<<@lightlightlight says : TRUMP ❤>> <<@royscott9162 says : In 2024. The world is a much more dangerous place than it was in 2020. You, personally, the average Joe… Have a lot less buying power than what you had before. War is back in Europe. Gas prices are out of control. And inflation is out of control… Biden clearly has dementia. You guys are the geniuses who said yeah… I think Joe Biden would be a much better option for the United States than President Trump. I think many of you people need to grow up. Put your little personal differences and your Butt Hurt aside over some of the stuff that he says… And do what is in your own damn interest as we can no longer afford to look out for everyone else’s interest. Trump 2024!>> <<@Rtumpsucks says : He’s a slim all. Put his orange buddy in prison with him.>> <<@andrewfrazer8874 says : You have know the only one's listening is his followers cult fans>> <<@andrewfrazer8874 says : It's amazing he calls the fake media , interesting you buying into his campaign strategy free campaign ad's>> <<@dharr3447 says : @CNN #CNN is useless, call this BS out! This is dangerously troublesome that the media is now biased & scared.>> <<@robertobriones5732 says : This guy is madness he is evil and I don't understand how have of the country believe in him he is telling how he is going to destroy this nation and still voting for him maybe because they are the same is him>> <<@LeeloolinkaStudios says : Thinking about what happens when this happens, specifically, where the people end up [jail], it makes me think that we need more schools, than jails. That would actually be "correction" in my opinion. Why doesn't that happen? The system takes the person to a "correctional facility" where there is no correction. How about the other people on this planet make a facility that actually corrects people [like a school for this very purpose- when this happens] sounds like a good plan to me. I can only wonder why there isn't a place like this. My two cents are: the system [lawyers, police, judges, etc.] wouldn't have a job if that was the case. So, job protection is the first thing, I guess, they think about. Then, everything else. Help, but not too much. Make sense? Thoughts.>> <<@bonniemcilveen676 says : VOTE DONALD TRUMP 2024!! America's only choice.>> <<@robertgow9462 says : Traitor to your country, do something!!!!!>> <<@jamdoll8660 says : Let's start with Trump and Kevin Roberts on these military tribunals. They are both traitors to democracy. They are not the POTUS.>> <<@beatstreet570 says : He’s a monster. Just like his buddies. Putin. Potato North Korean guy.>> <<@premdeepkhatri1441 says : This proves that how much Trump is hungry of power. Once Biden lost debate Trump got confidence and becomes uncontrollable. Mean, selfish and jealous people can't digest success.>> <<@firefly11777 says : True,Liz hate deranged destroyed her credibilty career.>> <<@chirican9851 says : TRUMP 2024 LIZ CHENY IS A TRAITOR CHARGE HER WITH TREASON ..>> <<@chirican9851 says : Trump for sure go get em!!! TRUMP2024 baby>> <<@andrewstone2806 says : Military trials for political opponents! Welcome to the United States Of Russia 🇷🇺>> <<@malcomlahey5065 says : Again more lies.. what he wants to happen.. not what happens. The Pandora's box is in Trumps head..no truth no past no future... he is not President... He has no power to do anything... What he raves about will not happen... Serious or not he has built his brand on lies... Garbage...>> <<@No1sphool73 says : I know President Biden wants to be a president that fallows the constitution but once of the Trump Regime takes over he cannot go back and fix the devistation. Clear and present danger. He must act now. Maybe scotus gave him a gift to remove it>> <<@shakundala says : BIDEN IS THE ONE ARRESTING HIS POLITICAL RIVALS AND THOSE WHO QUESTION HIS AUTHORITY.>> <<@shakundala says : Silence, you hoser! Take Off, Eh! TRUMP 2024 ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸 👆🏿👆🏾👆🏽👆🏼👆👆🏻✌🏻>> <<@JohnJoanisse says : TRUMP is FNNN Sickening The Way He Come OUT Liz Cheney His Comment Regarding Liz Cheney A Tribunal I knew He TRUMP Was Stupid I Never Dreamed He Would Come OUT WITH That LIKE Build The WALL And Mexico Was Going to PAY for IT Bull 🐂 Shiter TRUMP 🇨🇦 From A Canadian 🇨🇦>> <<@pilotghost says : They need to order military tribunal against CNN'S bull Sh*t 😤 the propaganda machine of the democrats bull sh*t 😤>> <<@user-gt4qn8bv5o says : If Trump gets back in office he will use his new immunity to arrest all his political rivals and enemies as official acts of the President and then using fear of arrest he'll reign in all dissent and take complete control of the US.>> <<@pilinfafa says : ...Dudes...😮watch The Sopranos 1999 to 2006...GO‼️ ON>> <<@clarifyingquestions says : Trump! Trump! Trump!!!>> <<@katrinahutcherson474 says : A military tribunal for civilians and retired veterans…welcome to Gilead folks, under his eye! 🤬>> <<@ogoshen says : You need to call out his lies every time he opens his mouth CNN.>> <<@user-ty2yb1iy2o says : I would like for a real journalist to interview military personnel and ask them if they would execute people because Rump told them to! Of course he is such a coward he would have a puppett do his dirty work.>> <<@mortygoldmacher says : Betting pool on who will be the first person murdered on Trump's orders. I picked Michael Cohen.>> <<@optistudent1 says : Because in spite of all the money wasted by his father in ‘educating’ him, he is possessed of only a simple natural intellect, and has proven incapable of even the self education to be obtained from absorbing from others of higher intellect around him. He has a very limited vocabulary (as evidenced by his own word usage), and a poor comprehension of anything beyond very simple grammar. He is also arrogantly boorish, refusing to believe that anyone could be or is smarter than he, another indication of his limited intelligence. As Bertrand Russell observed “The stupid are cocksure, the intelligent full of self doubt”. There is no cure, but there is a solution. November will see the beginning of the solution.>> <<@andreatreven7950 says : VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙 TRUMP IS A LIAR IN CHIEF, CRIMINAL, TRAITOR, RAPIST, AND FRAUD. SUCH BABY, CRYING VICTIM.>> <<@lawrenceseiuli8907 says : QUESTION? Why are more and more democrats, independent voters are choosing to donate n vote for Trump even more after the conviction verdict, WHY? because people are NOT stupid, we saw the weaponizatio of the justice system by the democrats and by the media, some of these people don't even like Trump but want a fare system. WE could all see the Supreme Court overturning this based on facts, except nancy, Joel, manbc, fox, cnn.. FACTS matter you idiots. Now aoc wants to impeach the Supreme Court with no basis..>> <<@suejuliaw4472 says : 獵侯賺錢獵侯以獵調嘴獵侯偉宜崩價格李侯李洪志崩下來摧毀紐約邪教法輪功逮捕李洪志價格伏法,除掉人類禍害,才是替天行道。>> <<@ivetarottach8032 says : Only a fool would vote for the guy that gave up his country for wealth (joe biden) I’m voting for the man that gave up his wealth for his country TRUMP 2024!!! If you don’t see it by now get checked for brain worms.>> <<@garyroyals4441 says : Hey Donnie a Military Tribunal (hadn't thought of that) is a great idea but not for Liz Cheney. We should reserve that just for you buddy boy. You deserve it the most for all. your treasonous acts.>> <<@glynnwadeson5605 says : A ‘televised military tribunal’. For a civilian? This is yet more evidence of his unfitness for president, as it shows how much he wants to subvert regular legal processes and act as a fascist dictator.>> <<@marjan8888 says : This is Germany pre WW2>> <<@mikebrown9850 says : Wait! Didn’t Liz and friends destroy evidence and enter knowingly false testimony into their “findings” that led to subpoenas that put people in jail? That is illegal isn’t it?🤷🏻‍♂️ 🇺🇸😡🇺🇸😎🇺🇸 I mean if there have been no crimes committed by the people that will potentially be investigated, what’s the problem?🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, right? 🤯🤬>> <<@jedheart8059 says : Under Federal law, “domestic terrorism” is defined as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.” https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/15/fact-sheet-national-strategy-for-countering-domestic-terrorism/>> <<@jluke7440 says : Trump is the truth that “woke” CNN viewers can’t handle in fact anyone still watching this opinion commentary pos in 2024 is at this point grasping at straws trying to hold onto that leftist propaganda narrative that is being rejected across the US it only survives in once thriving but now shithole cities>> <<@user-cv3zm3hg9j says : 👎👎👎👎👎I am going to mention Biden is a real danger! In Biden wach Two wars Rusia and Ucrania, many people have died in both countries, Hamas and Israel a lot people have died ! This war started in Biden administration Because the war Rusia and ucrania Biden had given more than 60 billion dollars to Ucrania this is American people tax dollars Huties and hesbolla irán atacking Israel All this in Biden 3 years in office we are closer I Biden inflation 20% Biden immigration 10 million in 3 years no to mention more than 300 terrorist crossings the border, Is anything worse than that whit Biden , now Biden Alzaheimers, Hunters Biden drug addiction and going to his father to make decisions about United States hunter making decisions in the white house, please give me a break 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@bullgatorteam349 says : Clavical girl can be Trump's first witness...shine da light on these infidels ! Disclose the 9-11 truths..com'on Jack.>> <<@jtheaowdd says : Why do I care? Im a democrat why do I honestly care? You guys literally did this crap by not fact checking him. So why do I care?>> <<@dougg1075 says : Why didn’t he throw Hillary in jail? Strange>> <<@dougg1075 says : For “ constitutional “ acts. Sigh He’s right.>> <<@Donald-qb9ot says : You guys need to give up on your fake news because Donald Trump was talking about cars not United States humans>> <<@heritagevr4010 says : Liz Cheney is dark. Evil, biased, scheming. an extremely twisted individual. She will lose everything when the truth finally comes out. A military Tribunal will be the least of her worries then.>> <<@kristinklann6246 says : What did Cheney do? Treason?>> <<@user-qm1wc7dc8t says : Now Trump can have as many thirteen year old girls (probably boys too). As he wants with no immunity he doesn’t have to hide on an island.>>