<<@garyjohnstone6422 says : Did they think Americans would cop their lawfare wrecking the once respected justice system? Americans are appalled at Dem`s wanton conduct as reported widely. Dem`s are in free fall and cannot win deservedly so. Expect them to throw evermore trash talk as they completely unravel. Boy oh boy, has Trump done a job on them. YouTube talking heads are grovelling for an angle.>> <<@rockshowness9446 says : He didnt send those people to the Capitol ? Really ? "Be there on the 6th... Will be Wild" and "We're going to march down to the Capitol" siunds pretty much like sending them to the Capitol to me 🤷 Idiot.>> <<@rockshowness9446 says : Speaking of "tired old lines": Sleepy Joe ? Really ? That's all you stupid Republicans have ? Trump's childish, subversive, false-equivalency thinking has really rubbed off on you people 🤦>> <<@user-dm1lq9ve2y says : The US Supreme Court delivers its decision’s along party lines. Independence?>> <<@LeighStark-bd9gr says : Orange joeys lying again! Our Democracy is in jeopardy? Oh my God everybody run!!!!>> <<@mafrugal says : His lies get wilder and wilder.. the election was hijacked, stolen... all that was asked was to take a look at it and check out reports of election tampering...Now we have BIG, open election interference by bidens Democrats against TRUMP and Republican voters.>> <<@mikefuston4494 says : hillary clinton tried to overturn the 2016 election by threathing electors to change their votes to her. had state recounts and riots to try prevent the e vote certifications and rioted the day trump was sworn in as president>> <<@user-wm2hp5td9c says : Yes, they are desperate and will cheat to win the election>> <<@keithmerscheim1924 says : Derangement😮Dems under the control of a Dementia Deleware Disaster.>> <<@williambranch4283 says : Biden has already vowed to fight two prior SCOTUS rulings.>> <<@margaretcrawford8316 says : Sotomayor should be removed for fear mongering.>> <<@upload7978 says : Arcane?>> <<@zzodysseuszz says : 3:44 you shouldn’t be. Trump was completely justified in being suspicious and doubting his loss there. It was an extremely sketchy election.>> <<@jasonwells8528 says : They can use lawfare to legally assassinate you as 99 years in prison same as an assassination if not worse. The 3 New York cases come to mind. In one case they took 34 misdemeanors where Statute of limitations had ran out and some how converted them to felonies. Biden too senile to stand trial and Garland refusing to give up tapes. Biden was only VP and has no immunity>> <<@radiomindchatter7994 says : Did you Aussies forget that Al Gore and Hillary Clinton both questioned their outcomes and no one batted an eye. Showing your bias much?>> <<@stephaniesexton5898 says : From what I remember, he did not just do whatever he wanted. He had to fight always. They made everything he did as difficult as possible.>> <<@robertforsberg976 says : The hysterical fear mongering left knows no boundaries to scare voters>> <<@dingodave9160 says : It just goes to show that the Deep State doesn't have total control over everything... just yet! Fjb!!! 🇺🇸 TRUMP 🇺🇸>> <<@mattrutter9610 says : They forgot about Portland and Seattle>> <<@wordnerd2005 says : Biden has ignored laws on student loan forgiveness , ignoring the borders etc. I will be glad when Trump is reinstated to his rightful place. I want a president who actually answers the questions of the American people. I'm so sick of Biden's fake rage. In all reality this was a stolen election and Joe knows it.>> <<@jeng1395 says : Biden, both Clintons, and Obama should all be thrilled. They are some of the worst criminals to ever live.>> <<@reverendmorgano9659 says : Biden of all people warning that the president has too much power after having abused his power from literally day one. The insanity of the insurrectionist regime in the White House knows no bounds.>> <<@patrickpoulin4175 says : THERE IS ANTIFA BLM HAMAS PSYCHOSIS VIOLENT RIOTS ALL THE TIME!!!! 😂🎉😂🎉😂 FOR NO GOOD OUR LOGICAL REASON🙂😂😇☺️😂🤣🥲🥹We are going insane, people can't just fail like that all the time comeon!!!>> <<@DaRay814 says : Idk why these ppl act like immunity doesn't exist. Do they not realize that ppl from other countries, at embassies across the country, have diplomatic immunity in America? Obviously our president would have it. If they don't, then Obama, Bush, and Biden could all be prosecuted for their actions while in office. Bush lied about WMD to invade iraq and kill 1 million ppl. Obama droned a us citizen, and Joe Biden has caused the deaths of Americans by the refusal to enforce the law>> <<@user-lx2ni9zl2h says : Well let's all watch Bidens peaceful transfer of power on November 5 th and in January.>> <<@tabbithacampfield4116 says : Remember Biden didn't pardon trump and that president Brought about this president>> <<@Covencraft says : WHY ARE THEY WEARING MASKS??!>> <<@donvepley6451 says : Obama's drone strikes. Dems can eat it>> <<@dpitt1516 says : FDT - Trump is just as mentally unfit and was found guilty !!!! It's no contest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@jilllindemman says : Corrupt democrats ALWAYS say " threat of democracy " they mean "threat to our ruling party " AMERICA IS A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC so, we don't care what the FOUNDERS OF THE KKK, THE DEMOCRAT PARTY WANTS. WE WILL BRING BACK PRESIDENT TRUMP TO THE WHITE HOUSE.>> <<@rogerphillips2063 says : brandon said nothing about the supporters of him destroying property the summer of 2020.>> <<@lirato2 says : Trump 2024>> <<@MrVinn510 says : If this wasn’t the case to begin with wouldn’t they been able to charge Obama with murder for killing civilians in drone strikes ?>> <<@cobravids says : Trump, save us! I dont want my country being run by a person who always talks like she's in a kindergarten classroom.>> <<@shweetpotato says : cadaver in chief>> <<@joanndula93 says : Joe Biden and the Democrats are desperate. TRUMP has my family's vote. America can't afford 4 more years of Joe Biden 🇺🇸>> <<@fabsc1461 says : Everyone is saying this is a good deal for Trump....but is it not creating a shot free situation for all the Biden criminal activities and all the things he and his cronies may still dream up before November>> <<@napsclub says : Trump❤>> <<@edmclendon9399 says : FJB>> <<@Groktargash says : The dems lie and lie and lie and their fans believes everything because they have complete faith in them and the msm, blind and gullible. It's really pathetic how some people can't think for themselves and can be manipulated in such a way.>> <<@mariogallo6891 says : Impeach corrupt biden not Donald Trumps court case with the corrupt judge and corrupt fanni willis the truth is coming out Trump 👍👍👍👍👍>> <<@hotchihuahua1546 says : The Supreme court should have been unanimous in their decision ! It was not bias politically and protects every president in doing their duties ! Joe Biden is pathetic attacking our Supreme Court !>> <<@robynfitzsimmons1137 says : INVOKE THE 25TH AMENDMENT WITHOUR DELAY. BIDEN AND THE DEEP STATE DEMOCRATS ARE A NATIONAL SECURITY RISK.>> <<@chrisd_man2156 says : Scary how biden uses the office of the President to bash President Trump. I have never heard a sitting President intentionally mislead, obfuscate, and misinform with such misinformation and fear mongering before. The intentional misdirection and alleged facts remind of of many of Stalin's / Hitlers propaganda, we truly have entered a new era of dictatorship and misinformation in this country. And biden has the unmitigated gall and insane hubris to say what he did,....this is a new level of hypocrisy. biden / harriss literally are promoting lawlessness to advance their agenda. biden literally stated he was going to defy the law,...for his vision of what he believes is right. biden is a traitor and not following the rule of law, he is NOT defending this Nation or defending our Constitution.>> <<@lawrenceallen8096 says : Lie, after lie, after lie. Term limits, term limits, term limits. 12 years MAXIMUM! 2 Senatorial terms. 6 Congressional terms. 1 Senatorial term, 3 Congressional terms. 2 Presidential terms, 2 Congressional terms. AND OUT! Imagine how well off the USA would be today if Biden was out in 1984!>> <<@WeAreLegion- says : When are democrats not hysterical?>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : Satanist and their hail Satan salute... St.Thomas>> <<@offwiththefairies77 says : The election WAS stolen from President Trump, and most of the thinking world knows it.>> <<@tammyscott3706 says : Save your rump, vote for Trump! ❤️ A vote against President Trump is a vote FOR the establishment/deep state. By all means vote Democrat if you love government controlling you!!>> <<@CrustyShackleford says : They keep insisting that they're the ones telling the truth. If they were telling the truth, they wouldn't have "truth" as a punchline.>>