<<@user-nn6gy4rd3z says : In addition to adding eight trillion dollars to the national debt, Trump also wants to implement a massive national sales tax by putting huge tariffs on imported products. Trump is just another tax and spend liberal who loves big government and big deficits. Rand Paul can't honestly call himself a libertarian if he supports the big government, anti-business policies of Donald Trump.>> <<@damiancassar835 says : Bobby Kennedy anyone?>> <<@glen4326 says : Didn't the US Military Commander and all the generals make a plan of exit as far as which airport to use when they left Afghanistan?>> <<@beme2032 says : I know one thing, if BOTH were running for President, I would vote Rand Paul hands down. I really wish he would run but in a way he serves the country better where he’s at. We just need more like him in Congress.>> <<@beme2032 says : I know one thing, if BOTH were running for President, I would vote Rand Paul hands down.>> <<@mesisson says : Inaccurate title.>> <<@c.t.2252 says : Lest anyone forget, Perry Johnson addressed the debt issue during his campaign and said outright that Trump spent too much money. He wrote a book about how to solve our debt crisis called "Two Cents to Save America". He surpassed the required number of donors to participate in the debates yet was not allowed to do so. I am a registered Republican and am thoroughly disgusted with the party's corrupt leadership.>> <<@terrymcfadden954 says : Fox News just called Arizona for Biden! CLICKBAIT TITLE. Rand Paul is a good man. He and his family were assaulted by the crazed lunatic democrats. He mopped the floor with Fauci.>> <<@roywilkowski2326 says : "Observations over the last couple months"! Anyone must be blind not to have seen this for at least the last couple years.>> <<@user-yh7uw3ou1m says : It sounds like the president is trying to convince himself he can be a president.>> <<@lynndawomack5496 says : A Rhino.>> <<@Scott-yh3pq says : Disgusting clickbait title. Shame on you>> <<@johnioane2930 says : According to President Joe Biden Americans are rapists!>> <<@Jim-pt8kk says : Trump any day over Biden Just once I’d like to see somebody challenge Trump on what he said about John McCain, not being a hero>> <<@benandolga says : It is ridiculous to think about debt when country needs strong leader! I was shocked listening to his speeches! He doesn’t care about different nations of USSR that was brutally connected to USSR! He doesn’t care that even Russian Federation is the prison of different nations that even not Slavic ! What a shame ! If he ever would be a president it would be Kim Chen Un>> <<@benandolga says : Rand has Soviet mindset! He loves USSR and ignores modern history that USSR doesn’t exist anymore! I suggest him to move to Moscow to join Snowden>> <<@Walter-g3l says : RFK Jr for President 2024>> <<@stevesmith1493 says : Nobody cares about what Rand Paul thinks. Literally irrelevant.>> <<@dinahsoar6982 says : Misleading headline Fox News...Dr. Paul is willing to endorse him, if he is on board with reducing the debt and releasing the covid investigation information.>> <<@rleon8183 says : "You get knocked down, YOU GET BACK UPPPPPP" screams Biden. Uhhh.... it's more like, you trip, you stumble, you fall over your own feet, you slip, and then you slide, all the way downnnnnn. ByeDone did it all to himself in the debate. And I hope there is an extensive investigation of "The Big Guy" and his "stealing" of classified information sitting in his garage. You know Biden the VP had no right to take classified information away, only the President.>> <<@goobergirl335 says : Sound like an endorsement to me>> <<@MrKing8050 says : Fox with their clickbaits>> <<@chadmccoy8032 says : Well, Rand Paul isn’t going to vote for Trump cause trumps not doing any of that and he knows it.>> <<@pamhollett6382 says : Misleading headline. Stop that nonsense of terribly misleading headline>> <<@beckyluna9320 says : Look at those eyebrows. He boarded a flight in Louisville and wanted a new seat because he was seated next to a beautiful black woman. Rand made his way to the cockpit and requested a new seat but was told by the flight crew that he needed to check with the flight attendant. He walked right past her because she was another beautiful black woman. This man has done nothing for his state. He is an embarrassment to the state of Kentucky. Bye Rand!!!>> <<@Supine87-ld5zo says : Wish Rand Paul would run>> <<@williambarnard4710 says : Biden must retain the presidency of the United States, even if by extraordinary means, until the threat posed by the nefarious Donald Trump is fully neutralized. This period of extended leadership will ensure the establishment of a Supreme Court that is broader, fairer, and more diverse, safeguarding our democratic values and the future stability of the nation.>> <<@IzzyLett says : I like Rand. I hope he endorses RFKJ!! He is the only candidate talking about the debt and Covid!>> <<@greywulfff says : PROJECT 2025 is a real thing! look it up>> <<@tonystout9118 says : Paul needs to shave that head. He’s a rhino at best.>> <<@nowshipping says : Yeah. Smart not to endorse 💩.>> <<@nowshipping says : Smart Man.>> <<@guillermosiempre3137 says : Kennedy > Trump and Biden>> <<@matthewfricano4089 says : I love Rand Paul so much>> <<@darrellvirgin4079 says : You're weaker than Trump! You better get behind him or we're toast!>> <<@TangentsTinfoil says : It’s because Rand wants to endorse RFK.>> <<@aprilduwe8846 says : Paul, what are we you doing ..we need Trump>> <<@TWINS10984 says : 💜💜💜💜💜💜💖💖💖💖💖💖SEN: RAND PAUL .............AMERICA SEN: RAND PAUL IS YOUR NEW PRESIDENT!>> <<@kirbyclone3293 says : Why, oh why, do we not have Rand Paul as our nominee? This is an upside down world…..>> <<@mikehorgan3258 says : Come on Fox…this headline is like a NYT article.>> <<@dgar3164 says : He will endorse Trump>> <<@d-tj1928 says : Donald Trump is not the best candidate for president... He's currently the best of the options presented on the ballot. "Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it" Plato... Republic>> <<@donwilson350 says : What's wrong with Rand Paul is he stupid or what? Why is he not endorsing Trump? If you're against your republican party, By not doing the right thing, maybe you should just get out.>> <<@goldengram3865 says : I would love to see Rand Paul as president. He'd be so great! I think he's not interested in the least and he's doing such important work where he is.>> <<@mw354 says : What a snarky anchor. She should be replaced. This is a very serious matter. Rand Paul has enunciated bona fide concerns>> <<@robinflood7334 says : He better vote for Trump. He needs to support his party>> <<@azcharlie2009 says : A non endorsement of Trump means he endorses Obiden.... and the democRATs>> <<@MikeBrady68 says : I stand with Rand.>> <<@RealAndyOriginal says : Trump is all we have right now. I agree with Paul though we have to get debt and spending under control!!>> <<@bkw8290 says : 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 NO DEMO FASCISTS NO RINO CORRUPT>>