<<@debramackey1420 says : Trump will.lose election>> <<@traceyivy1953 says : Good news for Joey Supreme court just knighted him king so he can forbid all felons from running in elections offically..use ur trump card joey..no pon intended>> <<@davidworkman5778 says : Joe and Jill ran up the hill to fetch some Chinese money. Joe fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.>> <<@donaldtate3372 says : Audience, this PROVES judge Alito turned his flags upside down for the MEGA movement to prevail. This spells ZERO representation for ALL AMERICANS & DEMOCRACY from our own SCOTUS.>> <<@renfordwilson says : God a god is not what they say about you trump god a god one thing I am begin for please make working people stay and work and make a USA great again thank you>> <<@dougclem7711 says : BEST DAM COURT MONEY CAN BUY. WELL WORTH THE COST BECAUSE CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE MY FRIEND, PLUS ITS ALL DEDUCTIBLE AGAINST OUR PROFIT, WIN, WIN. THANK YOU MITCH MACDONALD, HERITAGSHIT SOCIETY. PROTECT THE GUY WHO LOST THE VOTE, THEN TRIED TO SUBVERT IT, AND NOW HAS DESTROYED ONE LEG OF A THREE LEGGED STOOL. FOR WHAT A LITTLE BIT OF MONEY, REPUBLICANS DID THIS. R.I.P. DEMOCRACY.>> <<@angelsheffield5612 says : Trump 2024 can’t wait>> <<@abigailmpofu4210 says : We knew where it was going to end and the Vatican is behind all this. Both their men. Deceit the name of the game.>> <<@ongtayjoojames-ow1bs says : Yuppp...!!! That's how, things will go and urgently needs to be.!☝️ Every president of every country, needs to be a "King" above the law.!☝️ This is how a country, needs to stay afloat already.!☝️ Look at China.! Look at Russia.! Look at Iran.! Look at North Korea.! Look at Singapore.!☝️ All these countries too, was rule by dictators in the very beginning.!☝️ That's how these countries becomes and will remain powerful...!!!☝️😳🙄😬😉 It's a sad fact but it's true.!☝️ So, for America to stay afloat and maintain democracies, as well as global peace, it too must be rule by a "King" already...!!!☝️😉>> <<@user-nx4ry9uc1e says : Not a great leader for america racist liar can not be trusted 👎👎👎👎 dangerous individual>> <<@brianferris1233 says : Knowing how zealous American political activist are -? If Trump lives long enough to see Nov 5th I would be surprised if he does survive. Scotus has started a civil war only Biden and Congress have the power to end this nightmare.>> <<@omarfierros4973 says : STOP: NO Q 🇺🇸🤡TRUMP🇺🇸🤡 Black not for Donald J Trump vote maga 2024!!!>>