<<@pcastromedina says : CNN = CROOKED NASTY NEWS. This is not longer a trustworthy source of news, you are just spreading lies to favor Trump because the convicted felon psychopath has no chance of winning the elections. The American people are not dumb. Why aren’t you reporting on Trump’s connections to Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring? We know you won’t do it because you’re being paid to hush it up.>> <<@Khankhankhan420 says : Abolish the presidency! No one person should be immune from prosecution or hold so much power. We should expand the Supreme Court to 50 members, senate and house as well by 5 fold and reestablish limits on campaign donations.>> <<@alanncsu3243 says : As is the kangaroo Manhattan court that hoped to discourage Trump from the 2024 race, I hope more state AG's (like Missouri) sue NYC over their Presidential election interference... ... let NYC face dozens of state AG's in federal court over their attempt to blindly criminalize a Presidential candidate they don't prefer.>> <<@osvaldoelias1943 says : Hey, Forget about it 😅>> <<@keysautorepair6038 says : Sounds exactly like Biden has done in his career lie cheat and steal money from the people supposedly.>> <<@keysautorepair6038 says : LOL CNN 😂 in your face.>> <<@keysautorepair6038 says : Government has a way around your rights you have no rights while they have qualified immunity if they violate your rights.>> <<@dillonjohn7999 says : Trump for New York and New York support trump>> <<@brettricia1 says : Full presidential immunity is flagrant hypocrisy from the proclaimed originalist and textualist on the supreme court. Immunity is an exemption from the duties and liabilities imposed by law = The King can do no wrong - A notion that was firmly “rejected at the birth of our Republic” Public opinion 74% - Presidents are not immune from criminal for actions they took while president>> <<@drewidrie2396 says : The whole trial and charges were a kangaroo court fiasco anyway! Political manipulation! The Democrat party CAN NOT allow the citizens of this nation to simply vote on who they want as President if they want old Biden to have a chance at winning!>> <<@quarstrongforce says : Is this why the king of France got his head guilaten? Or the presidents got gun down? Please do not track me down for posting this.>> <<@ChooseCompassion says : So to be clear, this is also retroactive??? Please tell me I’m misunderstanding.>> <<@JohnSmith-pc3gc says : "Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has signaled her support if Ukraine attempted to dig up dirt on GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. She made the comment in a phone call with Russian prankster duo Vovan and Lexus, one of whom posed as ex-Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko. According to a recording of the conversation made public on Wednesday, Clinton and the man she believed to be Poroshenko discussed the political landscape in the US leading up to the November election, as well as the potential repercussions of a Trump victory for both Kiev and Washington. Trump has repeatedly criticized the way the administration of US President Joe Biden has handled the Ukraine conflict, saying he would end hostilities within 24 hours if elected and stop sending unconditional financial support to Kiev.">> <<@robertjohnson2899 says : Why are NY tax payers not angry that tens of millions of dollars were wasted for a show trial knowing immunity ruling was coming. Just further evidence they were only aiming to call him a convicted felon before the election>> <<@robertjohnson2899 says : Trump will have the last laugh. This is what happens when you over reach with novel legal theories to attempt to take out a political opponent. These idiots made him stronger then ever>> <<@louisborrego1390 says : Trump needs to shut down all the media outlets lie and lie and lie again. These dummies still believe the Russian collusion farce. Stephanopolis said on his show that Trump was a convicted rapist, which is not true. If you are in the news business, you need to tell the truth. If not, you lose you FCC license, and you can go online and troll.>> <<@imrael496 says : The NYC Judiciary has become a joke.>> <<@cadredeux1047 says : Defense wanted to delay trial until SC decided. Now whole case has be thrown out. Smith delayed his trial, now he can make adjustments going forward. NY case is dead or at least will have to be retried.>> <<@mosestekper7659 says : Trump: I killed someone in the oval office so it is an official act.>> <<@fit-unitd.o.o.8501 says : Stupid people = stupid country! You disgust me!>> <<@sekimuliandrew2223 says : JESUS IS LORD.>> <<@VeronicaMoreno-qd8yh says : *And that has been the way for ALL presidents (It is in the Constitution)...Until USA became a banana republic and persecutes political opponents. SHAME!*>> <<@johnposadas3808 says : cnn bad news for trump immunity>> <<@justinjones5747 says : This will destroy the already unconstitutional trials. Watch the left flip.out. lmfao. Who has popcorn.>> <<@dennisacuzar4731 says : The evidences/testimonials have been revealed before the high court dictated that it should have been hidden to protect their guy . How can you rewind or undo it and change the sentence into not guilty and pretend that the entire world didn't know it? Just curious.>> <<@Chukichev.Scientificmyths says : Presidential immunity from criminal prosecution is a dangerous decision by the Supreme Court. If Biden now (theoretically) orders the arrest and execution of Trump and the Supreme Court justices??? How will democracy end in the USA? Germany - 1938 or Russia - 2022???>> <<@ceyhunquliyev7865 says : The Beznau nuclear power plant in Switzerland, Меtsamor Plant in Armenia and Fessenheim Plant in France was chosen as the most dangerous reactors in the world due to its design in the 1960s and 1970s. The nuclear reactor should have been shut down a long time ago. Because it spreads radiation to Europe and other continents. Radioactive and chemical wastes of the Меtsamor NucIear Power Plant enter the Саspian Sea through rivers and then into the oceans through other rivers. The NPP is located in a seismic country and a strong earthquake can oćcur at any time. Armenia should be sanctioned and embargoed to close this reactor. This environmental terrorism must be stopped. The number of cancer patients in the world is increasing rapidly due to nuclear power plants. The Аrmenian government, which is a military-econоmic ally of the invading Russia and receives financial and military support from it, should think about the health of the peoples of Europe. The Prime Minister of Japan said that the chemical and radioactive waste of nuclear power plants in Japan will be discharged into the ocean. As a result of water circulation and rainfall, plants will absorb toxic water. There will be radiation in drinking water and cancer patients will increase. Russia's political and military leadership is planning armed sabotage at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Mines are buried in the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant from all sides. Explosives are placed inside the reactors. World leaders must stop this ecological disaster>> <<@Stud_muffin says : Remember judge, just because someone is sitting at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, it doesn't mean they were doing Presidential Acts. Ask Monica Lewinski.>> <<@bretshawnclark1589 says : Is the immunity defense, based on separation of powers at the federal level, applicable to a state prosecution? Logically it would not.>> <<@bugsy9007 says : The Supreme Court overturned "judge" Chungking in DC.>> <<@NEME4Life says : Our democracy is gone to shit and hell in a handbasket>> <<@NEME4Life says : The hush money was before he was fucking president. What the fuck is wrong with people the fucking Supreme Court sucks they all need to go to jail.>> <<@NEME4Life says : Fu**ing bull sh**>> <<@paulinequick5634 says : Trump doesn't have immunity from the Hush Money trial bc he wasn't president & he wasn't in the White House. He was a civilian in 2016. Immunity doesn't cover him as a civilian.>> <<@forthegameIGI says : MAGA>> <<@sangmoon2464 says : One thing the judge is probably thinking is how this will have him being judged. Everybody involved in these Trump prosecutions have been put under a legal magnifying glass. He really wants to put this past him in a way that won't boomerang back on him. Any judgement that can be stayed like a jail sentence will only keep him in the bullseye. I expect him to pass something like a suspended sentence that can't be stayed.>> <<@polcian3438 says : So why don’t Biden order seal team to take out DT and claim immunity>> <<@DominicWimbley says : Lmao Democrats need to sit this one out 😂😂😂😂>> <<@pressinpickle345 says : They will let him walk just like they do with drug addicts.>> <<@enckidoofalling2883 says : Great impeach or get the deal team Biden is immune right? They’re a threat to national security and Democracy>> <<@CozyCouchComedy says : Having sex with pornstars and bribing them into not talking is a "official act"? Wowww........................>> <<@vitarioospina3415 says : Every time the democrats gets Trump it backfires 😂>> <<@generaluriah9569 says : They will claim a corrupt jury. Declare a mistral and decide on retrial.>> <<@ghettotrippin9498 says : This is what happens when a judge rushes a trial for political purposes! "C'mon Man">> <<@pseudochef8522 says : In November, the MAGA faithful will coronate King Trump. The only thing SCOTUS left open was how our line of ascension is going to work. Oldest son? That would match the Trump misogyny agenda, so yeah, probably that.>> <<@benniecleveland7092 says : Vote blue for president biden and gallego so felon trump and liar kari lake stay out of office 💙>> <<@THollandcunt says : 💩https://youtu.be/nZ6tjUk1QOA?si=KveMhAonmtnsXKzB>> <<@lasttime4654 says : CNN still a disgrace!!>> <<@WBWLM says : Open to? He doesn’t have a choice.>> <<@sportsrealm32 says : Luckiest dude in the history of mankind>>