<@dennisvo5175 says : Biden families tell him to fights there is one reason they’re scared now if president Donald Trump come back to WH and theirs families top to the bottom will be in jails.>> <<@Aussie-Nan says : OMG America is in a worse state than I thought, they don’t know what’s going on in their own country. Trump handled the debate beautifully>> <<@PerAnkh418 says : Stand down rotten president>> <<@TheBub26 says : lol @ the little guy telling the big guy to stay the course. hunter is thinking they could have woodrow wilson like 2nd term where they can just hide him away. jill can call the shots while joe spends 4 years recovering from his cold in the lincoln bedroom>> <<@gutsbiker says : Joe Biden knows how to tell the truth? No US troops killed under his watch. The border is more secure than ever. The very fine people lie. The cemetery of suckers and losers lie. He has the support of the police and border patrol lie. Most likely Biden doesn't even know what he's saying, just repeating what he's been trained to say.>> <<@Fat12219 says : Mr Biden has the US nuclear codes 😮>> <<@stephenandluisa says : Bring out the popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show, it’s going to be an award winning show,,, coming to a tv station near you… don’t miss joe vs the democrats>> <<@hollacehenry3377 says : Biden has risen to the level of his own incompetence due to his family being left unchecked. The Peter Principle in action.>> <<@abergreg says : If "I know how to tell the truth" why does he lie every time he speaks. EVERY TIME.>> <<@thedeadman3848 says : They set up the debate, assuming The Don would not show up 😆 Unfortunately millions would still vote for him …>> <<@user-zu9ew3ru4m says : He ain’t told the truth in years>> <<@Xcx284 says : Mainstream news is SLOW! People already knew this few months ago that he’ll be replaced. It’s all planned way ahead>> <<@timmurphy479 says : Weekend at Bidens moments>> <<@chetpomeroy1399 says : The Democrats have made their bed, let them lie in it. They can't swap out Biden just four months before the election.>> <<@CalvinMorris-cf8jk says : Buttiggee Omar 2024.>> <<@adelkamal45 says : For about 50 years, the Democrats been lying to the whole world and lying to the American people who has been one in this country for the last five years we need the answers>> <<@carlbrown5150 says : Trump Ramaswamy 2024 MAGA.!!🥰>> <<@Mike-j7o says : Trump 2024 Save America from democrats destruction!>> <<@quillakiore3499 says : Joe's dementia is well known. It's not new. Known before he became president. And the stash found at Whitehouse not just 4 Hunter.>> <<@troutman-sw9qc says : Remember if you vote for Trump, and he wins, and the economy tanks and it will, you can not complain because you voted for it.>> <<@77c472 says : The Biden families and the democrats are not in reality! I am socked!>> <<@ronalddecesaris6115 says : 81 million votes😂 Question everything they tell us!>> <<@ianhunter2374 says : It's clear to the world that Jill Biden is committing elder abuse and the American msm are supporting it>> <<@anomad6314 says : Elder abuse>> <<@waltercote8512 says : Cnn and msnbc can't lie anymore . Its over for these traitors .>> <<@dalebechtel8904 says : My mother in law says “ I’m voting for Biden “ she says she’s not worried about his mental decline because other people can make decisions for him. That’s dangerous>> <<@billyboyblue1539 says : CNN and MSNBC is brainwashing but yet gullible ignorant people are glued to these networks>> <<@77c472 says : I am socked how Americans, especially the Democrats, that they did not know who Joe Biden is until they actually see on the debate stage. I am not an American but it's been years I have known Joe Biden incompatancy for a president. How Most Americans are ignorant!>> <<@dobby4139 says : Then stop voting for the democrats>> <<@thomasweith8442 says : It is highly unlikely that Joe Biden will win reelection due to his pathetic performance in his firs term in office!>> <<@troutman-sw9qc says : Blue all the way 🇺🇸>> <<@markbuck9327 says : Hunter is a selfish nepobaby who is only pushing his father to continue because his father is the only one who can keep him out of prison. So he needs daddy to be president for another 4 years. Sad and disgusting>> <<@Chag69420 says : Slipped up saying that the media outlets calling for Biden to be replaced are the Democrat elite.>>