<<@user-dv9ur7su2v says : Lets face it, we all know With renewables there is more maintenance involved over a very broad area. Wind and solar panels need to be replaced every 20-25 years. Then you have the problem of disposal. Where do you put tens of thousands of solar panels and wind turbines blades. As we all know with nuclear the foot print is minuscule compared to renewables and nuclear doesn't create environmental vandalism.. Renewables are also weather dependant. Our government is too stubborn to admit they have got the mix wrong. Man up and admit it.>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Labor Greens Teals are pushing AU into the dark ages. Bowen is an absolute idiot the way he speaks rambles on he has stiffed everything he touches. Get rid of these Union hacks using your super to support there stupid policies. Its your super they are using.>> <<@evil17 says : Our gas & coal fired stations would be fine if given a little maintenance. Nuclear would be most beneficial and would allow a lot of new heavy industries and would still be far cheaper than the renewable option at twice the price. Renewables are a bad scam that Labor has backed and we are going to pay for it dearly if we dont stop it and Labor asap.>> <<@marktanska6331 says : Queensland proudly announced 500 million invest into new wind project. This is borrowed money with interest payable. How much better would hospital ramping be with this money invested in the system????>> <<@floweringpassions7462 says : Australia has been subsidizing solar energy since 2007 ... 17 years ..... what has happened to the price electricity in 17 years .... the cheapest form of energy>> <<@awc900 says : Renewables are cheap to buy, costly to implement, comparatively short lived and being intermittent, are the most unreliable. All in all, trying to rely on them is a very poor and expensive option.>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : Waiting for another battery technology break through and I am going off grid. Australia's energy situation is a ticking time bomb of degeneracy and neglect.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : SKY, the plan is not to have any more coal fired power stations around any more when they close. We have a little problem with bushfires, floods, record hot temperature .Try to pay attention, you galoot.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Don't trust anything the IPA says. Wikipedia says the IPA supports the Liberal Party which is pretty obvious if you watch the junk they put out. No the brightest group in politics, in fact the IPA is stupid.>> <<@Lordknty says : Show your faces like what I have done.>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : All you Had to Do was Look at the UK and EU. People Were getting their HEATING Cut OFF By Power Companys. People DIED So they Made that Illegal. Its Did Not work there and it WONT work Here.>> <<@evianevans292 says : Mini nuclear reactors made by Nano Nuclear Energy Inc>> <<@GeoffMiell says : The operational life for a coal-fired power generator unit is generally of the order of 40-50 years. From the time that the coal-fired plants that are still operational in NSW were commissioned, their use-by dates should have been well understood: Site Name _ _ Commissioning Date(s) _ Use-by Date _ Expected Closure Year _ Capacity (MW) Vales Point B _ _ _ _ 1978 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2018-2028 _ _ _ _ _ 2033 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2x 660 Eraring _ _ _ _ _ _ 1982-1984 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2022-2034 _ _ _ 2027-2029 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4x 720 Bayswater _ _ _ _ 1985-1996 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2025-2036 _ _ _ _ _ 2033 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4x 660 Mt Piper _ _ _ _ _ 1992-1993 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2032-2043 _ _ _ _ _ 2040 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2x 730 It’s up to the NSW government to ensure adequate generating and energy storage capacity becomes available before these plants are due to retire. Apparently that’s not happening in a timely manner. What I’d suggest isn’t helping is that the then NSW Coalition government sold these state-owned assets around a decade ago to corporate enterprises, where profits are likely to have been the prime motivation, not NSW’s energy security. We are now reaping what has been sown.>> <<@WalterL-gz5zs says : 50% of power produced is wasted by leaving millions of electrical items on standby. Millions of lights and computers left on in office building every night. Massive amounts electricity used to produce useless junk.>> <<@jp-um2fr says : China has over 3000 coal-fired power stations with 3 more added each week. What is the point in countries like my own, England, and Australia bankrupting itself ? Rolls-Royce are well on the way to producing nuclear power stations that can be delivered ready-made. Not massive, but when they are old they can easily be removed and recycled. Nuclear power can be safe as long as it is designed properly and not run by idiots. Oddly enough, America is giving up on nuclear, which basically proves my point.>> <<@Chrisplumbgas says : So they want to shut down our beautiful coal fired power stations? Don’t.>> <<@ironmaidens6663 says : What are we gonna replace coal with? intermittent renewables. Let me see how that is going to work out.>> <<@Lordknty says : the seas Will rise in the future,if it happens just build tens of thousands of desalination plants and divert the water into dry arid lands...drain the sea!>> <<@DrewPortman-cb6wg says : Let’s stick with Coal we have heaps of it and it’s cheap. I’m going to start the Coal Miners and Average Australian party so we can ditch climate altogether.>> <<@RuneRelic says : The cost of infrastructure is ultimately a question about upgrades vs replacement. You dont need transmission lines if you stuff a nuclear plant in an abandoned coal mine. Plus you already have a deep mine. If you wanted to go molten salt, you could also use the latest microwave deep drilling, to provide the thermal temperatures needed to run it. Warm up and cooldown of such reactors require energy. Not good if you are switching on and off all the time. Granted you could create fuel as a buffer system and leave it on.>> <<@keepyalegs2gether says : They're not mentioning that the gearboxes in wind turbines need to be replaced every 5-7 years at upwards of $1m each.>> <<@SambarSlayer says : That ☪️⛎♑️✝️ Bowen can’t even pronounce the f-ing word>> <<@jasonschreiber8084 says : Oz needs to shut down coal exports first!! We be in the dark while we feed the rest of the world?>> <<@micphoenix8200 says : Stop sabotaging Australia's prosperity via the unjustifiable shutdown of coal fired power.>> <<@drewbessen1175 says : Nicely summarised, exactly what is happening . Coal use is still increasing worldwide to date. We only hear about the reduction of coal use in Western economies .>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Got my Fuel generators on standby 👍🏽>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : no renuvable is 55c and nuclear is 35c coal is the cheapest of them all>> <<@user-se2rz5cf3z says : Why is Australia becoming a third world country and being forced to keep our resources in the ground? Use them to make Australia a rich and powerful nation.>> <<@duross101 says : Bro I struggle to pay my rent. I will never fucking care about your expenses when ours are already high enough>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : And you thought MAD MAX was just a movie.>> <<@bretwebber7484 says : 😮>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : People need to look at the cost of power in Germany, which went mainly renewables and the cost of power in France who went nuclear. Let's say Germany is now buying and importing power from France to keep the lights on.>> <<@traviskhoury says : Renewables require replacement every 15 to 20 years. This has not been covered in any government report. Nuclear is 80+ years. New reactors can recycle used fuel up to 7 times, reducing the amount of waste. Additionally every wind farm is currently being largely subsidised by the government to ensure they are profitable for the companies building them. Turn off all subsidies paid to the renewable companies and let's see what the market will do. Either massive increases in energy cost or they'll stop building them. On a conservative estimate, each RET-eligible company receives in excess of $500 000 a year for each turbine. On the basis of there being 2 077 wind turbines in Australia, the RET provides $1.09 billion per annum to the wind industry.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Where are we going to get the power supply, to smelt the ore, to produce the steel to build the towers, or will it all be imported from china?>> <<@user-zb6ho1ou7q says : Nearly all coal retires around 2035. We will be in the dark. I see a future when every back yard will have a diesel or petrol generator running, line ups at the servo. Imagine that in your neighbourhood! we need to build new coal or nuclear power plants today! It will get ugly people! Vote for real power, wind and solar will never work. It can help but that is all. it's not base load and can never be. If we want this country to prosper, get proper power.>> <<@envt says : Do you guys in Australia have how do you call it... Sun? Wind? Gravity?... you know...>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Replacing coal power after 2035 plant shutdowns will be diabolical. Fixed it for ya Sly news.>> <<@kkcw6668 says : Yep. Cheap gas maybe. Its all Western Australia's. And with West Australians default support to be Independent is now greater than the Primary vote for either side of Politics, Id say your future for cheap energy looks rather bleak. 1933 was just a dress rehearsal and since ppl have indicated their desire to rule out a referendum on WA Secession, the alternative track is now open for a popular Proclamation/Declaration. Given the state of Affairs Nationally, that's on the cards before 2028-9 Fin Yr>> <<@ClownBiden says : Your leaders are morons>>