<<@lvueoutdoors3528 says : She lies. She saw it but just denied it. Hunt always says bad things aboit republicans and tries to cover up democrats.>> <<@1993rockstar says : Build the wall around the capital y'all are not for the people anymore so we don't need y'all>> <<@1993rockstar says : It is absolutely not his decision its us the people you clowns Bidens presidential days are over and thats his fault>> <<@leamonherron4673 says : I can't believe there's people out there that brain dead that actually believes hes a great president>> <<@ReviewBoard-uy5nv says : BUTTIGIEG OR KATIE PORTER PLEASE>> <<@stevensolomon2300 says : Biden looked like he has rigor mortis.He needs to ace the interview with George Stephanopoulos tomorrow. Trump lied about everything,like he always does.Now Biden,has no room for error.He needs to be on point,every time that he speaks. Kamala Harris will not beat Trump.But there is still a way for Biden to win.He needs to buck up,and attack trump.And go for the jugular,and save our democracy.Yes in a normal world,Biden should step down. But we all live in Bizarro world.And new rules apply.All that i have said,must happen.Trump becomming the next president is not acceptable.>> <<@florencegraham5326 says : Who knows if they use Qanon power on him, because it was wonderful. Is it not the same Biden who gave a nice speech at state union mouths ago???>> <<@user-cv3zm3hg9j says : 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢Rusia, China , irán They know Biden Alzaheimers make him incompetent for the job this country’s hate America and the have nuclear weapons, Biden needs to step down America is in danger whit Biden obviously Alzheimer’s We need Trump 💪💪>> <<@mt2531966 says : This guy is a joke. Worst President elected from a basement. Who is running the country. Wait his addict Hunter is advising his Dad during meetings 🤣🤣>> <<@mt2531966 says : Days before the debate CNN praised Biden how sharp and fine he is. Trump is right to call you Fake News.>> <<@romanusmercenarius255 says : fjb get trump in office>> <<@user-io5lh2nk3z says : teleprompter joe>> <<@noahpaulos5931 says : Thank you Biden you just handed Trump the White House Thank you God>> <<@JhonCarolan says : We have nothing to worry about Joey has Dr. Jill and his crackhead son telling him what to do. Everything is under control. So everybody can sleep good now.>> <<@jamesbyington4764 says : If I were Biden Maro Lago would be a target.Then resign>> <<@jamesbyington4764 says : Why should Democrats listen to press when it comes to decisions.Trumplicans do what is bad for country without question.>> <<@tooranoroojnia3436 says : CNN is constantly creating a toxic atmosphere in Biden's campaign causing doubts and chaos which can only help Trump to win.>> <<@bobbush5339 says : Dear Democrats, can Joe Biden defeat God and his age and Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan's last words to a few faithful followers were: “I have conquered for you a large empire. But my life was too short to take the whole world. That I leave to you.”>> <<@meltuchman3280 says : I. Can't even listen to this Congressman.He is so full of s***It's disgusting>> <<@swlancaster1964 says : It has to be Biden's decision over and over. Good grief.>> <<@llk3763 says : This just came out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f2Z30j61aw>> <<@MrNancyv9 says : Well said Mike Quigley! He did a superb job these last 3+ years, Biden must be honest with himself otherwise God save from the 🍊 dictator!>> <<@tonybloomfield5635 says : 'The House Intelligence Committee' is an oxymoron.>> <<@waynehegland1314 says : Jet lag joe…😴😴😴😂😂😂>> <<@Flights-gq8po says : If Pres Biden is going to do the BEST for our country, he should make that decision AS SOON AS POSSIBLY, before people change their minds and we loose our Country>> <<@justsheley says : You've been talking about it ad nauseam. You're doing a dandy job of convincing undecided voters to go Trump. The entire question of replacing Biden is ridiculous. I am so tired of the double standard. It is dangerous and ingenious. The GOP is still worshipping Trump despite, well, every disgusting thing he's said, done, been convicted of, and been indicted for. But Biden had a single bad night and suddenly it's the end of the world. It's like Hillary's emails all over again. Somewhere along the line, the press stopped expecting anything of substance from the Right. Now, it's gone so far as to accept all of the outrageous and dangerous crap without the blink of an eye - or journalistic instinct. The Left, though, is another story. The Left is expected to "fix" things, including magically governing despite all of the Right's obstruction - & borderline treason - of these days. The Left is supposed to continue on as the adults in the room, to keep the country generally functioning. Why? The Left has tried to live up to this expected normalcy no matter the unfairness, the hypocrisy of the media. But this has allowed the country to ignore the abnormalities on the Right until we have today's MAGA. Now, we find ourselves in a place where this prejudice has the media asking if Biden should drop out. Not Trump, who lies compulsively and did so during the debate, who stole classified materials, who let hundreds of thousands of people die through his general incompetence, who incited an insurrection, who has promised to dismantle our government... Frankly, it isn't possible for Biden to have had so poor of a performance that Trump’s lies, his past should be considered as having done better. Why didn't CNN have live fact-check? I thought we learned that lesson in 2015. Fact-check could have hurt only one candidate>> <<@Tooldruid says : It wasn't just a "bad night". It wasn't just one "bad debate." It was 90 minutes of cognitive malfunctioning confirming everyone's worst thoughts. A very different scenario than just a "bad night">> <<@tonyfernandez7901 says : Joe biden belongs in assisting living and everyone knows it 😮 Democrats have given Trump the election on a silver platter 😮>> <<@user-ud5jo4td3c says : Okay you Democratic Party Puppet Factory Clowns go ahead and get your Candidate ready for Debate #2 and lets examine the difference??? I thought the first debate was comical!!!!>> <<@ebenezeraduku6376 says : I feel so sick and sad that President Biden and all his advisers don't see the biggest gamble they are making by not dropping President Biden now. President Biden has done very well during his presidency but he shouldn't ruin it by taking the huge risk of letting this country go down in flames. One thing he should think about is that, before the debate, some people thought that he was too old to be the president because of how he walked. He came to the debate to prove them right. The more you guys wait the more you will lose everybody. Don't be delusional.>> <<@Feed9Will says : What - Horrible? That's very unamerican. Home of the inclusive and equal. We must acknowledge their similarities. They both have no relevancy. Both empty shells of a corpse with a lot of nothing to say. Each puppet's strings consealed quite well. One could almost be convinced its a two party opposing system. Almost...>> <<@user-cq9sj4oc9i says : How do we hold the media accountable for this. We must not allow them pretend they did not know>> <<@kentexican5844 says : "One of The Great Presidencies of our Lifetime" 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭>> <<@paulwisham5943 says : I grew up a Democrat in a strongly blue&working class city (Honolulu), and State. Anyone who is being honest with themselves, can see what happened and what’s happening on tv and the media. The do anything to win for Biden, including lie to his own people, is unacceptable.>> <<@rgm4289 says : Cognitive decline? ..You mean like Hannibal Lecter, frozen snakes, and electrocution to avoid shark attacks?..>> <<@PerryLogan says : If Biden is replaced, Biden voters will stay home.>> <<@Irene-rn1ro says : Hunter needs him to stay.>> <<@mountainman.4478 says : THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP DIDN'T CREATE THE LEFTS HATE! IT REVEALED IT!>> <<@studlydoright1008 says : Why doesn't CNN Talk about the real Issues about this election. Project 2025 is put forth by the heritage Foundation. Founded in 1973 by 3 Anti American billionaires. Who were handed their fortune. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. Joseph Coors Paul Weyrich Every one in this great Country regardless of affiliation or religion should read this plan to Destroy this Country.>> <<@studlydoright1008 says : CNN trying to create doubt in for voteres is sickning. Knowing the Anti American crook Trump will never beat Joe Biden a real president. CNN knows Joe has had stutter problem.>> <<@user-tf3wp3vw4v says : Biden never served the country and the people; Biden has only served his ambitions and his pocket book. He is and has always been a threat to the United States. Trump 2024!>> <<@user-fi2ni8xj1z says : MSNBC CNN KISS BIDEN CANDY ASS FJB>> <<@vincentizzo8408 says : Wow, a smart person look at the big picture because then he can really see what’s going on and if he does, he will see that Joe Biden has been the best present we’ve had in a very longtime so for true Americans, the only person to vote for is Joe>> <<@bobsamuel1567 says : Biden has Parkinsonism, a neurologist tells The Free Press: On yesterday’s (July 2, 2024) Front Page, Emily Yoffe called for the president to address questions about his fitness for office by undergoing a medical assessment conducted by a group of independent doctors and making the findings public. Dear Ms. Yoffe, I read your piece in The Free Press on President Biden’s obvious neurologic illness. Neurologists frequently make diagnoses by observation. In fact, most movement disorder diagnoses are made by direct observation or description by patients and families. Mr. Biden has Parkinsonism, an umbrella term that refers to neurologic conditions that cause slowed movements, rigidity, and tremors. By observation, he has a masked face, reduced blinking, stiff and slow gait, hunched posture, low volume voice, imbalance, freezing, mild cognitive disturbance, and difficulty turning. I have seen one video of tremor. All these diagnose Parkinsonism. He would need further investigation by experts to determine which specific disease within the broad term he has, such as idiopathic Parkinson’s disease or another specific disease. While there is no cure for the many conditions comprising Parkinsonism, there are effective treatments for many of the symptoms. By failing to get a diagnosis, the president is denying himself such treatments, and so worsens his own situation.>> <<@Mister8224 says : This sandbagging dolt has no mind of his own. When he said JB is one of the great presidents in history, a wave of nausea came over me. And, no it wasn't a "bad night". Nobody in their right mind would consider voting for that.>> <<@sp0re8900 says : He was up there sounding like a scratch cd, there is no buffing this one away.>> <<@misanthropicmusings4596 says : Replace Biden, you take away the republican's number one attack vector and then you can go after not only Trump's malfeasance but his clear mental decline.>> <<@christiankepler8371 says : He should have been forced out long ago. This shows how corrupt our current government is all politicians are guilty of genocide and money laundering...>> <<@UncleJoeLITE says : Australia is scared af. Please do something, it's heading to Maga [ie. red Maga, blue Maga can't win.]>> <<@abdullahbinsaeed9971 says : "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." George Orwell - 1984>>