<<@anthonysales5924 says : He is a threat to america.>> <<@user-lg7ug7vx8r says : We don't stand a chance because the VP is just as bad as the Supposed President. Between the two of them what security is left for us?>> <<@CONFEDERATEHERO-ig4sg says : Hillary Clinton has already gotten her hands on the tape. Nothing to see here.>> <<@user-qf3er7fq8n says : Biden has been unfit for years. Look at the border... and he stole billions of dollars fom the American people and gave that money to our enemies. Its not his age, its his wrong decisions .>> <<@user-qf3er7fq8n says : Did Mike Johnson support Hamas over Israel ???>> <<@fiverjp says : Other countries people know more about what’s really going on in the USA than Americans do,just think about that for a minute.>> <<@Vic-tf3dn says : Republicans are so desperate. Where is the VP pick? And why is Johnson so unfit? Welcome home Troops Biden brought the home, and that's something Republicans never vwanted to happen that's why it was botched. Work with what you have now, pass some bills. Queen Elizabeth ran her county well over 90 years old they saud the same thin about her. Is what Republicans are afraid of?>> <<@cindypilchard3886 says : Mike Johnson is doing a good job. Very difficult times ahead for our country.>> <<@rustyfan89 says : Hakeem Jeffries is a joke, he’s just a race baiter>> <<@rodyroos274 says : Is being proven the president is a compulsive liar>> <<@donaldcurtis9229 says : Impose 25th amendment immediately>> <<@pauljess9137 says : The best asset Donald Trump has currently is Jill Biden! Second to her is Hunter! They both enjoy the high life! This will be the downfall of Joe!>> <<@melfrank8379 says : Here is a Bible verse for all you Bible thumpers supporting these idiots Matthew 24:11 Mike Johnson's a Christian like I am a God.>> <<@teresajenkins5492 says : Term limits>> <<@vickispleas5911 says : Biden is your president. SO JOHNSON YOU ARE A TRAITOR>> <<@prayerwarrior8828 says : Yes the teleprompter is the Tool that tries to make him sound normal. He can't form a sentence!! It's time to resign!!>> <<@Tonybolony66 says : Biden is a Dictator!!! He is a Traitor!!>> <<@howdy8204 says : Congratulations TRUMPSident πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ.He makes Americache again!πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ I Like the way He used justice department soupreme court as a puppets and dummies to serve for his game of thronesπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…!>> <<@audreykennedy6275 says : Biden pure evil!>> <<@user-ck6uy5ij7e says : Yes Speaker Johnson, all this is concerning and not turning in the audio ..... he should be arrested and stand trial for contempt.>> <<@user-ck6uy5ij7e says : So terrible what they are doing. Scary and disrespectful.>> <<@curtisrichards8369 says : Let's not forget the Hur report. If Joe Biden is just a well meaning old man who has memory problems and shouldn't stand trial for his crimes, then he shouldn't be allowed to run for President. If Joe Biden is well enough to run this Great Country, then he is able to stand Trial For his Crimes.. Period. Proceed.>> <<@pairofnines5250 says : Democrats are ridiculous. Can you believe that they went after Trump just for committing a ton of crimes? We live in such a fascist country now.>> <<@emead528 says : Lololololololololol>> <<@mimleonce8579 says : He Already HAS MIKE. U GOT UR HEAD IN THE SAND ? U BLIND?>> <<@kd7fht says : I'm absolutely positive Kamala and Biden's cabinet are incapable of making a responsible decision for America and the Supreme Court override!>> <<@CharlesBaker-es3rb says : If Biden is unfit to stand trial he is unfit to run for president. What the fck>> <<@gregsullins4983 says : FJB>> <<@Puddlepiratesince1953 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ We'er watching the destruction of our country, by our own government. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Tears with these laughs. We know. Why dont you, Mr. Speaker?>> <<@RobertSarrazin-vt6kl says : Speaker johnson claims to be conservative and a christian. Let us see if he is anything like trump. A molester of women, liar, cheater. They should investigate his background. They say birds of a feather flock togethet.>> <<@RobertSarrazin-vt6kl says : You all are still listening to the fake news FOX? Maybe when you grow up, they might let you in the Adult World.>> <<@turnerification123 says : If true US military needs to arrest bidens for TREASON>> <<@turnerification123 says : This has to stop when is it treason ! Its been treason since the open borders. Hakeem yea is a fascist commie>> <<@BenedictaNazareth-ot5pb says : Gop and house republicans are too weak. They allow these bunch of criminals to rule this nation. These democrates do not comply the rule of law. They are hate mongers>> <<@RockAndDoubleBassWithAaronJoy says : If Biden dissents ... he is free to resign from the White House.>> <<@larrywright1589 says : Tyrus with his 30lb. Gold chain, 3lb. Ring and all kinds of goofie hats and clothes, will never be accepted as a serious news reporter,but just a jester for the pro🀑>> <<@lisaboger8735 says : Hope he stays in, he doesn't have a chance, Lord knows what they have in store for the counties population. It's really scary, Obama is the one running this country. He's desperate.>> <<@martibridges4947 says : Good God Americans are sick of this>> <<@dudeman8707 says : He should be put in jail for treason along with the sun and Jill should be put in jail for elder abuse>> <<@rickblessing4232 says : This act of turning on the Supreme Court is not just Biden's decision, it's Obama's, along with most likely Pelosi, Shummer, and whoever else has been pulling the puppet strings of this embarrassing excuse for a President. They're all criminals.>> <<@lafedraper1115 says : The 25th amendment would only work if it were for BOTH BIDEN and HARRIS!! Nothing else will work! We can’t afford to have Harris take over as president!😳😳>> <<@AJBAKER70S says : No you and your TRAITOR pals are you are no man of God. There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. Proverbs 6:16-19 This is you and you will pay for your constant Blasphemy .>> <<@MollyT-zk4ch says : At least we know when he’ll be asleep. We will do business after 8 pm. The only problem is the world knows it also.>> <<@Ashley-eb7pm says : This defense can't be taken by the united states esp attempting to play victim>> <<@Ashley-eb7pm says : These forms of info aren't the united states accessible .... They'd been placed within separate accounts when the first act was presented and what'd been done initially by subsections refusal to stay within they're manual, instead grouping up taking harm on anyone whom corrects them.>> <<@Ashley-eb7pm says : Notice why they made this move and within around 25 yrs ago relating to based upon each of these treasons... That isn't based on unfit unless the country tries to live under foreign relations>> <<@user-le3fb5cp6l says : You know Biden is going to do anything and everything to stay in office>> <<@ronlundgren4682 says : Johnson you haven't done your job yet either do your job or we'll get someone else to do your job>> <<@caseyjones8203 says : CRIMINALS AND THUGS TO THE MAX, UTTERLY DISGUSTING.>> <<@JoshRomeo-n4r says : USA is not USA no more.>>