<<@DogSKiD says : PFOS IN THE WATER, HIGHER STRESS FROM HIGHER COST OF LIVING, HOUSING, EXTENDED WORKING HOURS AND A HEALTH SECTOR THATS GOING TO HELL FAST THANKS TO GOVERNMENT SINCE THE MID 90s. JOHN HOWARD IS A SHT CNT 👍 THANKS MATE.>> <<@harrysmith8515 says : Do you know China life expectancy has increased 3 to 6 months every year in the last few years? China latest life expectancy in 2023 is around 79 years and is highest among developing countries.>> <<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : Here is proof of the secret society is Jacob ladder 🪜 is secret society of angels ascend up Jacob ladder 🪜 and angels descend down Jacob ladder 🪜 so arch angel Michael fight snake dragon not strong enough at bottom of Jacob ladder 🪜 has snake 🐍 open mouth to spew rainwater floods and snake open eyes is Satan satellite eyes 👀 can show son of man see all kingdoms of planet earth even hermit kingdom North Korea so sons of God called peacemakers divided boundaries of nations people kingdoms governments according to number of sons of God called peacemakers is secret society is occult mystery school 🏫 is mystery Babylon the great made merchants rich thru sorcery of trading as it is written in their scriptures Jacob ladder 🪜 shall be head never tail and Jacob ladder 🪜 has angels shall lend money 💰 to many nations people kingdoms governments at high interest rates but Jacob ladder 🪜 has angels shall borrow money 💰 from none because angels obey God said when did God said today God is your father and angels are children of God? Just as the name jesus christ is excellent above their angels names arch angel Michael and Gabriel so Abraham knelt down worship 3 men so Jesus christ said do not make 3 tabernacles so arch angel Michael fight snake dragon not strong enough so arch angel Michael help Gabriel put hands on son of man be strong be very strong son of man said Satan satellite eyes 👀 get behind son of man see all kingdoms of planet earth even hermit kingdom North Korea so snake 🐍 Satan said world kingdoms had been handed to Satan can give to whomever please Satan so sons of God called peacemakers follow snake dragon Satan see God face to face the last sermon on Mount so servant job cursed every man woman child born on same day as servant job Jacob ladder 🪜 is secret societies of angels so Gabriel told prophet Muhammad spirit and Gabriel told John baptist mother Elizabeth and Gabriel told Mary mother of Jesus christ so Gabriel ascend up Jacob ladder 🪜 so imagine dragons sings I am at top of world 🌎 is top of Jacob ladder 🪜 has throne so lion 🦁 look into scroll has 7 seals so 7 thunders shouted blessed is mighty angel has rainbow 🌈 above head and face like sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod so verve sings bitter sweet symphony is about Charlie and the chocolate factory 🏭 so mighty angel has rainbow 🌈 above head is Charlie owner of chocolate factory from Jacob ladder 🪜 gives scroll is chocolate 🍫 scroll taste sweet in mouth and bitter sour in stomach so Christopher Columbus knelt down worship mighty angel is Charlie and the chocolate factory 🏭 usa 🇺🇸 has he approved of our angels undertaking on great seal of USA 🇺🇸. Jacob ladder 🪜 shall be head never tail and lend to many nations people kingdoms governments include usa 🇺🇸 government president Joe Biden and USA 🇺🇸 government president Donald Trump agree bible book said secret societies angels ascend up Jacob ladder 🪜 and secret meetings societies angels descend down Jacob ladder has snake 🐍 Satan open eyes is Satan satellite 🛰 eyes roaming thru and fro on planet earth so God asked Satan satellite eyes 👀...where had thou been Satan satellite eyes 👀? Roaming thru and fro on planet earth so have you considered servant job cursed every man woman child born on same day as servant job In bible book? Servant job do not understand secret societies of angels ascend up Jacob ladder 🪜 and secret societies of angels descend down Jacob ladder 🪜 so Satan is at bottom of Jacob ladder 🪜 has snake 🐍 is world serpent 🐍 can show jesus christ all kingdoms of planet earth even hermit kingdom North Korea Kim Jon en. Foxes have holes so foxes and birds 🐦 have nests sing fruits of holy spirit is love ❤️ peace ✌️ joy so son of man shall not drunk fruits from vines until son of Man enter kingdom of God so nobody can enter kingdom of God until born of water and born of holy spirit so sheep 🐑 gives water of repentance and God gives Holy spirit is word of Jesus christ so nobody can enter kingdom of God until born of water and born of holy spirit so son of man Said son of man shall not drink fruit from vines until son of man enter kingdom of God so true vine life and resserection jesus christ flesh gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman spirit is spirit of man from future bible book of revelations so superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death so Abraham died and all the prophets died is proof true vine jesus christ gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman use vinedresser create marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows victory assured the song of Moses and song of lamb Jesus christ the last sermon on Mount. Belong to God belong to God and belong to Jacob ladder 🪜 belong to Jacob ladder 🪜 Belong to Jacob ladder 🪜 is Jacob Israel 🇮🇱 inheritance and belong to God is the vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so John baptist said testing the spirits so do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is coming because son of man jesus christ had already entered world. Do not believe them said jesus christ is here and do not believe them said jesus christ is there and do not believe them said jesus christ is coming because jesus christ had already entered world so whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 so King of Babylon said 4th man superman has appearance son of Gods is proof whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death. World people babies spirit cannot accept helper spirt of truth is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ because world people cannot accept helper spirt of truth is word of Jesus christ so world people babies cannot accept helper spirt of truth is superman spirit is holy spirit is word of Jesus christ so Abraham died and all the prophets died is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so Abraham died and all the prophets died so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so Adam died and eve died so Apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death so Abraham died and all the prophets died is proof superman spirit is word of living God>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : So our national life expectancy has decreased by a bit over a month. A bit too small to think it is statistically accurate. But SKy deliberately ignores the truly great news - we have the fourth longest life expectancy in the world. This is fantastic.>> <<@brettchristoffel6391 says : 💉 ☠️>> <<@kkcw6668 says : So thats the life expectancy in Australia for a person BORN in Australia. And then the life expectancy in Australia for a person who was born SOMEWHERE ELSE is 31 years less than that (31 years somewhere else). It astounds me why simple demographics and mathematics isnt a priority.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : The LNP's promised 30 year slow destruction of Medicare and public health might have something to do with it.>> <<@user-fe1hy9xv3s says : or excess deaths were a 'simptom' of forced 'immunity'>> <<@dougieboy28 says : 18% excess death rate … the trend is not our friend … up from 13%. Report released in August . Thanks Sky for highlighting this>> <<@missinterpreted4923 says : If that's the way they handled the inquiry, surely nobody could still believe they want to "keep us safe".>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Experts are baffled 😕>> <<@UnknownUser-sc6jx says : 💉💉💉💉>> <<@bernieanders2868 says : People are unaliving in the Pfizocene at a rate higher than in the Pleistocene.>> <<@Voicenreason247 says : What profits over health. You don't say. Forehead smack.>> <<@ilguitaro says : Macpherson says the data.....better check your eye sight! Pre needle number of lurgy stiffs for the whole country was only 909.....afterward............well!>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : 🤣🤣🤣 wow I wonder what it could be.🤔🤔 What big major event did 90% of the population participate in during 2021.>> <<@videofreak6047 says : I'm dumbfounded! What could be causing this and the excess deaths over the past couple of yrs. Lol>> <<@user-yw4dj5cj1i says : That happened suddenly>> <<@JosefmengeleNHS2021 says : Safe and effective.>> <<@lispyDribbler says : Because of all the stress govt. puts on is citizens>> <<@indica8510 says : Comes from not using tobacco in public places and in the home.>> <<@dadbosworth6838 says : Less sheep voting might have a positive effect on our politics>> <<@dadbosworth6838 says : Safe and effective>> <<@Awakenotwoke-lf3ej says : 🤔 🤔 ooooo really 😒 🤔 😒 🤔 😒 🤔>> <<@pennydutra4291 says : The elephant in the room?>> <<@diannemorris8690 says : People need to take more responsibility for their own health outcomes and lifestyle choices, now more than ever as the availability of quality medical care is directly proportionate to the decrease in life expectancy due to environmental pollutants and chemical toxins being introduced into food, water, air and everything else we require to survive.>> <<@alanchilds1456 says : Clot shot?>> <<@fred4687 says : Such a mystery>> <<@justlittleome says : Wonder why? Hmmmmm>> <<@cloutgangster says : Incest>> <<@sharpshooter8644 says : Wow..whats causing all this illness? 🤔>> <<@Design_no says : I am sure the likes of msm like the abc will report this as a good thing. Like their love piece they did on Starmer, and hit piece they did on Farage.>>