<<@hyperactive99999 says : brave talibaan kicked out the terroristOccupiers>> <<@talabancritique9829 says : The Afghan taleban government is illegal they have not been elected by the people of Afghanistan so there should be no concession for the Talaban Government>> <<@AtaullahHkimi says : ما افغانها همه طالب هستیم دربرابر غرب شیطان دنیا>> <<@gbaili says : Arabs are investing in Artificial Intelligence because Artificial Intelligence is the Future>> <<@aaronkakar8309 says : Afghanistan is in peace and western countries are unhappy with it>> <<@adv.rohitprajapati says : This territory is now working and is ruled according to recognised and accepted islamic laws. Antecedents and war with USA which saved the territory from USA should be forgotten>> <<@bivaschaudhuri7023 says : Qatar is small country but play double game with money and media Al Jazeera. Afghanistan president didn’t fight because of bribes from Qatar. Thousands of foreign workers died to build stadium for World Cup without compensation. Qatar pays salaries of Hamas but act as negotiator.>> <<@1dantown says : So, are the Taliban gangsters staying at the same luxury hotel as the Hamas gangsters in Qatar?>>