<<@Tyt55 says : It’s amazing what these Murdoch commentators will say or do to keep their jobs!>> <<@mitchellmeyer293 says : Wow you guys down under, really are Down Under Sky News is Propaganda at the FOX level So sad that Australians are subjected to this Fake narrative and alternate reality>> <<@zzodysseuszz says : 0:11 deadly? Literally nobody was harmed or died. A police officer had a stroke off the perimeter and a bystander was shot by a police officer while also off perimeter. It was not deadly on the least.>> <<@MS-_-4891 says : SCOTUS acknowledges POTUS immunity, not grants. Something we kinda knew all along until some emboldened ignorant fuckwit thought he has standing to sue the man simply because another fuckwit shut him down on twitter.>> <<@TroyShahanMusic says : Sorry liberals!!! Y’all tried to cheat the man!!!>> <<@penman1289 says : The examples of what a president could do ,has already been going on with presidents in the US for many, many years in the past.all the way back to nickson. Who are you kidding. Lol>> <<@paulparadoxia says : Ok Biden, get slates of fake electors ready, get dem governors ready to switch votes, it's all G now...>> <<@paulparadoxia says : OK great Biden should "officially" take out trump, now !!!>> <<@paulparadoxia says : Absolutetly so what if HE had more votes... obviousl;y trumps better fk off libtards!!!>> <<@BMRStudio says : Look like they are preparing the soft way out for Biden… Biden should afraid from prosecution for accepting foreign payments when he was Vice President. They know Trump administration will dig up everything in their past! So if they sentencing now Trump for nothing, they will have no choice in the future to not prosecute Biden for his corruptions! Clear as sky what’s going on here!>> <<@GrooberNedJardine says : There was election fraud !!!! certain states changed their electoral laws unconstitutionally , that is a fact . There was Ballot stuffing and Ballot harvesting , plus counting absentee votes weeks later , and a lot more which is known . And as far as Biden goes with him using Lawfare against his political opponent , we might say that he should be indicted for trying to manipulate the outcome of the 2024 election in Advance , by trying to jail his political opponent . Now that is a Coup d etat RIGHT THERE .>> <<@blooper_01 says : This is simply an affirmation of a protection granted by the constitution to every President all along. The J6 BS is just that, BS.>> <<@myrahouse2368 says : If anyone thinks the Jan 6th a few hours of people getting into the capital building was worse than the many many months of far left BlM riots there’s no hope. Woke = propaganda BS>> <<@robg_ says : John 6:40 For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son (Jesus) and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”>> <<@goodgame3374 says : A license to commit crime? There's no way this could go wrong.>> <<@Wormtongue. says : How can anyone support this, it directly contradicts the rule of law, what is the judicial courts smoking over there ?>> <<@ARTIC7051 says : THE SUPREME COURTS CLARIFICATION OF PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY IS OUR LAW ..NOT THIS LEFTS INSANITY DESTROYING AMERICA..TRAITORS ALL>> <<@stillsmallvoice1277 says : "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Is narcissistic Tump beyond corruption? Trump's power and criminal life testifies to the truth of this saying. Best thing for the world, judge Trump by his hypocritical words and, "Lock him up!">> <<@stillsmallvoice1277 says : 'The big stupid question": Does a criminal and degenerate president have total immunity? The supreme court has now answered this question by allowing Trump to delay, try to run out time and do whatever his evil mind imagines. So far Trump, as an ex-president is benefitting from a lack of accountability and immunity. This is immoral, unjust and clearly wrong. Why is Trump allowed to run for an election he doesn't even respect or agree to accept the outcome of (unless he wins)? Trump is an evil would-be dictator. "Lock him up! Don’t believe it? Listen to Trump's words.>> <<@Nancy-uc2tu says : The idiot democrats don’t realize the ruling applies to Potatohead too. They want the ruling overturned. Are they that stupid to know he won’t be charged either? The answer, my friends, is yes.>> <<@janetstotler399 says : You are telling an ABSOLUTE LIE! They gave ALL presidents immunity from official acts.>> <<@danb8721 says : Just because the media won’t present the facts, which show President Trump — at no time — suggested insurrection. The evidence of fraud in the 2020 election is overwhelming, and President Trump requested additional security for January 6; denied by the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. This Scottish hack knows all this yet continues beating the drum of propaganda. Shame on Sky News.>> <<@mattmc9812 says : If hes granted immunity how about Obama bushes and Clinton's. While I don't want trump to be charged I don't want to see the bushes Obama and the Clintons or even sleepy Joe get away with their multitude of crimes>> <<@michaeldomansky8497 says : #Trump2024>> <<@Joyce-jr1zc says : Wonderful😊❤🇨🇦>> <<@IowaBudgetRCBashers says : He did absolutely nothing wrong as president or as a normal citizen. He will be the next president and save the world from the tyranny of evil>> <<@Teramydog says : Jan 6th is a huge scam on the American people>> <<@ldqa2737 says : Democrats are stupid. If Trump is convicted then Obama and Biden and Bush are next.>> <<@BestLaddOgama says : I honestly enjoy the fact that conservatives are confused on whether to blindly follow because this just makes Biden and every damn Democratic president immune to things just like Trump is>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : Let AI be the new president of the USA in 2050…….. I watched too many Terminator movies….>> <<@SuzannaK-uk9vm says : If you were naive like me and thought there wasn't corruption in the US ,this has been a big wake up call . Goodbye USA ,you are going down ,down ,down and will not be recognisable in 10 years>> <<@connorduke4619 says : To the Brit reporter: Trump did not promise "retribution" against anyone you Woke fool. He's not an insecure narcissistic like Bidens, Obamas, Clintons.>> <<@bullterror5 says : WHAT A STUPID FUCKING BANK!!>> <<@HiboaskarMaxamuud says : Asylee seeker bill off civil rights nexus while the 8th circuite court was making decision in the procedureing of my case hires v Barr i got stab shot and stoned with rocks in 2019 now im on the appeal and receiving death threats ...>> <<@lukeparsons1187 says : Biden "denounced" it.. but didn't use an executive order to overturn it? Trump aside, this is about making all Presidents above the law for everything done as a president.. zero accountability.>> <<@user-um2vj4zn2w says : Pathetic. Son of a BITCH. COMPLETE. UTTER LIAR. AND. BASTARD.>> <<@tylerdurden4006 says : Just like boeing for conspiracy and murder...what a joke of a country.>> <<@margaretcunningham9092 says : James, you left out that the police shot rubber bullets into the crowd to stir them up & concusion bombs were exploding everywhere, again thrown in by the police. I thought this channel was impartial, but you don't seem to be.>> <<@KelvinDaniel-oz9yq says : *Hallelujah!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻was owning a loan of $47,000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery (David), Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $12,000 and got my payout of m $270,500 every months,God bless Christy Fiore🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸..*>> <<@margaretcunningham9092 says : Does this mean that the CIA can't assassinate Amerrican Presidents any more? The Navy Seals & the CIA have killed more Presidents around the world than any third world country. So, this hard left Justice is talking BS. This has far reaching effects regarding the Bushs & the Clintons, so now they can be prosecuted. So, vote REFORM!>> <<@jimdavid7710 says : Whingers>> <<@martynlee7473 says : So....if this passes, Clinton, Bush, Barry and Biden would also be immune??>> <<@JohnWilliams-iw6oq says : So lets get this straight, Clinton and Pelosi can demand that their supporters should attack Republican voters and refuse them service in stores, sack them from jobs and that's OK. They can even claim fake laptops, Russian interference and rigged elections but for Trump to say he believes the last election was corrupted and invalid was inciting people to insurrection? Western politics has become so corrupt it's a wonder we are allowed to breath without paying the mob protection money.>> <<@glenmaxwell3465 says : Fantastic News Viva la Trump>> <<@bullterror5 says : THAT'S IN ADDITION TO THE REPAYMENT OF THE EMBEZZLED MONEY TO THE ACCOUNT AND THEN YOUVE GOT TO PAY TWICE THAT AMOUNT OR MORE TO THE COURT>> <<@GL-ys8je says : That's fucked up no one should be immune of any crime.All these politicians a pedo's and get away with that shit all the time.>> <<@Loaded4Bear-gi8yt says : Jan06 was 100% DNC orchestrated>> <<@magiller2010 says : Deadly riot ? When did this happen.>> <<@magiller2010 says : Hunter biden has no immunity though>> <<@steviegbcool says : Time for Biden to order team seal 6....>>