<<@mike-ms1jm says : All we here from leftists is "threat to democracy" " democracy is on the line" then the "elites" decide who the voters get to vote for. Clown world 🀑>> <<@AlexandraRieloff says : Stop pretending this is News! lol>> <<@LoriCurl says : CNN traitors.>> <<@CPACK1 says : Yes we've Been duped by CNN.>> <<@ronnorris2934 says : Who’s controlling the nukes?>> <<@danmcleod1360 says : KJP is the BIGGEST gaslighter. She has covered up Biden's health and misled everyone.>> <<@kathyerb3134 says : Could Joe Biden be under some form of drugs, wrong medication, wrong dosage, poison? He needs a brain MRi , CT scan, why haven't these be done?>> <<@furkidsonboard4103 says : Despite all this, he's still better than Trump the felon.>> <<@ronnelson930 says : *There are two choices old man with vice president sitting in wings or would be dictator who will implement project 2025, Choose which America you prefer to live in*>> <<@jimgem says : How are you lot shocked' I'm from the U.K and even i knew last year' i Even said to the misses he aint running in 2024 his brain has turned to mush' It's a shame the so called Dr.Jill is disgusting for letting him go through this just because she likes the attention of being the 1st lady....>> <<@yesnomaybeso3220 says : Come on, how was anyone duped. It's been obvious to a blind man that he is very very very cognitively challenged. The question that needs to be answered is who is actually running the country.>> <<@tamih.9043 says : Biden lies, the mainstream media just never fact checks him. How about no military deaths in his entire presidency?? How about his claim that inflation was at 9% when he came into office when it was actually 1.4%?? His uncle was eaten by cannibals, his son died in combat?? He lies every time he opens his mouth!!>> <<@tamih.9043 says : It’s interesting how they’re acting like the entire world hasn’t seen Biden’s cognitive decline since 2020. The White House and mainstream media have been covering this up, CNN included.>> <<@michaelnoble3183 says : It's disgusting that you claim you had no idea. It was obvious during the 2020 democratic debates. He was totally lost at that point.>> <<@born2bbald12 says : The fact that CNN, of all people, is talking this way of Biden is very telling. However, Even though CNN has so little credibility. You have to ask what CNN's motivation is. Keep in mind CNN's ratings are in the tank. What it really boils down to is the Democratic Party does not have a viable candidate for the presidency.>> <<@user-pg3qi2oe3e says : In All honesty, the Democratic Party can be their own worst enemy. Diversity in thoughts and opinions is a beautiful concept, but failing to rally, fully support, and fall in line is a significant area for improvement. To the credit of the Republican Party, they know how to hold the fort down and support their leadership, both rank and file. For example, if Former President Donald Trump had passed out during the debate, there would have been no one in the Republican Party asking him to step down because they recognized he was their strongest candidate. On the other hand, in the Democratic Party, there is a lot of noise about their elected candidate, President Joe Biden. Yes, President Biden had an awful debate for whatever reason, but calling for him to step down is highly unwarranted and unwise. In examining potential Democratic Party front runners, who are qualified to replace him? I keep hearing talks about Governors Gavin Newsome (CA) and Gretchen Whitmore (MI), but they need national recognition or experience. They may be prevalent in their home states but have yet to be tested nationally. Given the stakes of this election, it is unlikely they will be a force against Former President Trump. Additionally, media outlets like CNN say House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries would be a good choice again. He does not have the experience or national recognition and is still getting his footing in his current leadership role. Lastly, there are news media outlets (not the people) pushing for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the presidential candidate. Still, I strongly dissent, given her record and historically low approval ratings. Vice President Harris has not been able to accomplish anything noteworthy since being in office. Sidebar: I understand Vice Presidents are like spears until something happens to a sitting President. However, she was given tasks like managing and co-coordinating immigration issues at the U.S. Southern Border and has fumbled. Given the Republican Party takes most of the blame for their failure to pass the bi-partisan immigration reform bill (at the behest of Donald Trump). As a Black/African American, it pains me to say that Kamala Harris also faces significant challenges as a mixed-race person. We recognize that racism is alive and well in the United States, including the Democratic Party, as well. Along with being a person of color, she is a woman running for office in a highly contested election; given the historic precedence with women like Shirley Chislom and Hilary Clinton, we are in a more divisive and radical climate.>> <<@user-pg3qi2oe3e says : If you cannot provide names and dates then I automatically assume you are lying. Stop with this nonsense some experts and politicians are telling me things behind the scene I do not trust the media to depend on their perspective.>> <<@lindamckibben2828 says : Gish Gallop, "It's a rhetorical technique in which someone throws out a fast string of lies,non-sequiturs, and specious arguments, so many that it is impossible to fact-check or rebut them in the amount of time it took to say them. Trying to figure out how to respond makes the opponent look confused, because they don't know where to start grappling with the flood that just happened. It's a form of gaslighting". For me as a voter, there was no debate, gaslighting took it. Shutting off the mich did nothing. Democracy vs autocracy, no comparison. Vote>> <<@AmazingChannelL says : Enough joe biden.. you can't lead the world now.. you are old man now.. stay at home enjoy your life.. if you still younger 10 year I will support you not donald trump.. I know you better then trump.. but your age problems .. you must step down.. you can lead the world.. accept you are old not your experience to be a president..>> <<@nadamorrow5359 says : At what point are you going to start asking what is the matter with Trump and with his inability to ever tell the truth… ever. Trump has been delusional for years. But that seems to be of no concern apparently. It’s ok to have a demented president that scares the hell of half the world but not a president that admits he gets tired after a gruelling schedule. Give me a break!>> <<@lawrencekiel-sr2772 says : Hiding joe and lying about joe has hurt the American press tremendously. It may never recover the confidence of the world to be a reliable, trustworthy, truthful news source.>> <<@tearl5676 says : It wasn't the first time, it has been going on. Do the White House aides and staff not watch their boss when he is on the news stumbling, fumbling and mumbling like he has been for the past three and a half years?>> <<@user-cv3zm3hg9j says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚CNN don’t play games you lie to your fallowers, you knew long time ago Biden Alzheimer’s and you kept a little secret from your fallowers and Tha is the reason the got a big surprise on Thursday Biden is incompetent for the job, Every one around the world knew Biden Alzaheimers , Except one group CNN fallowers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ surprise surprise Biden is incompetent CNN lied 24-7 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ What can be more dangerous than two wars in Biden wach Rusia and Ucrania thousands of people died because Biden incompetence, Hamas attack Israel thousand of people died in Biden wach! What can be worse than Than that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@thomasschoeneberg932 says : You'd think CNN would have felt duty bound to investigate claims of Biden's acuity years ago. Instead, it was "nothing to see here, folks">> <<@marleneg7794 says : We are not duped we see clearly>> <<@user-cv3zm3hg9j says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ CNN had 3 years secret What secret?? Biden Alzheimer’s So don want a president like that πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž>> <<@tommartinez62 says : Nancy Pelosi has Democrats pegged; they will vote for a glass of water if it has a D on it. They would rather a Democrat administration run by an unelected secret "committee" than allow Republicans 4 years. Party over country so sad.>> <<@dianabehr3169 says : Nobody cares about what the Biden Family wants πŸ‘Ž>> <<@dianabehr3169 says : There is way too much at stake for the whole Western world and global peace !! Democrats, find a candidate that can beat Trump!>> <<@angelaknowlton9116 says : Why is this a surprise? Do democrats not watch President Biden make his speeches?>> <<@lolad407 says : CNN just STOP!>> <<@user-qv3fh2wg8c says : where are you from, under a rock, of course I cant win,>> <<@scomptonspc says : Dust off resumes...>> <<@davidpoole8130 says : Im so disappointed with all this right wing media attacks on joe biden. With the way he is running the country, The way he took down the spy balloons, The great Afghanistan withdrawal the way hes handled the Ukrainian war. The way hes handled putins inflation high gas prices. Come on people he has a 8 handi cap. So he had a hick up in a debate who cares about that he's done a great job running the country better then any president in history he said it it must be true.. That should mean more then some stupid debate.>> <<@robertbombace9153 says : It's far back is twenty twenty joe biden's mental fitness was in question. Now some of these people are shocked including people who voted from give me a break.>> <<@dt8762 says : The corruption of Washington on display.>> <<@mattie3595 says : JB needs to run the clock out to pardon Hunter - the smartest man he knows.....>> <<@williampankratz600 says : Please tell the world the detailed list of the 100 lies Trump said in the debate !!! It's pretty important>> <<@dustyone1648 says : All the editing when he does cnn interviews.>> <<@pythonprogrammer7354 says : CNN will always be losers. FOX mops the floor with CNN. bwahahahaha>> <<@alfarim6295 says : 25. The choice can't be between criminal and incapable.>> <<@kathypriest95 says : 16.5 views and how many up votes!!!>> <<@kathypriest95 says : Oh Pahfukn pleeze people were shocked about Bidens cognitive issues. JUST STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT. FFS! STOP! At least 80M people weren't, aren't that stupid. Why couldn't you all!>> <<@Daisy25411 says : This country deserves better>> <<@jamiepaulzine6725 says : Invoke the 25th amendment immediately>> <<@jamiepaulzine6725 says : We on the right knew he was losing it mentally in 19, 20>> <<@Lovemychewy says : Biden has a running mate Harris? Remember that….. I don’t care if he’s 99 vote blue>> <<@mn4169 says : CNN trying to cover their a#"ses after the debate. The fact is that CNN has caused a a lot of damage and now they are talking to these folks. After the Supreme Court decision they should realize that they are pushing America into a Trump term which could last the remainder of his life. Disgusting of CNN. No better than FOX at this point in time.>> <<@Lovemychewy says : I think I’m not watching CNN until after the election, we know Biden is old ok ! My vote is Biden/Harris if you want to keep voting a democracy…>> <<@insiderinside1905 says : CNN thinks we’re stupid. they misquote Trump so much you can’t believe their lying mouths. they are the dividers. cnn you list your credibility shilling for your zombie all along. why should anyone believe you now?>>