<<@davemitchell6281 says : LOL 747>> <<@7fifiyu877 says : That plane is no joke as carrying powerful leader Xi of Great China>> <<@Paulo-ov4yo says : Huh, China doesn't have a Chinese Air Force 1 plane, just an Air China for its president? 😅😅>> <<@therapon9019 says : Is this a boeing 747?>> <<@MrJohnluvit says : Was supposed to be a three plane escort but the other ones are grounded or destroyed>> <<@haroonsamsharoonsams3016 says : its new chapter for the world . chaina savior of the world>> <<@vivekshivdasani9521 says : This is only possible because of China’s industrial might.>> <<@georgiebestmanutd4746 says : Thank you Pres Tokayev for showing care & deep respect 4 Pres Xi by providing fighter escort>> <<@user-tr7re7qz3n says : China is friendly country who always help others in developing.>> <<@pravdaseed64 says : Magnificent China 💯% I wish i was Chinese 💯%. Meritocracy⚖️.>> <<@ongtayjoojames-ow1bs says : Seems like president Xi, is trying very hard to gardner support from all the other world leaders...!!!☝️😉>> <<@javyloya1637 says : Soooo many bots it’s insane…😂>> <<@user-sf1nq9uj7p says : Didn't know much about Kazakhstan and have to look it up on the internet. Discovered that it is the 9th largest landmass country on earth and it is the largest landlocked. It went through some political turmoil after the USSR was disbanded. Although Kazakhstan trades with the U.S. among many other countries, China is one of the main economic and trade partners of Kazakhstan. In 2013, China launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in which Kazakhstan functions as a transit hub and this makes it important for the country's ability to move goods and services in and out.>> <<@user-gj5bi3cl4l says : xi flies American made 747>> <<@user-yf4tb8pp3j says : Oh.., what a dengerous! Maybe GOD blew his plane like raisi of iran..!🤭>> <<@Dave72760 says : Beautiful 747-8 MADE IN THE USA.>> <<@sallywilton2236 says : Did Putin get a jet escort too?>> <<@LKBadder says : This man truly is a legend. I have huge respect for what he is doing for the entire world. Today all the poorest countries are able to develop their countrie only because of him. 800 million people in China are no longer poor, no other leader in history anywhere in the world has achieved such a tremendous success in a very short time. God bless China.👏🙌>> <<@canismajoris6222 says : Prisident of a great country don't own a private jet. Guess he want to be thrifty for his country.>> <<@GO0SE237 says : late touchdown>> <<@graygreywolf8475 says : damn... only 1 fighter, fuckn putin had like 4...>> <<@jamilrehman8663 says : Nice flash>> <<@richardpeachey1103 says : One would have thought he would use a Chinese built aircraft rather than one built in the US.>> <<@MusehanaH says : Proudly flying "Air China"...unlike "Airforce One" 😉>> <<@johnlay3040 says : So much respect for our world leader. ❤❤>> <<@sensiblehk6859 says : So cool and great music! President is the real leader of peace. Don't need to watch Hollywood movies ..this is real>> <<@khunjam8852 says : The mighty red dragon has landed..>> <<@kwangjieh9056 says : Great Xi❤>> <<@caneestudio says : These days America would do the unthinkable just to hold onto power.Better be secure then not.>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : La Cina è un paese amante della pace, ma gli Stati Uniti sono l’opposto. Il mondo ha bisogno della Cina per bilanciare gli Stati Uniti e il mondo sarà più completo.>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : La France et la Chine appartiennent toutes deux aux pays du P5, mais la France n’a pas la détermination et la vision de la Chine et l’envie.>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : If someone is always thinking about you surpassing him, is on guard against you at every turn, and even forms cliques to bully you, wouldn't you resist?>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : In the American mindset, China should follow the United States instead of forming its own club.>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : Việt Nam và Trung Quốc chia sẻ giá trị nhưng không có tầm nhìn Trung Quốc và ghen tị với Trung Quốc>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : I am an American. China advocates the principle of peaceful coexistence, while the United States follows the law of the jungle. The United States seems to be more primitive.>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : A kínaiak jövőképe egy globális vízió, amely a következő 100 évre néz, Dél-Korea pedig csak egy kis ország, először oldjuk meg a félsziget kérdését.>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : 한국이 낡은 G7에 합류하는 것을 고려하고 있는데 왜 중국은 국제적 사고를 더 많이 하는가?>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : 日本は常に米国に従うが、米国に対しても警戒するだろう。日本が将来、より良い国際的発言力を持つことが期待される。>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : A virágtermesztők víziója egy globális perspektíva, amely a következő 100 évre néz, Dél-Korea pedig csak egy kis ország, először oldjuk meg a félsziget kérdését.>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : 왜 화훼 재배자들은 더 국제적으로 눈을 돌리고 한국은 구식 G7 가입을 고려하고 있습니까?>> <<@ruidongguo-if7fd says : 日本は常にイーグルソースに従うが、イーグルソースに対しても警戒するだろう。日本が将来、より良い国際的発言力を持つことが期待される。>> <<@lorjin007 says : Not welcome>> <<@sonamg4229 says : Mr Xi. You Great 👍 Great 👍 Great 👍. Super 👌>> <<@jackreacher8858 says : A shout was over heard at white house at that very same moment . WHAT ABOUT ME ? The old man shouted and was quickly usher back to his presidential bed LOL !>> <<@kevbrown1867 says : Not sure if it is such good security having a fighter aircraft from another country escort you on final approach. I assume the countries must have good relations but the risks outweigh the benefits>> <<@GhulamMustafa-fz5ic says : Great ❤❤>> <<@shafaietunnur7716 says : Ice cream girl viral for the Inflation in England..The price of ice cream increase more than three times within one month.>> <<@tommyyang7135 says : Super xi..go>> <<@shafaietunnur7716 says : Inflation is around the world not only Iran. In Egypt the the price of bread increase five times within three months.Bread is the most necessary food for the Egyptian. . .>> <<@smash_27 says : Kazakhstan shows good security for welcoming the president of china. well done Kazakhstan. most countries won't do so because of overspending. this warm welcome are highly respected>>