<<@martinthomas2520 says : Father time is undefeated, the Democratic party has a bright future ahead so there’s no need to stick with Joe>> <<@npcrstlne says : Ahhh the 🤡who tried to run for president that everyone forgot about...>> <<@ClarkKentt-x7x says : Biden win again because they will use dominion machine made from China and he will cheating again>> <<@matthume7455 says : Why did she just lie and say they didn't stifle the primaries. This is exactly what they did. CNN is officially a propaganda machine for the elites to control the process and not the people.>> <<@matthume7455 says : RFK needs to be the next president of the United States. 70 Percent do not want trump or biden . RFK has Americans interests at heart and the duopoly party does not>> <<@mayito714 says : The media -- with a few exceptions -- were the *perpetrators* of this Biden cognitive fraud, not victims of it.>> <<@CanadianLoveKnot says : It's amazing how someone behind the scenes can just flip a switch, and all the Democrats and MSM are in lockstep!>> <<@Tommy-zt4zw says : The GOAT has my VOTE. Vote for RFK Jr. 2024.>> <<@CruiseSen-b1b says : America needs an Asian president not white or black or Indian anymore. They all proven to be a total failure and brought America to mediocre. They are good in talks but poor in actions. And their strategies of antagonistic China instead of cooperate with China to develop their economies all end up in total failure. They have all make China stronger day by day. What a joke!>> <<@dinismantas7265 says : This guy can shut up and disappear. What a spineless muppet. He lost me the moment he forced tears during an event when he was candidate in the primaries. I can't digest stunts like that.>> <<@hashimashrafmba7305 says : He has screwed up everything>> <<@pcastromedina says : CNN = CROOKED NASTY NEWS. This is not longer a trustworthy source of news, you are just spreading lies to favor Trump because the convicted felon psychopath has no chance of winning the elections. The American people are not dumb. Why aren’t you reporting on Trump’s connections to Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring? We know you won’t do it because you’re being paid to hush it up. Andrew Yang is a loser!!!>> <<@ghostmantagshome-er6pb says : ***TRUMP 2024!***>> <<@firozebukht8207 says : Tiny womenize spend very intelligent and lucrative life because of the immunity of false blame game.>> <<@user-it8ps1yv3u says : I think he’s right!>> <<@ssb1056 says : He is a nobody!!! All CNN hosts are pressing this in a loud echo chamber!!! STOP>> <<@MrLuffy9131 says : This guy having the smallest number of votes vs the dementia guy having the most shows Democracy is dead>> <<@history_addict136 says : Biden in the presidential race is guaranteed win for Trump. Let alone his obvious deteriorated mental faculties, his adamant support for Israel will make democrats lose a lot of votes. Actually, many people are abstaining now, as the choice is between voting for the now 80+ guy or voting for a guy who will be 80+ in the office. On the other hand, Trump followers see voting as a duty and a must and will go in droves to vote for him.>> <<@askay747 says : Give us Andrew Yang!!!!>> <<@EdBenji says : From every angle the Democrat party looks like one big pile of dog shit!!>> <<@kmeccat says : Harris is a contender!? OMG... NOBODY likes her--she'd be a disastrous choice. Buttigieg has proven to be a useless joke. Newsome and Whitmer are tyrants hated by their own citizens. There's NOBODY decent in the Dem Party now?>> <<@clbernier2 says : Andrew Yang used to be my favorite, now he just needs to keep his mouth shut.>> <<@dwj9099 says : Andrew Yang is spot on. Biden needs to go.>> <<@michaelsweat9044 says : Andrew Yang hahahaha, Yang has failed to win every election for office he ran for: President, Governor, senator. Lost them all. Hardly someone i'd take election advice from.>> <<@thesheepthemightythecrazy says : The blues want to shoe horn the female VP.>> <<@rleon8183 says : Andrew Yang, socialist, doesn't have the wherewithall to tell anyone to do anything. Andrew the whacko universal income proponent is just as whacked as ByeDone!>> <<@dalerichardhoward4566 says : KENNEDY/SHANAHAN 24>> <<@jamaljyf says : No Americans will accept an Asian to be president. 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@logger4711 says : Andrew Yang thanks for always being honest. Steer clear of CNN though. This network is a toilet. So corrupt!>> <<@brianhong301 says : GI JOE: The POTUS belongs to me & no way am I going to give that to Humpty Trumpty. I also need that to gain riches for my beloved son, now, the Hunted & to protect him against the convicted criminal. GI=Genocide Indictable>> <<@leosmith105 says : From the guy who wanted everyone who received the COVID vaccine to get a tattoo proving it.>> <<@rwksasc says : An old senile man clings to power. That’s democracy!>> <<@drsmetal2747 says : I hate how she cuts him when he's was answering her questions. The man is absolutely correct that Democrats should have never closed the primaries.>> <<@silkwoodart says : Yang should offer each individual in the Biden Administration $1000 to step aside. LOL>> <<@Peter-sh4se says : Andrew Yang suggested that the Dem Party stiffled the primaries. And the CNN reporter pushes the idea 'they didn't, they didn't" about the primaries. Just shows she is not objective. The people wanted Bernie and the Dems crushed that opportunity. The Dem Party is as corrupted as the Republican party. When will their members get them to live truth and do the right thing always. Now this Biden mess is showing how the political parties really are and how Biden is. He's in love with himself as much as Trump,; he just wants the glory and power unlike Trump who wants the money and opportunity and glory and power.>> <<@markeasley6149 says : Yang Gang must denounce Braindead Biden.>> <<@tclinn2909 says : Andrew Yang is spot on.>> <<@AnimeBeefRandoms says : Pick one person: The data. 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Corey0205 says : i have never been more embarrassed to be an american. We have to vote for a man who is senile to save democracy now?>> <<@Bruno-cr2eu says : The problem is that democrats are in a pickle. They can’t push Kamala aside . She’ll also lose to Trump and they can’t find a replacement for Biden. The mistake was choosing an already elderly who was showing signs of dementia in 2020 . They should have picked someone other than Biden>> <<@JaydenLawson says : Deciding a candidate based on "data" shows how devious the Democrats are. How about choosing a candidate based on character, morality, and policy?>> <<@JaydenLawson says : Biden needs to run!! I'm loving this divisiveness!>> <<@tenzinchoegyal4067 says : Yang set down from communist democrats party as Asian an immigrant>> <<@CPACK1 says : We had it so bad when Trump was President, closed Borders, cheaper gas and food. NO wars, stores still open and Crime no where like today. Tell me something Biden has done to help anyone.>> <<@wilsonsmanz says : The problem with the democratic party is that they live in delusion too much. Anybody with common sense could tell Biden has some sort of dementia and they keep telling us he's better than he has ever been. Everybody is struggling so much with inflation and they tell us the economy is great. Then with the illegal immigration issue, for years they were saying it was overblown. So whoever is the new democrat candidate, are they going to keep lying and backing awful policies? That is the real question. Are they going to defend all the illegals coming in? Are they going to say the economy is great? If so, they will lose too. Dems need to win on policy and not fearmongering>> <<@august7045 says : Skype? Really?>> <<@garrettolson5516 says : is the wang gang still a thing?>> <<@kashe747 says : Andrew Yang for President! Universal Basic Income!>> <<@thericster5541 says : Didn’t Andrew Yang flip parties? Why is he being represented as a democrat?>> <<@bayridge2011 says : But I thought all this talk was lying, you know, Trump 'lying', about Biden. You know you ppl are so corrupt. From the moment Trump won, Democrats blocked access to the Inauguration, block cars and pedestrians, attack ppl and even ransack shops. 'Don't worry, they have insurance', the communist left and its mainstream media said. Anti- free speech people. Anti-second amendment baby killers. Just the rotten side of our country. So just a week before the debate all this talk about Bidenwas more of Trump's lies? No. More of fhe truth about the corruption. liars.>>