<<@diggerduckaussie6834 says : Hey Ukraine, you have drained so many countries of money, and no change, why not. Albo you have caused so much mental illness and homelessness and domestic violence. Because you have a bad taste in your mouth about the NO vote, you are to blame for this mess. Please call for early election.>> <<@LW-no9sm says : Australia HAS NOT EVER AGREED to send money to Zelensky.>> <<@discobolous says : great job supporting a bunch of nazi losers>> <<@dennismenace4188 says : I do not consent to the government using my tax money to pay for Ukraine's war with Russia.>> <<@annea6288 says : Disgusting waste of money. Ukraine was a lost cause from the very beginning. All part of the plan 2030>> <<@steverogers9507 says : Months and months ago I said Nov election.>> <<@jamesaustralian9829 says : SA labor has increased the whole states water bills to pay for prime agricultural land to be wiped out and turned into housing estates.>> <<@Conky769 says : Stop giving ukraine money. Do peace talks.>> <<@Zog696 says : What a disgraceful waste of tax payer’s money supporting a neo Nazi nationalist regime.>> <<@komatih8489 says : Australia suport Nazi Azov Party in ukraine fuckin Stupid and The Are Know Ukraine Lost war Same Like America And Terorist Nato lost again god Bless Russia And King Putin>> <<@Timothymcdermott-qr3mo says : beforeitsnews genedecode australia look at this and see whats really going on over there>> <<@charalampossevastopoulos6241 says : More homes for Zelensky 😂>> <<@christianalvarez7799 says : No more money for those Ukrainian NA$I>> <<@matthewoneill7252 says : We should be looking after Australians and Australia not getting involved in our countries war's..>> <<@mohammedfadel4691 says : Use the money to fix the potholes on our roads or maybe use the money to eliminate the tolls>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : I think it’s time we removed these fake representatives. They are a danger to good people.>> <<@Skeptical59 says : Tax payer dollars going to the military industrial complex in the U.S to support a war Ukraine can NEVER win and will never recover from! 100's of thousands dead to "weaken" Russia and make people rich.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Shame, shame, shame. I do not support this.>> <<@tezrh says : Albo out to do the laundry>> <<@user-pn9lb8sr2p says : C'mon there is a cost of living crisis and Albo is being careful about his spending because he knows our pain,,,,,, and pigs can fly!!😢 Maybe his mate joe Biden isn't going no more selfies?>> <<@MrBrowne86 says : Wish we weren’t.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Assange should have a sniff around at the Ukraine donations see what he can dig up>> <<@birgittabirgersdatter8082 says : What a monumental waste of money. Ukraine is a money pit.>> <<@donzell1945 says : Hard working People's in Australia couldn't afford a housing, the government taking People's taxpayers money without any referendum to give to country that doesn't have anything with Australia, this is not democracy>> <<@shannonwilson1416 says : There is a reason they dont allow independent journalists, and or go to the streets and ask people. Cause im telling you 90% dont want the money overseas>> <<@donzell1945 says : Albanese is doing well taking this decision, we should put all effort to avoiding the nuclear war escalation in Europe that's going to destroy the world economy and billions of peoples loosing their lives,>> <<@ChrisBrown-me5bn says : How sickening to watch spineless hypocritical leaders fawn over an ultra over blown egoed criminal dictator Zelinski and contributing to 100s thousands unnecessary deaths.>> <<@fightforaglobalfirstamendm5617 says : NOT OUR WAR!>> <<@serviusm9523 says : Liberals, no one likes the Ukrainian policy. Stop thinking it is a thing>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : ASOV lovers unite!>> <<@arlokino says : Zelensky's wife bought a new Bugatti TOURBILLON>> <<@timshannon8499 says : That’s not something to be proud of>> <<@rgppayne4841 says : 80 years ago, Diggers were dying fighting Nazis. Albanese has wasted a billion dollars on the Neo-Nazi-run Ukraine. At least no US soldiers died, only a million Ukrainians. BlackRock will own what the Russians leave.>> <<@johnmurray8267 says : By the way Chris, what were the Memorandum Agreements signed up to with Communist China by that communist ferret Albanese????>> <<@johnmurray8267 says : Chairman Xi has not given him permission. He is a disgusting little communist ferret.>> <<@rashedprime says : Stop spending on a losing cause..>> <<@user-lv1fy3cg3z says : Tweetal dumb tweetal de.What a choice we have in Australia.NATO has nothing to do with Australian interest.>> <<@marcturner5809 says : I would rather see more of that money spent on Australians in Australia.>> <<@user-lv1fy3cg3z says : Yes we are just another side kick.Foolish ,blinded by USA propaganda machine.Investigation of the facts of the conflict would reveal what waist of money we throwing away>> <<@ClownBiden says : Because y’all are suckers>> <<@user-dd9tc4zz8j says : Meanwhile, our streets are full of homeless.>> <<@richiestrich8079 says : Pull us out of this never ending funding, we have our own crisis at home to sort out. Charity begins at home.>> <<@FeliksDangel says : That's great Albo! We have nowhere to live but we are forced to fund wars. Your a P.O.S>> <<@user-yw4dj5cj1i says : He knows the knifes are being sharpened and he daren’t turn his back>> <<@danielmaher964 says : Australia supports Ukraine to deter a war in Asia.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : That's nothing to be proud of>> <<@user-xo4rx8ov5o says : Yes and not with voters permission, but we'll remind you when we vote>> <<@joshuapaul2022 says : War with Russia is a single goal of Ukraine's existence. Founding father of Ukrainian nationalism Stepan Bandera once said that he was more than willing to exterminate half of Ukraine's population to achieve ideological purity. Roman Shukhevych (SS officer (hauptmann) who was directly implicated in a mass extermination of jews and poles) is a national hero of Zelenskyy Ukraine. Multiple streets are named after him. Zelenskyy is quite fine with that. Moreover he didn't even apologize for his standing ovation for this SS Nazi in Canadian parliament, because it would upset multiple Nazis in his army (yeah, Nazis that are covered with Nazi tattoos, wear Nazi patches and paint swastikas on their tanks). There is also a bronze bust of Roman Shukhevych at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada . .. It was partly funded by Canadian taxpayers. Another national hero of Zelenskyy Ukraine is Stepan Bandera (even more streets and stadiums are named after him). You can read his speeches calling for a mass extermination of the Poles and Jews He was crystal clear about Ukrainian nationalism and what it stood for shoulder to shoulder with Hitler.>> <<@eb2505 says : And because of the bipartisan support for the grifter of the red shoe club, on top of so many other things , I will never vote for the LNP again. I don’t vote ALP anyway. Greens are loons, as are Teals.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Albo Albo i need more money your blackmailer zelensky>>