<<@hotelcalifornia33 says : Can’t believe I am saying this, but well done Jake. You pushed this clown much harder than I thought you would. Makes me think CNN might be trying to be a legit news channel.>> <<@EagerHornbill-ij4ip says : ITS NOT ABOUT TRUMP, our current President is not able to govern. Let's fix this first, then move on to who will be the next president. 😊>> <<@EagerHornbill-ij4ip says : Lier lier, pants on fire.>> <<@sonnylachney8988 says : The media can't hide what they have been hiding anymore>> <<@Stames88 says : How sad. A once powerful man cant remember if he watched the debate or not.. that says it all. A vote for Biden will be a vote for Harris>> <<@TommyAloha. says : Jake , im from philly youre a worm you like it 🧷🟧🧷>> <<@bullaschonken521 says : All msm media is a joke and cnn is on top enough of your lies and crap>> <<@brianvanwinkle7909 says : This guy is so full of shit>> <<@tomsmith5785 says : What Does Joe Biden Have On Chris Coons??>> <<@caesarashom1866 says : This is true journalism. Jake, thank you, and thank you, CNN.>> <<@Cam-LTowing-qz3cu says : Send Michelle in and let’s landslide chump . Period>> <<@bikiniconspiracybikinicons1728 says : They act like this is all new...WERE HAVE ALL THESE PEOPLE BEEN?>> <<@hkm_865 says : Crazy to CNN actually push back against the Orwellian machine and pursue truth, even if for a fleeting instance. Seems like Tapper is getting a taste of what it’s like to fight the good fight..>> <<@ddddddno24 says : CNN loves Trump and so does MSNBC...the money, the ratings...>> <<@littledaisies6856 says : Project 2025 Talk about that.>> <<@littledaisies6856 says : Cmon Jake, do better.>> <<@johnsadler732 says : 2 hour press conference.>> <<@johnnycole7990 says : Isn't that the guy who let Biden creep on and sniff his daughter?>> <<@jgibby905 says : Pretty sure this is the first CNN video I’ve 👍🏼 in several years…>> <<@jdunker6301 says : Dementia can be more prevalent at times and less prevalent. My mother had dementia and got dressed except her pants often. This is a progressive disease and will only get worse with time. If you think it's bad now, wait.>> <<@serafinazoda4507 says : OMG , how can he say that , the country is suffering>> <<@HoustonXFACTOR10 says : Dear CNN, stop going after Biden, remwber, when you atrack Biden yourw helping the maga movent that so much hated you and campaingned with the slogan "FAKE NEWS" for four years. Also taper never bother correcting Trump when he lied so much during the debate. Maybebyou guys need a new ceo that carea about democracy instead of fascism!>> <<@laineydejohn says : I call BULLSHIT>> <<@DalePeacock says : Ya but trump isn't a gaffe monster>> <<@InvaderG says : this media moment is another lie and will be short lived. they acted the same way after Trump won and then the same way after the Mueller report. they are saving face. they have learned nothing and Tapper and the rest will be back to form by the election.>> <<@InvaderG says : this media moment is another lie and will be short lived. they acted the same way after Trump won and then the same way after the Mueller report. they are saving face. they have learned nothing and Tapper and the rest will be back to form by the election.>> <<@raynonartis1632 says : Why isn't the mainstream media hammering down on Donald Trump debate how many time you lie Damn bias>> <<@luciamorgan6266 says : Lair>> <<@larrybaker5514 says : No respect for cnn or tapper mini fox>> <<@stevee5080 says : you know when a politician is lying they fake laugh and go off on a tangent.>> <<@Patty100ish says : It’s only gaslighting if you are dumb enough to believe anything he says 😊>> <<@jamesbates5341 says : Let's go Teleprompter Joe!>> <<@dcmcgman8834 says : Certainly Mr. Coons' & J. Tapper's proposals for Joe to conduct several (many) impromptu engagements that address our collective concerns are necessary to reclaim faith in his cognitive well-being. However, Mr Coons and your prep team for Joe Biden's debate was quite poorly handled. Poorly staging with him easy to recall one liners, phraseology comments to forcefully deliver when the Trump low-blow attacks would ensue. You and the prep team knew the repeated lies and personal attacks that a Trump encounter would bring on. You all did a lousy job readying Joe Biden. Shame on all of you. Joe needs new support blood who have a bit of street-fighting in them. But if a stepping aside is decided, there are other very formidable candidates to take on Trump. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse could be approached. Check him out everyone. He has the charismatic look, speaking finesse, fabulous governing background, 20+ years of stellar public and political service. Senator Whitehouse. ( from Rhode Island) He has the right name and could soon become a full blown household recognized contender appealing to independents and the Joe Biden growing doubters. He'd make mincemeat out of the Trump malarky --one on one.>> <<@sahmom6285 says : We are not stupid! Biden is in decline. Stop gaslighting...>> <<@SherCts says : If Biden is fit to run for president, then he's fit to stand trial for his crimes before becoming a president, taking bribes from foreign countries for his family enrichment, breaking federal and state laws.>> <<@LorrinAHamilton says : Bad night.. YOUR AN EMBARRASSMENT>> <<@AnonYmous-ry2jn says : Tapper: he asked you about Trump’s RECENT mental lapses, NOT gaffes and awkwardnesses since 2016.>> <<@JohnAsmith-rw6uo says : If he had any morals he would be ashamed for pushing such lies. Biden will be replace by VP Harris .>> <<@MyNameJoshua says : Lmao! Who’s more Fit? Trump…who’s more Decent?…Trump…who lies less?….Trump…who’s hated for things not True?…Trump….Who’s hated for things that are True?…Trump…. All well Still Gaslighting because that Hate gives Biden a shot at winning.>> <<@dwaynegrobinson4125 says : The Biden/Democrat Camp is unbelievable. They will lie to the demise of themselves. They're disgusting, and I'm glad I left my Democratic allegiance behind. Never again.>> <<@ronferia7806 says : If biden goes so does this clown of course he wants to save his own balls>> <<@LearningGrace says : Biden has always been a LIAR: https://youtu.be/mCJMF7mflGE?si=MZ7SWHQRb_-xJIbp https://youtu.be/OPxOMT84u2w?si=R5XP27c4GQk87huj https://youtube.com/shorts/IXaSzBfHF5c?si=SQiLSERw9vwqFLYs https://youtu.be/LYs5HMky1qY?si=lQkF37Og-GB38Tcm>> <<@Dascorpio36 says : Even CNN isn’t doing this anymore 😂>> <<@tonyclobo says : Your bad night is going to cost you liars dearly!>> <<@russellmeyer5854 says : needs to be an age limit on this office end of story the worlds security is at stake>> <<@warriorcpj says : Keep Joe Biden in the race. He deserves to loose badly for the mess he has done for past 4 years.>> <<@andycueto2218 says : The Most Effective President in American History, Joe Biden!❤>> <<@hamwithcheese586 says : Who is running the country? We are supposed to be able to choose our leader. Joe Biden isn’t capable of running anything. Who is in charge!>> <<@coldisle says : Chris you are a delusional joke…a “bad night??!!!” The guy had a 90 minute stroke on live national television. I won’t vote at all if my choice is between a lunatic and a guy in shocking mental decline. I have a 90 year old mother in a skilled facility. I KNOW (sadly) what I’m seeing.>> <<@Blackstarmusichits says : For once CNN is making a good point>>